2021年外研版六年级上册Module8 Unit1练习题(含答案)

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2021年外研版六年级上册Module8 Unit1练习题(含答案)_第1页
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1、ModuleModule 8 8 UnitUnit 1 1 Do you often play with dolls?Do you often play with dolls? 一、汉译英。 1. 很久以前 _ 2. 拍照 _ 3. 打扫房间 _ 4. 读故事 _ 5. 我很乐意 _ 6. 图画书 _ 二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. We _ (stop) a long time ago. 2. Do you like _ (read) books? 3. He _ (show) me his photos in China yesterday. 4. I love this pho

2、to. Its _ (interest). 5. Do you often play computer games? Not _ (real). 三、情景交际。选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1. 你想知道埃米是不是经常和她的宠物狗玩耍,该怎样问? A. Do you often play with your pet dog? B. Do you like your pet dog? ( ) 2. 你问杰克是否经常打扫他的房间,如果杰克不经常打扫,他该怎样回答? A. Yes, of course. B. Not very often. ( ) 3. 露西是否喜欢吃快餐时,该怎样问? A. Do yo

3、u like eating fast food? B. Do you want fast food? ( ) 4. 你拿着一张照 片让同桌看,你想告诉他这张照片是你爷爷很久以前拍的该怎样 说? A. My grandpa stopped taking photos long ago. B. My grandpa took it long ago. 四、仿照例子,写句子。 例:swim yes Do you often swim? Yes, I do. 1. play with dolls not very often _ 2. watch TV not really _ 3. speak Fr

4、ench no _ 五、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Mr Black and Mrs Black live in No. 15 King Road. They have two children. One is seven and the other is nine. In the morning, Mr Black goes to work and the children go to school. Mr Black often takes them to school by car every day. Mrs Black stays at home. She does a lot of

5、housework in the morning. In the afternoon, sometimes she goes to see her friends, and sometimes she goes shopping. They often have dinner at 6:15 pm. After that they play games or go for a walk, or watch TV. (1) There are _ people in the Black family. A. two B. three C. four D. five (2) Mr Black ta

6、kes his children to school every _. A. afternoon B. evening C. day D. week (3) Mrs Black sometimes _ in the afternoon. A. takes a walk in the park B. watches TV C. reads a book D. goes to see her friends (4) How do the children go to school? A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot. D. By bike. (5) What do

7、they often do after dinner? A. Stay at home. B. Play games or watch TV. C. See their friends. D. Go to bed. 参考答案 一、1. long ago 2. take photos 3. clean the room 4. read stories 5. Id love to 6. picture books 二、1. stopped 2. reading 3. showed 4. interesting 5. really 三、1-4 ABAB 四、1. Do you often play with dolls? Not very often. 2. Do you often watch TV? Not really. 3. Do you often speak French? No, I dont. 五、(1)-(5) CCDAB


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