人教版七年级英语上册Unit2 Section A培优讲义(含答案)

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人教版七年级英语上册Unit2 Section A培优讲义(含答案)_第1页
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1、 Unit2 Section A 单元话题单元话题 1. Introduce people 2. Identify people 课标课标单词单词 1. sister (n.) _ 2. mother (n.) _ 3. father (n.) _ 4. parent (n.) _ 5. brother (n.) _ 6. grandmother (n.) _ 7. grandfather (n.) _ 8. grandparent (n.) _ 9. family (n.) _ 10. these (pron.) _ 11. those (pron.) _ 12. they (pron.)

2、_ 13. well (interj.) _ 14. have (v.) _ 15. day (n.) _ 16. son (n.) _ 17. cousin (n.) _ 18. daughter (n.) _ 19. uncle (n.) _ 20. aunt (n.) _ 21. picture (n.) _ 22. photo (n.) _ 23. here (adv.) _ 24. girl (n.) _ 25. dog (n.) _ 目标短语目标短语 1. my _ 我的家庭 2. Have a _ day! (表祝愿)过得愉快! 3. in the _ photo 在第一张照片中

3、 4. in the _ picture 在下一张照片中 5. a photo _一张的照片 6. the _ of 的名字 常考句型常考句型 1. Thats my family. 2. These are my brothers. 3. Who is he? Hes my brother. 4. Are these your parents? Yes, they are. 重点重点语法语法 1. 指示代词:this, that, these, those; 2. 人称代词的主格形式 【答案】课标单词课标单词 1. 姐;妹 2. 母亲;妈妈 3. 父亲;爸爸 4. 父(母)亲 5. 兄;弟

4、6. (外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥 7. (外)祖父;爷爷;外公;姥爷 8. 祖父(母);外祖父(母) 9. 家;家庭 10. 这些 11. those 那些 12. 他(她、它)们 13. 好 14. 经受;经历 15. day 一天;一日;白天 16. 儿子 17. cousin 堂兄(弟、姊、妹);表兄(弟、姊、妹) 18. daughter 女儿 19. uncle 舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨父 20. aunt 姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母 21.图片, 照片 22. photo 照片 23. here (用以介绍某人或某物)这就是;在这里 24. 女孩 25.狗 目标短语目标短语

5、1. family 2. good 3. first 4. next 5. of 6. name Point 1 parents/pernts/ n. 父母父母 (Page 7 1a) This is my parent. 这是我的父(母)亲。 parent 指父母其中之一,而加-s 之后,变成复数,指父母二人,此处常考动词的单复数形式。 【典例】Your parents _ (is, are) here. 【答案】are 【解析】此处主语为 Your parents,为复数,因此 be 动词选 are。 Point 2 that/ t/ pron. 那个那个 (Page 7 1a) 【拓展】

6、指示代词 that 指在时间或空间上离说话人较远的人或物,其对应词为 this。 【典例】请用 this 或 that 填空。 The man is over there. _ is my teacher. 【答案】That 【解析】题干中有over there,指距离偏远,故选 that。 【拓展】that 作为指示代词,与 this 一样,指代的是单数名词,若指复数名词,则使用 these 或 those。 【典例】 _(那) is an apple and _ (这) is a pen. _ (那些) are my grandparents over there and _ (这些) a

7、re my friends. 【答案】That; this; Those; these 【拓展】this is 没有缩写形式,而 that is 可缩写为 thats;these are 与 those are 也没有缩写形式。 【典例】Thiss my sister.(改错) _ 【答案】This is my sister. 【解析】this is 不可以缩写。 Point 3 family/fmli/ n. 家;家庭家;家庭 (Page 7 1a) 【归纳】既指整体的家庭,也指家人。当 family 指家人时,谓语动词描述家人(家庭成员)的活动或状况,常 用复数。 My family ar

8、e watching TV. 我的家人在看电视。 My family are all tall. 我的家人个子都很高。 当 family 指家庭概念时,谓语动词描述家庭整体概况,常用单数。 His family is small. 他的家庭很小。 Her family has a long history. 她家历史悠久。 类似的词还有:class, government(政府),team (队)等集体名词。当它们表示这个集体的成员时谓语动 词用复数,当表示整体时,谓语动词用单数。 【典例】This _ a big family. The family _ (be) happy. 【辨析】fa

