人教版(新起点)英语四年级下:Unit 5《Free Time》(Lesson 3)教学课件

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1、Unit5 Free Time Lesson 3,人教版新起点 四年级下册,Warm-up,Lets chant,2. She plays the violin _.,Warm-up,1. I go camping _.,twice a week,3. He does the housework _.,three times a week,once a week,Lead-in,Ask and answer,What do you do in your free time?,How often do you?,Presentation,A Read and fill in the blanks

2、.,Jin Jing goes to the dance club _ aweek.,2. Alex goes skating _ a week.,3. Tinas favourite hobby is _.,4. Amanda wants to learn _ _.,once,twice,reading,dancing,Chinese,Presentation,A Read and fill in the blanks.,Hello! Im new in this school. My name is Jin Jing. I am good at dancing. I go to a dan

3、ce club once a week. Do you want to dance with me?,Presentation,A Read and fill in the blanks.,Hi! Im Alex. I come from Canada. I love skating and reading. My friends and go skating twice a week. Who wants to be my friend?,Presentation,A Read and fill in the blanks.,Hello! My name is Tina. My favour

4、ite hobby is reading. I have many storybooks. I am good at English, so I often read English stories. Who wants to be my reading friend?,Presentation,A Read and fill in the blanks.,Hello! My name is Amanda. I am good at street dancing. Now I want to learn Chinese dancing. Who can teach me?,Presentati

5、on,A Read and fill in the blanks.,street dancing,Chinese dancing,Practice,Who are going to be friends? _ and _. They both like _. _ and _. They both like _.,Jin Jing,Amanda,dancing,Alex,Tina,reading,A Read and fill in the blanks.,Practice,Pair Work,How often does Jin Jing go to the dance club?,She goes to the dance club once a week.,Presentation,Lets write!,My Free Time,Hello! My name is I like I,Summary,怎样介绍自己的课余活动及频率?,c,例如: I like skating. I go skating twice a week.,Homework,Close,熟读课文A部分。 采访一下自己的小伙伴课余时间做些什么吧! 3. 预习Lets Spell。,


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