小学英语PEP三年级上册口语测试(3)Class: _ Name: _ Score: _、Read the words and say its Chinese meaning (读单词并说出它的中文意思)10%eraser orange green head legdog elephant fish rice seven、Read the letters and say one word that begins with this letter (读字母并说出以这个字母开头的一个单词) 8%Cc Ee Kk Ii Rr Zz Pp Mm 、Ask and answer / Do the actions (我问你答 / 根据指令做动作) 16%1. Good afternoon.2. Whats your name?3. How are you? 4. How many books? (7本)5. Thank you. 6. Touch your nose.7. Act like a rabbit.8. Show me ten.、Recite the dialogue(课文对话背诵) 20%P4、P7、P14、P17、P24、P27、P38、P41、P48、P51、P58、P61、Write the letters.(默写26个字母大小写) 26%