9、mily, home 与 house 的区别 含义含义 不同点不同点 例句例句 family n. 家庭, 家 庭成员 指家庭或者家庭成员,与房子无关,具有 感情色彩。 Mr. Greens family is very large. 格林先生的家人很多。 home n. good B. well; good C. good; well D. well; well Point 8 Those are my parents. 那些人是我的父母那些人是我的父母。 英文中, 指代两个或两个以上的人物或事物时, 名词要用复数形式, 如: parents(父母, 双亲), brothers(兄弟),gr

10、andparents(祖父母,爷爷和奶奶)等。介绍复数的人物就用 these 和 those,动词用 are 而不 是 is。 Point 9 Oh, I see. 哦,我明白了。哦,我明白了。 这是一句口头英语,see 在此处的意思是知道,明白,此外,它也可以表达我看见了的意思。 但是,如果说我不知道、不明白,英语是 I dont know.或 I dont understand.。 Point 10 Well, have a good day! 祝你们玩得开心!祝你们玩得开心! 这是一句表示祝愿的话。完整的句子是:Well, I hope you have a good day!类似的英语

11、还有:Have a nice day!/Have a good time!/Have a good holiday!等等。 Point 11 You, too. 你也是。你也是。 这是回答别人祝愿的话语,也可以说成 The same to you!(也同样祝福你! )此句的前面一般加上一句感 谢的话,如:Thanks. You,too.谢谢。也祝你愉快。 Happy New Year! 祝你新年快乐! Thanks.The same to you! 谢谢。你也快乐! . 写出下面单词的复数形式写出下面单词的复数形式。 1. this _ 2. that _ 3. it _ 4. He _ 5.

12、 she _ 6. brother _ 7. sister _ 8. parent _ 9. grandparent _ 10. friend _ . 选词填空选词填空。 1. _ (This, These, They) is my friend Jane. 2. _ (Thats, This, Those) my grandfather. 3. These _ (is, am, are) your brothers. 4. Are _ (that, those, he) your parents? 5. _ (Whos, Whore, Who is) the boys? Theyre his

13、 friends. III. 根据根据汉字汉字及首字母提示填写单词。及首字母提示填写单词。 1. Im Alan. Alice is my s_ and Im her brother. 2. My g_ is my mothers mother. 3. His father and his mother are his p_. 4. Hello, Jenny! T_ are my brothers, Jack and Eric. 5. W_ is he? He is my good friend. 6. These are my mother and father, my dear p_. 7

14、. My g_ is my mothers father or(或者) my fathers father. 8. Thats my grandmother.She is my mothers m_. 9. Five people are in my f_. 10. They are her good f_. 11. Kate is Mr. Smiths d_ (女儿). Shes my good friend. 12. These are nice p_ (图画). 13. Who is the girl in the n_ (下一张) photo? 14. My father isnt h

15、_ (在这里). He is in Shanghai. 15. His p_ (父母) are teachers in Ningbo No.1 Middle School. IV. 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1. Are _ (那些) her brothers? 2. That is his _ (家庭). 3. _ (他们)are good friends. 4. Have a good _ (一天). 5. Is he your _ (爷爷)? Yes, he is. V. 根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 这位是我的父亲,那位是我的奶奶。

16、_ _ my father and _ my grandmother. 2. 他们是谁呀? _ they? 3. 他们是我的兄弟。 They _ my _. 4. 玩得开心点! 你也开心。 _ a good _! You, _. 5. 琳达是他的妹妹。 Linda _ _ sister. VI. 单项选择。单项选择。 1. Is that your_? A. a map B. photos C. rulers D. picture 2. _ is she? She is my sister. A. How B. Where C. Who D. What 3. This is Gina and

17、that is Kate._ my_. A. Shes; friend B. Shes; friends C. Theyre; friend D. Theyre; friends 4. Tom and I _ good friends. He_ twelve. A. am; is B. is; is C. are; is D. are; are 5. Mum, _ is my friend, Jim. Nice to meet you. A. that B. this C. he D. it 6. Is that your sister? _. A. Yes, I am B. No, Im n

18、ot C. Yes, it is D. No, he isnt 7. David, these are my friends, Bob and Mike. _ A. How are you? B. Thanks. C. Whats your name? D. Nice to meet you! 8. It is _ my dictionary. A. a photo to B. a photo of C. photos to D. photos of 9. Thanks _your pencil. A. for B. at C. in D. to 10. Anna is my aunts da

19、ughter, so (所以) she is my_. A. parent B. sister C. brother D. cousin 11. Are_Kates _? No, they arent. A. this;picture B. that;picture C. these;pictures D. those;picture 12. Whats that_English? Its_eraser. A. at; a B. for; an C. in; an D. in; a 13. _are good friends. A. You, I and he B. He, you and I

