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1、2023年天津市部分区初中学业水平考试第二次模拟练习英语试卷本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)、第II卷(非选择题)两部分。第I卷为第1 页至第8页,第II卷为第9页至第12页。试卷满分120分。考试时间100分 钟。答卷前,请你务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考点校、考场号、座位号填写 在“答题卡”上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答题时,务必将答案涂写 在“答题卡上,答案答在试卷上无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和“答题卡” 一并交回。祝你考试顺利!第I卷注意事项:1. 每题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把“答题卡”上对应题目的答案标号的信 息点涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号的信息点。2. 本卷共

2、五大题,共80分。一、听力理解(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并,供选择的A、B、C三幅 图画。找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。英语试卷(二模)第1页(共12页)3.A.B.B.B)下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组 所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。5. What will Charlie do?C. Carry the flowers.A. Carry the books. B. Carry the chairs.6. How old is Anna Garcia?C. 14.A. 1

3、2.B. 13.7. How does the girl know about Paris?A. From TVB. From newspapers.C. From books and the Internet.8. What colour is the girPs house?C. Brown.A. Green.B. White.9. What are the women going to do tomorrow?A. Do some shopping.B. Do some sightseeing.C. Do some sports.10. Where would Mr Pettis lik

4、e to stay?A. At home.B. At school.C. At the zoo.11. When is the flight to New York on Wednesday?A. At 3pm.12. How much is the ticket?B. At 4pm.C. At 5pm.A. 150 dollars.B. 160 dollars.C. 170 dollars.13. What will the weather be like?A. Rainy.B. Snowy.C. Windy.14. How will the woman go to Beijing?A. B

5、y train.B. By bus.英语试卷(二模)第2页(共C. By plane.12页) C)听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听下面一段材料,回答第15至第17题。15. What docs the man think of animals?A. They are lovely.B. They make people happy.C. They are very important and make the world more beautiful.16. What animals docs the man like b

6、est?A. Pandas, kangaroos and lions.B. Dogs, kangaroos and elephants.C. Pandas, kangaroos and elephants.17. Why does the man like kangaroos?A. Because they are interesting.B. Because they live in Australia.C. Because they run fast.听下面一段材料,回答第18至第20题。18. What did the dog want to buy?C. A box of cookie

7、s.A. A box of biscuits. B. A box of chocolate.19. How did the dog go home?C. By car.A. On foot.B. By bus.20. Did the dog get on the right bus?C. It was hard to say.A. Yes, it did.B. No, it didnt.二、单项填空(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。Summer Palace last weekend.C. a;theD. an

8、;a21. We took tour by coach to A. the; aB. a; an22. Is this the girPs football?No. Ifs not football.A. sheB. herC. hersD. herself23. Though he cut his finger during an operation, Dr Bethune his workC. managed D. continued with the British. Many have Britishwithout treating his wound. A. devidedB. pu

9、nished24. The Australians have a close relatives.A. relationshipB. standardC. introductionD. technology25. Traveling by coach is in four diflerent ways from London to Amsterdam.A. cheapB. cheaperC. cheapestD. the cheapest26. The Kings a tea party in the garden when we arrived.A. haveB. hndC. are hav

10、ing27. The animals in the zoo ninny different countries.A. come onB. come fromC. come out28. In Alaska, the days arc long and warm in summer, but evening.A. mayB. may not C. must29. The apple pic tastes . Theres sugar in it.D. were havingD. come round be cool in theD. must notA. sourB. hotC. sweetD.

11、 strong30. On the plane, you can take two bags, they must not weigh too much.A. andB. butC. orD. so31. you ever any prizes in a speaking competition before? No, I havent.A. Do; winB. Did; winC, Will; winD. Have;won32.1 dont think they allow people in the lake. Its dangerous.A. to swimB. to runC.to e

12、atD.to throw33. The doctor wants to know for breakfast that day.A. what I haveB.what do I haveC. what I hadD.what did I have34. We must be sure that everyone can use the camera .A. nearlyB. mainlyC. properly D. loudly35. Lets go shopping for food and drink. A. Too much sugar is bad for you.B.OK. How

13、 about some orange juice?C. fcyour food and drink healthy?D. Eat the right food and be healthy.三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中 选出最佳选项。Last Friday, I agreed to meet some friends at 6: 00 pm in a coffee shop. The weather was fine, 36 I decided to walk there. I arrived ten

14、minutes earlier. I ordered点)a cup of 37 and sat watching people. There were some boys playing football on the street, and a small boy was running after the ball as it rolled(滚)across the road.Suddenly, there came a car. It was going very 38 . When the driver saw the boy in his way, he braked(刹车)hard

