福建省漳州市七年级英语上册Unit3 Topic2校本作业(含答案)

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福建省漳州市七年级英语上册Unit3 Topic2校本作业(含答案)_第1页
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福建省漳州市七年级英语上册Unit3 Topic2校本作业(含答案)_第2页
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福建省漳州市七年级英语上册Unit3 Topic2校本作业(含答案)_第4页
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1、Unit3 Topic2Section A.看音标写单词。1. _kdz , welcome to my home.2. Boys and girls, Im _ to meet you. ld3. My _ prnts are at home today.4. This man is a _.w:k 5. My sister is a _.dkt .句型转换。1. I am a teacher. (就划 线部分提问) _ do you _?2. What do you do? (同义句替换) What _ you?3. His sister is a nurse. (就划线部分提问) _ _

2、 his sister _?4. 他们是医生。 They _ _.Section B.句型转换:根据要求变换句型,每空填一词。1.They work on a farm. (就划线部分提问)Where _ they _?2.They are workers.(就划线部分提问)_ do they _?3.He works in an office. (改为否定句)He _ _ in an office.4.He is a doctor. (就划线部分提问)What he ?5.Jane and Maria both work in a school. (改为一般疑问句)Jane and Mari

3、a both in a school?.选择方框内单词的适当形式填空.farm,hospital, drive, study, teach1.My father often_his car to go to work.2.Im a farmer.I work on a _.3.She is a student,and she_in No.1 Middle School.4.She is a nurse.She works in a_5.She is a teacher,and she_English.Unit 3 Topic 2Section C.看音标写单词。1. kl 2. suf 3.

4、br 4. kzn 5. d:t 6. tri: 7. sn 8. rnpernt .短语翻译1.一张全家福 2.在沙发上 3.穿着一件绿色的 T恤衫 4.穿着红色衣服 .综合填空This is a photo 1 Kangkangs family. The young man 2 a green T-shirt is his uncle. The young woman in yellow is his 3 (婶婶). They 4 (有) a daughter. She is 5 cousin. The young man in red and the young man in black

5、 6 (是) his parents. Kangkangs grandparents look 7 (开心的). Kangkang has a big family.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Unit 3 Topic 2Section D.看音标写单词及汉语意思。1. lv 2. ts 3. kju:t 4. ple .句型转换1.His father is a cook. (就划线部分提问)his father ?2.My parents are office workers. (就划线部分提问)your parents ?3.Kangkang works in a hosp

6、ital. (就划线部分提问)Kangkang ?4.His mother works on a farm. (改为一般 疑问句)his mother on a farm?.词汇:选择括号内恰当的单词填入空白处,使句子完整、正确。1.Where (do/does) she work?2.His uncles (work/works) on a farm.3.She (teach/teaches) in a high school.4.He has a cat. (Its/Its) color is white.5.His brother is an (actor/worker) .Unit3

7、Topic2Section A.1. Kids 2. glad 3. parents 4. worker 5. doctor .1. What do 2. are 3. What does d o 4. are doctorsSection B.1.do/work 2.What/do 3. doesnt work 4. does/do 5.Do/work.1.drives 2.farm 3.studies 4.hospital 5.teachesUnit 3 Topic 2Section C.1.uncle 2.sofa 3.brother 4.cousin 5.daughter 6.tree 7.son 8.grandparent.1.a photo of my family 2.on the sofa 3.in a green T-shirt 4.in red.1.of 2.in 3.aunt 4.have 5.Kangkangs 6.are 7.happyUnit 3 Topic 2Section D.1.love 喜欢 2.its 它的 3.cute 可爱的 4.play 玩耍,演奏.1.What does do 2.What do do 3.Where does work 4.Does work.1.does 2.work 3.teaches 4.Its 5.actor


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