20、 C. I, you and he D. You, he and I VII. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. He is my father.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ your father? 2. Are those your grandparents? (作否定回答) No, _ _. 3. This is my friend.(改为复数句) _ _ my _. 4. Hes her brother. (对画线部分提问) _ _ he? 5. Mike is my father and Jenny is my mother.(改为同义句) Mike

21、and Jenny _ my _. . 翻译短语或句子翻译短语或句子。 1. I see. _ 2. have a good day _ 3. You, too. _ 4. in her family _ 5. my friend _ II. 根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 那是戴尔的爷爷奶奶吗? _ _ Dales grandparents? 2. 比尔,他们是谁? _ _, Bill? 3. 这两个女孩是我的表妹。 _ two _ are my cousins. 4. 这儿有一张中国地图。 _ _ a map of China. 5. 汤姆和彼得在下一张照片里。 Tom

22、and Peter are _ the _ photo. III. 根据图片或提示词完成下列对话。根据图片或提示词完成下列对话。 1.A:Whos she? B:_. (my sister) 2.A:_? (grandparents) B:Yes, they are. 3.A:_? B:Theyre TFBOYS. 4.A:Have a good day! B:_! You, too. 5.A:Paul, this is my friend, Alice. B:_, Alice. IV. 补全对话补全对话。 Mary: Look at this picture, Tom. Tom: Is it

23、 a picture of your family? Mary: Yes, it is. Tom: Oh, you have a big family. Whos this? Mary: 1 Tom: Is this man your uncle? Mary: 2 Tom: Whats his name? Mary: 3 Tom: Whos this woman? Is she your aunt? Mary: 4 Tom: Who are those three children(孩子)? Mary: 5 A. Yes, she is my fathers sister. B. They a

24、re my sister, brother and I. C. Yes, he is. D. Hes my grandpa and the old woman is my grandma. E. His name is Jeff. V. 短文填词。短文填词。 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文。 who, friend, grandparent, sister, family Hello, Im Tony. I have a happy (幸福的) 1 . These are my 2 . They are my fathers father and mother. 3 is this gir

25、l? Oh, she is my 4 , Cindy. She is five. The boys are my brothers, Alan and Tom. Alan is ten and Tom is eight. I love them. They are my good 5 , too. VI. 任务型阅读。任务型阅读。 Lucy:Welcome (欢迎) to my family, Pete. This is my father, Tom Black. Dad, this is Pete. Pete:Good morning, Mr. Black. Mr. Black:Good m

26、orning, Pete. Lucy:This is my mother, Linda Black. Mom, this is my friend Peter. Pete:Nice to meet you, Mrs. Black. Mrs. Black:Nice to meet you, too. Pete:Is he your brother? Lucy:Yes, his name is Johnson. Pete:Oh, whats that? Lucy:Its my dog. Its black and white. Pete:Its very cute(可爱的). Lucy:Thank

27、 you. 根据对话内容,完成句子。 1. Pete and Lucy meet in the _. 2. Lucys _ are Tom and Linda. 3. Lucy is Johnsons _. 4. Johnsons last name is _. 5. Lucy has(有) a _. Its black and white. VII. 完形填空完形填空。 This is a 1 of Johns family. This man 2 Mr. Green. 3 is Johns father. 4 woman is Mrs. Green. 5 is Johns mother.

28、Who 6 this boy and 7 girl? The 8 is John, Mr. Greens son. The _9_ is Kate, Mr. Greens daughter. Kate is 10 sister. John and Kate are brother and sister. 1. A. book B. photo C. map D. room 2. A. is B. am C. are D. be 3. A. She B. Her C. He D. His 4. A. A B. An C. These D. This 5. A. She B. Her C. He

29、D. His 6. A. is B. am C. be D. are 7. A. a B. these C. this D. an 8. A. girl B. boy C. boys D. girls 9. A. girl B. boy C. boys D. girls 10. A. John B. Johns C. Johns D. Johns VIII. 阅读阅读理解理解。 A Dale is from Hong Kong(香港). He is nine years old and his birthday is on November 30th. He likes eating appl

30、es and bananas. He likes blue very much. Dales family is not small. In his family there are five people. They are his parents, his brother, his sister and Dale. Dales brother is Dick. He is six years old. His birthday is on May 15th. His sister is Rose. She is only three years old. Her birthday is o