15、. But it was too late. The small boy was lying on the street . 39 moving. To everyones surprise, the car didnt stop. It drove away quickly.People ran to the boy. There was a cut on the boys head and he 40 a lot of blood. The coffee shop owncr(主人)telephoned the police. Soon an ambulancc(救护车)arrived a

16、nd took the boy to the 41 .英语试卷(二模)第5页(共12页)At 6: 30 pm, the police arrived and started questioning people. About half an hour later, they asked me to go to the police station because I saw 一 42 .1 gave them all the information I knew because I really 43 them to catch the driver. I didnt leave the p

17、olice station until 8: 00 pm. 44 that I went home because I didnt want to talk to anyone.The next day, the boys parents called me to say thanks. They also told me 45 boy was fine and the driver was at the police station now.36. A. butB. andC. soD. or37. A. breadB. coffeeC. riceD. noodle38. A. hardly

18、B. carefullyC. slowlyD. fast39. A. withoutB. withC. throughD. by40. A. gaveB.lostC. gotD.sent41. A, hotelB. restaurantC. schoolD. hospital42. A. everythingB. nothingC. anythingD. something43. A. sufferedB. punishedC. wantedD. walked44. A. BeforeB. AfterC. WhileD. During45. A. ourB.yourC. theirD. his

19、四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWhen I was about 12.1 had an enemy”, a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings(缺点) Sometimes she said I was thin. Sometimes she said I was lazy. Sometimes she said I wasnt a good student. Sometimes she said I talked too much, and so o

20、n. I tried to put up with(忍受)her as long as I could. At last, I became very angry. I ran to my father with tears in my eyes.He listened to me quietly, and then he asked, Are the things she said true or not? Mary, have you ever wondered what youre really like? Go and make a list of everything she sai

21、d and mark(标记)the points that are true. Pay no attention to the other things she said.I did as he told me and I was very surprised to discover that about half of the things were true.I took the list to my dad. He refused to take it. uThafs just for you, he said. You know the truth about yourself bet

22、ter than any other people. When something said about you is true, it will be helpful to you. Dont shut your ears. Listen to them all, but remember the truth and do what you think is rightMany years have passed. The situation is still in my mind. In our life we often meet with some trouble and we oft

23、en go to someone and ask for advice. For some advice you will treasure all your life!46. What did Marys enemy say about her?A. She was fat.B. She worked hard.C. She talked too much.D. She was a good student47. Marys father asked her to .A. put up with the enemyB. mark the points that arc trueC. tell

24、 the “enemy what she was really like.D. pay no attention to what the “enemy said48. Mary found that about of the things the enemy said were true.A. 1/2B. C. 1/4D. 1/549. Why did Marys father refuse to take the list?A. Because he thought it was not true.B. Because he thought it was wrong.C. Because h

25、e thought he should shut his ears.D. Because he thought Mary needed to say what was true by herself.50. What does Mary think of her fathers advice?A. The advice has influenced her all the time.B. The advice hasnt influenced her at all.C. The advice has been replaced by other ones.D. The advice hasnt

26、 been in her mind for a long time,BRecently, several unhappy things happened to Gina. One afternoon she called a friend to talk about them. After hearing her words, the friend invited her to her home for tea and said, All trouble wilt disappear after tasting tea.Gina couldnt believe her, but she sti

27、ll decided to go for relaxation. At the friends home, her friend took out a square box and said, I asked someone to buy the tea from China. Its said that there are five tastes. Then, her friend opened the box slowly, took out a spoon of tea carefully, put it into a teapot(茶 壶)zingerlv. and then pour

28、ed in boiled(煮沸的)water softly.Only one minute later, the friend poured out a cup of tea and asked Gina to taste it. Gina drank it but nearly puked(吐)it out. She shouted, Is this tea? It tastes like medicine!”The friend just smiled. She repoured boiled water into the teapot. After a minute, the frien

29、d poured out another cup and asked Gina to try the second one. Gina took a drink and found it was not as terrible as the first one but still bittcr(苦的).This time she didnt shout When Gina drank the fifth cup, a sunny smile shone on her face. She snid, uIt tastes good IVvc never tasted such a wonderf

30、ul flavor(味道)The friend said, Life is just like this! Only when we taste it patiently can we feel happy.英语试卷(二模)第9页(共12页)51. When did Gina call her friend?A. One morning. B One afternoon. C. One evening. D. One night.52. Where did Ginays friend invite her to drink tea?A. At Ginas home.B. In a coffee

31、 shop.C. At the friends home.D. In a teahouse.53. In Paragraph 2, “gingeHy means A. carefullyB. suddenly C. heavilyD. carelessly54. The first cup of tea is , and the fifth one is .A. terrible; wonderfulB. wonderful; terribleC. terrible; terribleD. wonderful; wonderful55. Ginas friend wanted to tell

