【人教精通版】英语四年级上:Unit 1《This is my new friend》(Lesson 6)课件

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1、人教新版四年级上册,教师:李娟,Lets chant,Today, I will show you a picture of a lady. If you want to know something about her, please ask questions quickly.,大家听一听她是怎么介绍自己的吧!,Im Yang Mings mother. Im from Beijing, China. Im a TV reporter.,Its Sunday. Yang Ming and Peter are going to play football together. On the w

2、ay, Yang Ming tells Peter his mother is a TV reporter.,Peter asks Yang Mings fathers job.,Yang Ming asks Peter to guess. Peter guesses, “Is he a teacher? Is he a doctor?”,Look at their football.,At that time, a policeman comes on and gives the football to them.,Whos the policeman?,观看动画,回答:Whos the p

3、oliceman?,Practice,先跟读课文,模仿录音,再分角色表演Fun story,看谁表演的生动形象!,Practice,快速反应 学生分为男女两队,看图片单词,快速说出单词的一方得分。,5,2,3,6,1,4,Language use 假设这是一个交流家庭成员信息的会议,大家拿出准备好的家庭图片,谈论家人信息。 例如: Hello, my name isIm from Look at this photo. This is my father. Hes a He likes Look at this woman. Shes my mother. She likes I have a happy family.,


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