31、n February 7th. Dales father is thirty-six years old and Dales mother is thirty-four years old. They are teachers. Dale has a good friend in Shanghai. His name is Mike. 1. Dale likes eating_. A. pears and parrots B. tomatoes and apples C. bananas and apples D. pears and bananas 2. Mike is Dales _. A

32、. cousin B. classmate C. brother D. friend 3. Roses birthday is on _. A. February 7th B. November 30th C. May 15th D. April 20th 4. _ is 34 years old. A. Dale B. Mike C. Dales mother D. Dales father 5. 下列哪项陈述是正确的? A. Dale likes black very much. B. Dales parents are teachers. C. Dale is ten years old

33、. D. There are four people in Dales family. B I have a good friend in my class. His name is Jim. He is from England. He is in China with his parents. He likes China. He likes Chinese food very much. He has breakfast at home. He eats an egg, bread and milk for breakfast. He doesnt like fish. He has l

34、unch at home. The lunch in his school is delicious. He can have different kinds of food for lunch. He eats rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes he has noodles and dumplings. He has supper at home with his friends. Sometimes he goes out to eat with his friends. He has meat, vegetables and fruit for d

35、inner . 6. Where is Jim from? A. America. B. England. C. China. D. Japan. 7. What does Jim like about China? A. Chinese food. B. Japanese food. C. American food. D. Fish. 8. Where does Jim have lunch? A. At home. B. At school. C. At hospital. D. We dont know. 9. How is the lunch in Jims school? A. T

36、errible. B. Delicious. C. Spicy. D. Sweet. 10. What does Jim have for dinner? A. Bread and milk. B. Vegetables, meat and fruit. C. Rice, meat and vegetables. D. Fish. 1. (2018 贵州安顺中考)Mr. Han, how is the weather in Anshun now, please? Actually, it is cooler than in Guiyang. A. it B. that C. this D. t

37、hose 2. (2018 江苏宿迁中考)This kind of pen _, and is also very cheap. I think you can buy some. A. writes well B. writes good C. is written well D. is written good 3. (2016 福建泉州市中考)Is that _ apple tree? Yes. My father planted it in 2008. A. a B. an C. the 4. (2016 贵州黔东南州中考)I feel a little hungry, Mom. Th

38、ere are some pieces of bread on the plate. You can take _. A. one B. it C. this D. that 5. (2016 黑龙江大庆市中考)The cake tastes _ and it is really delicious. A. well B. badly C. good D. bad 6. (2016 贵州六盘水市中考)Whose book is it? Its _. A. I B. my C. me D. mine 7. (2016 贵州黔东南州中考)There are _ people in Toms fam

39、ily. They live on the _ floor. A. five; nineth B. fifth; nine C. five; ninth D. fifth; ninth 8. (2016 昆明中考)Jim, are these your keys? _ They are hers. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, they are. D. No, they arent 9. (2016 吉林省中考)The teachers are very patient when we ask _ for help. A. they B. the

40、m C. their 10. (2016 江苏苏州中考)Heres a box of chocolate on our desk. For me or for your mom? Its _, Dad. Happy Fathers Day! A. hers B. her C. yours D. you 11. (2016 山东东营中考)_ is your father? Hes an engineer in a big factory. A. Who B. What C. Which D. Where 12. (2016 贵州黔西南中考)Im sorry Im late. A. Thats r

41、ight. B. I dont know. C. It doesnt matter. D. Youre welcome. K 基础 . 写出下面单词的复数形式写出下面单词的复数形式。 1. these 2. those 3. they 4. they 5. they 6. brothers 7. sisters 8. parents 9. grandparents 10. friends . 选词填空选词填空。 1. This 2. Thats 3. are 4. those 5. Whore III. 根据根据汉字汉字及首字母提示填写单词。及首字母提示填写单词。 1.sister 2.gra

42、ndmother 3.parents 4.These 5.Who 6. parents 7. grandfather 8. mother 9. family 10. friends 11. daughter 12. pictures 13. next 14. here 15. parents IV. 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1. those 2. family 3. They 4. day 5. grandfather V. 根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. This is, thats 2.Whore 3.are, brothers 4.Ha

43、ve, day, too 5.is his VI. 单项选择。单项选择。 2. C 【解析】 句意: 她是谁?她是我的妹妹。 A.如何 B.哪里 C.谁 D.什么, 从答句知道这是在问“是 谁”,用 who,故选 C。 3. D 【解析】句意:这是吉娜,那是凯特。他们是我的朋友。Shes 她是;Theyre 他们是;friend 朋友。 此处代指 Gina and Kate, 故用 Theyre。 因为他们是两个人, 是此处的朋友, 用复数形式, 故为 friends。 故选 D。 4. C 【解析】句意:汤姆和我是好朋友,他 12 岁。第一句主语 Tom and I复数,所以用 are;第二

