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1、幼 儿 园 万 圣 节 英 语 主 题 班 会 - X X 学 校 X X 年 级 X X 班 - H a l l o w e e n d a yH a l l o w e e n d a y 万 圣 节万 圣 节 Symbols of HalloweenSymbols of Halloween 万 圣 节 的 象 征万 圣 节 的 象 征 Halloween recipesHalloween recipes 万 圣 节 美 食万 圣 节 美 食 What do children do on What do children do on Halloween?Halloween? 孩子们在万圣节

2、做什么?孩子们在万圣节做什么? Halloween day 万/圣/节 PART 01 Happy Halloween -Do you know Halloween? (你知道万圣节吗?) -October 31st is Halloween Happy Halloween Halloween is one of the world S oldest holiday, celebrated in several countries around the globe including the USA, Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, Mexico, La

3、tin America, and Spain. 万圣节是一个很古老的节日,有许多国家,如:美 国,加拿大,英格兰,爱尔兰,苏格兰,墨西哥,拉丁美洲,西 班牙等,都会庆祝万圣节的来临 Symbols of Halloween 万/圣/节/象/征 PART 02 Happy Halloween 幽灵 Ghost 女巫 Witch Happy Halloween 蜘蛛 spider 南瓜灯 Jack-o-lantern Happy Halloween Bat 蝙蝠 Vampire 吸血鬼 Happy Halloween I know you are never scared for it , yes

4、? 我知道你们 不会害怕这些的,对吗? Halloween recipes 万/圣/节/美/食 PART 03 Happy Halloween What do they eat at Halloween? 万圣节会吃些什么呢? Some terrible food 恐怖的食物 Happy Halloween Sugar hoarse 声嘶力竭的糖 Cannot eat something if he was looked “ 被“看着”吃不下东西 Happy Halloween Bread baby mummyBread baby mummy 木乃伊宝宝面包 Terror and Nutrit

5、ionTerror and Nutrition 恐怖与营养 What do children do on Halloween? 孩/子/在/万/圣/节/做/什/么 PART 04 Happy Halloween Knocking on doors, calling, Trick-or-Treat! 敲着门,喊着“给糖果不然就捣蛋!” hey can get a lot of candy by the end of the day. 一天下来,他们就会得到很多糖果。 They trick or treat. 玩不给糖就捣蛋的游戏 Happy Halloween They carve pumpki

6、n lanterns 他们制作南瓜灯 They visit haunted houses They watch scary movies. 他们看恐怖电影, 参观鬼屋 Happy Halloween What are you going to be? 你会打扮成什么? people would dress up in costumes(wear special clothing , masks or disguises) to frighten the spirits away。 人们会穿上戏服(穿着特别的服装,面具和伪装)来吓跑鬼魂。 Happy Halloween ItS a interesting holiday, DO you think-so? 这是一个很有趣的节日。你 认为呢?


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