人教精通版英语六下Unit 2《There is a park near my home》(Lesson 11)教学设计

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人教精通版英语六下Unit 2《There is a park near my home》(Lesson 11)教学设计_第1页
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人教精通版英语六下Unit 2《There is a park near my home》(Lesson 11)教学设计_第5页
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1、Lesson11 教学设计一、教学内容与分析Just read and talk本课是一个关于问路的小对话。通过男人向 Li Yan 和 Yang Ming 问路,引出有关出行方式、所用时间及路线的语言表达,即要学习的目标语言 How can I get to .? You can go hereby通过师生、生生之间的对话,学生自主感知、模仿、理解和体验,运用 You can get off the bus at the third stop.等表示指路的功能语句在真实语境中进竹交际主要目标语言:How can I get to the City Library?You can get th

2、ere by No. 6 bus.二、课前准备1. 准备第 11 课的图片、音频或教学课件,以备新授课环节使用。2. 准备一个钟表和标有 6 路公共汽车所有停靠站的站牌,以备新授课使用。3. 准备小红旗作为本课的评价用品。三、教学步骤与建议1. 热身/复习(Warm-up / Revision)师生问候,铺垫新知:师生进行简短问候和英语交流,既营造了英语学习氛围,拉近师生距离,也为本课学习新语言做了铺垫。T: How are you today? Hows the weather today? What day is today? Is your home far from our schoo

3、l? How do you come to school today? How long does it take to get to our school? .因为本课新的语言有对出行方式的表达,因此在此环节要强调来学校的方式,多提问一些学生,从而使学生多练习对于不同出行方式的表达。2. 新课呈现(Presentation)1) 问题引入,启发疑问教师出示本课图片或 PPT,就图片和学生展开讨论,在师生、生生之间的交流中熟悉本课情境,为后续学习打下基础。T: Whats in the picture?S: There are three people, a bus stop and a ma

4、p in it. T: Who are the children?S: Theyre Li Yan and Yang Ming.T: What are they doing?S: They are talking.T: Do you want to know what they are talking about? Is this a map of a community?S: Yes!T: Lets listen to the dialogue.2) 聆听录音,整体感知学生带着教师提出的问题来听本课对话,整体感知对话内容。整体感知对话是对话教学的策略之一,此方法能够避免学生支离破碎地学匀和理

5、解対话内容。让学生对本课对话先有一个整体了解,为后续编演对话打下基础。录音至少听两遍。3) 回答问题,熟悉情境学生根据图片和听到的内容,尝试回答问题。T: Is this d map of a community?S: No, it isnt.T: Where is the man going?S: He is going to the City Library.T: Does he know the way?S: No, he doesnt.T: Right. So he is asking the way. Li Yan and Yang Ming are telling him the

6、way.4) 自然交流,突破新知在师生、生生交流中,学生自然地进行新词、新句的理解和学习。(1) 教师出本钟表讲解 an hour, half an hour。(2) 通过地图图示,理解 Its about half an hour by bus.T: The City Library isnt far from here. It takes half an hour to get there by bus. Its about half an hour by bus.(3) 教师通过图片讲解 bus stop, by No. 6 bus,通过汽车站牌讲解 You can get off th

7、e bus at the third stop.T: How can the man go to the City Library, on foot or by bus?S: By bus.T: Good idea! This is a bus stop. Its the No. 6 bus stop. Look at the route of No. 6 bus. The first stop is . The second is The City Library is at the third bus stop. So the man should get off the bus at t

8、he third stop. Do you agree?5) 再听录音(观看课件) ,理解对话学生在突破了语言点的基础上再次听录音或观看课件,整体理解对话,从而对如何问路、指路的表达有了更深的印象,便于以后在实际生活中的运用。3. 趣味操练(Practice)1) 模仿句式,操练句型每一位同学思考一个常去的地方,模仿本课目标语言说一说自己常用的出行方式、时间。如:S1: I go to my grandmas home by No. 8 bus. Its about twenty minutes by bus.S2: I go to the zoo by bike. Its about hal

9、f an hour by bike.2) 模仿录音,配音表演教师带领学生们利用音频或本课课件再次整体听、读本课小对话,形式可以为模仿录音的语音和语调跟读、分组朗读课文或给人物配音等,然后小组间相互进行评价,选出最佳配音小组,以此增加学生对大声用英语朗读的兴趣。3) 角色扮演,表演对话学生三人一组,分角色表演本课对话。4. 语言运用(Language use)利用本课地图,模拟男人和 LiYan、Yang Ming 进行地图上其他地方的问路和指路的问答,如 the clothes shop, the toy shop 等,对话可以根据本课对话编演。5. 课堂评价(Assessment)1) 课堂

10、教学过程中的评价 评价工具:小红旗。教师在拓展活动时公布奖励办法:对于能够正确用英语表达问路、指路,在课堂上积极互动,或有突出进步的同学可以得到小红旗作为优秀小游客或优秀小导游的奖励。此评,评价工具能够激发学生对于拓展活动的兴趣,从而积极参与其中。2) 教师指导学生完成活动手册中的相关内容,并进行评价。6. 拓展活动(Extended activities)教师交代活动情境:你在你家小区门口遇上一个外国友人,简单交流之后,他得知你的学校非常好,想来你的学校参观,请你告诉他路线,并画成简图。比一比谁指的路线最清晰、最快捷,语言表达最完整,最优秀者将得到小红旗。两人一小组进行情景表演。语言支持:(

11、S1the student S2foreigner)S1: Hello, my name is Zhang Hong. Glad to meet you.S2: Hi, my name is Helen. Glad to meet you, too.S1: Where are you from?S2: Im from England. Im an English teacher. Do you study English in China?S1: Yes, I like English very much. We have three English classes every week.S2

12、: Can I go to your school to have your English classes with you?S1: Yes, of course. Welcome to my school.S2: When do you have English classes?S1: On Monday, Wednesday and Friday.S2: Great! Ill go to your school on Wednesday. Im free on that day. How can I get to your school?S1: You can go there by b

13、us.S2: Is it far from here?S1: No. Its about fifteen minutes by bus.S2: But where is the bus stop?S1: If s just over there, beside the hospital. You can get off the bus at the fifth stop, and then youll find a post office on your left. Our school is very near the post office. Our schools name is Xinhua Primary School.S2: Thanks very much.S1: Youre welcome.


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