【人教精通版】英语六年级上:Unit 1《I go to school at 8:00.》(Lesson 3)课件(1)

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【人教精通版】英语六年级上:Unit 1《I go to school at 8:00.》(Lesson 3)课件(1)_第1页
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【人教精通版】英语六年级上:Unit 1《I go to school at 8:00.》(Lesson 3)课件(1)_第2页
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【人教精通版】英语六年级上:Unit 1《I go to school at 8:00.》(Lesson 3)课件(1)_第3页
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【人教精通版】英语六年级上:Unit 1《I go to school at 8:00.》(Lesson 3)课件(1)_第5页
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1、Lesson 3,Lets do a survey,My Parents Daily Life,5. What does she often do after dinner?,1. Whats Li Yans mother?,2. When does she get up every morning?,3. How many lessons does she have a day?,4. How do her students learn English?,Whats Li Yans mother?,Shes an English teacher.,Every morning, she get

2、s up at 6:00 .,When does she get up every morning?,She has four lessons a day.,How many lessons does she have a day?,Her students often learn English by singing, chanting and playing games.,How do her students learn English?,After dinner she often takes a walk with my father.,What does she often do after dinner?,cook dinner,take a walk,read stories,go shopping,play football,play the piano,see a film,mop the floor,wash dishes,Homework:,2. Recite the paragraph.,1. Copy the new words and sentences.,


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