44、句主语 He单三,所以用 is;故选 C。 【点睛】指示代词有 this(这) ,that(那) ,these(这些) ,those(那些) ,指示代词 that/this 的一般疑问句 回答用 it, these/those 的一般疑问句回答用 they。 Is this/that? 回答是 Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Are these/those? 回答是 Yes, they are./No, they arent. 7. D 【解析】句意:戴维,这是我的朋友,鲍伯和迈克。很高兴见到你!A. How are you?你好吗; B. Thanks.谢谢;C. What

45、s your name?你的名字叫什么;D. Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴。结合句意 和语境可知选 D。 8. B 【解析】句意:这是我字典里的一张照片。短语 a photo of:一张的照片,一幅的画;结合 句意和语境可知选 B。 9. A 【解析】句意:谢谢你的铅笔。短语 Thanks for:因谢谢你,后面跟物;Thanks to:幸亏, 多亏,后面跟人;例如,Thanks to you,I can finish the work in time.(幸亏你,我才能及时完成 这项工作。 )结合句意和语境可知选 A。 10. D 【解析】句意:-安娜是我姑姑的女儿,所以她是

46、我表妹。A. parent 父母的一方;B. sister 姐,妹; C. brother 兄,弟;D. cousin 表(堂)姐(妹,哥,弟) 。结合句意可知选 D。 11. C 【解析】句意:这些是凯特的照片吗?不,他们不是。根据 be 动词 are,可知指示代词和后 面的名词都用复数,故选 C。 【点睛】指示代词有 this(这) ,that(那) ,these(这些) ,those(那些) ,指示代词 that/this 的一般疑问句 回答用 it, these/those 的一般疑问句回答用 they。 Is this/that? 回答是 Yes, it is./No, it isn

47、t. Are these/those? 回答是 Yes, they are./No, they arent. 12. C 【解析】 句意: 那用英语怎么说?它是一块橡皮。 in+语言, 用-语言; 不定冠词 a/an, 一个, a 用于辅音开头的单词前,an 用于元音开头的单词前;根据句意故选 C 【点睛】不定冠词的用法 1.用于可数名词的单数形式前,指人或事物的某一类。2.指某人或某物,但不具体 说明。3.表示“一”这个量词。4.用于某些固定词组中,例如:a few。定冠词的用法 1.特指某人或某物。2. 指双方都知道的人或物。3.指上文提到过的人或物。4.用于世界上独一无二的事物前,例如:

48、the moon。5. 用于序数词和最高级前。 13. D 【解析】句意:你,他和我是好朋友。当人称代词同时出现用作主语时,顺序为第二人称、第三人称、 第一人称。故答案为 D。 VII. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。 1.Is he 2.they arent 3.These are; friends 4.Who is 5. are; parents K 能力 . 翻译短语或句子翻译短语或句子。 1. 我明白了。 2. 过得愉快 3. 你也是。 4. 在她的家人中 5. 我的朋友 II. 根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. Are those 2.

49、Whore they 3. These girls 4. Here is 5. in; next III. 根据图片或提示词完成下列对话。根据图片或提示词完成下列对话。 1. Shes my sister 2. Are these/those your grandparents 3. Whore they 4. Thanks/Thank you 5. Nice to meet you IV. 补全对话补全对话。 【文章大意】这篇对话是就玛丽的家庭照片展开介绍她的家庭成员的基本信息。 3. E 【解析】句意:他的名字是杰夫。前句在提问姓名,这里需要说出姓名,故选 E。 4. A 【解析】句意:是

50、的,她是我爸爸的妹妹。前句是一般疑问句(她是你的姑姑吗?) ,这里需要做出 回答,故选 A。 5. B 【解析】句意:他们是我的妹妹,弟弟和我。前句是特殊疑问句,在问“那三个孩子是谁?”,所以 这里要简单介绍这三个孩子的身份,故选 B。 V. 短文填词。短文填词。 1. family 2. grandparents 3. Who 4. sister 5. friends VI. 任务型阅读。任务型阅读。 1. morning 2. parents 3. sister 4. Black 5. dog VII. 完形填空完形填空。 【文章大意】本文对约翰一家的家庭成员做了简单的介绍。 1. B 句


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