32、her .A. life is bitter just like a cup of teaB. life is good, just like a cup of teaC. life is bitter or good, just like a cup of teaD. life is bitter and good, just like cups of teaCStrawberries look nice, but a light pressure can make them out of shape. Nowadays, there are many young people who ar

33、e just like strawberries. They easily break down when they face difficulties. They dont know what to do when they are in trouble. They have a common namestrawberry kids.Why are many students so easy to break down? Parents and schools are a main reason. Parents do almost everything for them in their

34、daily life, while schools care more about their grades instead of developing their personality(个 性).、Liu Yue, 13, is from Fujian. His mum hardly criticizes(批评)him and he always feels good about himself. When a teacher criticized him strictly, he felt surprised and sad. He began to doubt(怀疑)his abili

35、ty.Students should do something to make themselves mentally(精神上)strong. An expert said, When you are in trouble, dont ask for help too quickly. You should try to deal with problems first by yourself. I also advise you to take an active part in sports and social activities. That can make you mentally

36、 strong.Growing up is not just a happy process(过程).Pains also go along with it. The most important thing is to face the pains bravely and learn from them.56. Strawberry kids are like strawberries because .A. strawberries are deliciousB. strawberries dont look niceC. strawberries are loved by young p

37、eopleD. strawberries are out of shape under a light pressure57. In order to make the students mentally strong, .A. parents should do nothing for themB. parents should do everything for themC. schools should devclope their personalityD. schools should only care about their grades58. After Liu Yue was

38、 criticized strictly, he felt .A. confident and gladB. surprised and sadC. confident and sadD. surprised and glad59. What should the students do when they are in trouble?A. Ask fbr help from their parents quickly.B. Ask for help from their teachers quickly.C. Ask for help from their classmates quick

39、ly.D. Try to deal with problems first by themselves.60. The writer advises the students .A. to face the pains bravelyB. to plant strawberries seriouslyC. to keep strawberries carefullyD. to buy strawberries cheaply五、补全对话(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两 项是多余的)A: Congratulations!You

40、 just won the first prize in the State Tennis Competition. B: Thank you.A:HB: Seven.A: Seven! 62B: For 4 years.A: Who taught you how to play?B: 63A: Here, at the tennis club?B: Yes. Ive taken lessons here for two years.A: 64B: About three or four In fact, I want to practise every day, but my parents

41、 say three or four days is enough.A: 65B: Uh-huh I want to be a professional职业的)tennis player when Pm older.A: Wish you greater success!B: Thank you.A. How long have you been playing tennis?B. Are you going to continue with your tennis?C. How many days a week do you play?D. Which is your favourite t

42、ennis club?E. Michael, how old are you?F. Thats cool!G. My father. And I take private lessons, too.第II卷注意事项:1. 用黑色字迹的签字笔将答案写在“答题卡”上。2. 本卷共四大题,共40分。六、完成句子(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。66. 老施特劳斯的舞曲使他闻名欧洲。Johann Strauss the elders made him famous all over Europe.67. 劳驾!你能告诉我去国家体育场的路吗? ! Can y

43、ou tell me the way to the National Stadium?68. 动物园里有许多动物,比如熊、斑马和熊猫。The zoo has many kinds of animals, bears, zebras, and pandas.的.那个男孩从自行车跌落下来,摔伤了膝盖。The boy his bike and hurt his knee.70. 我的父母出差了几天。My parents had to be for a few days.七、任务型阅读(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。Deep down in the sea,

44、Oliver, a little octopus(章鱼)sat on the floor covered with sand, bored and unhappy. He watched pretty fish swimming in and out oF rocks, which were laughing and dnneing in the sea. Why am I so different? he said to himself sadly.You are an octopus, Oliver; Thats special. The sweet voice of Cherub, ab

45、eautiful purple angelfish(神仙鱼),always made Oliver feel better. Oliver英语试卷(二模) 第9页(共12页)looked up at the purple angelfish and smiled. Cherub suggested, Lets play hide-and-seck(捉迷藏)They were having so much fun that they didnt realise they had swum far from home. Suddenly, Cherub saw a large shark(鲨鱼)

46、swimming above them. It was Big White. the biggest, terrible shark in the sea, she shouted to Oliver. Cherub looked at Big White hopelessly. An idea came to Oliver. He quickly sprayed(喷射)a very dark cloud of black water to the sharks eyes. Then Oliver and Cherub escaped and got home safely.“Are you

47、OK?” asked Oliver. Cherub laughed happily, “That was the most interesting trip ever! You save me just now, Oliver. I am lucky to have you as my friend! Olivers face turned red. I guess being different can be quite cool in some situations/9 Oliver said. That is what I tried to tell you, Cherub smiled.71. Oliver, a little octopus sa


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