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1、 2021 年浙江省温州市中考英语试题年浙江省温州市中考英语试题 一、单项填空(本题有一、单项填空(本题有 10 小题小题, 每小题每小题 1分分, 共共 10 分)分) 请从请从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. Tony is a kind boy and Im very lucky to have _ friend like him. A. a B. an C. the D. / 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意:托尼是一个善良男孩,我很幸运有一个像他这样的朋友。 考查冠词的用法。此处泛指一个朋友,用不定冠词修饰,f

2、riend 首字母发辅音音素,故选 A。 2. The roads are becoming _ as more people go to work in the morning. A. wider B. longer C. cleaner D. busier 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】句意:由于更多的人早上去上班,道路变得更繁忙。 考查形容词辨析。 wider 更宽的;longer 更长的;cleaner 更干净的;busier 更忙的。根据“as more people go to work in the morning”可知,因为更多的人早上去上班,所以道路更繁忙,故选 D。 3.

3、Mike, a 7-year-old boy, has a great talent for _. He can draw nice pictures though he has never learned it. A. art B. sport C. music D. science 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意:迈克,一个 7 岁的男孩,在美术方面很有天赋。虽然他从来没有学过,但他可以画漂亮的 画。 考查名词辨析。 art 美术; sport 运动; music 音乐; science 科学。 根据“He can draw nice pictures though he has ne

4、ver learned it.”可知,此处指美术,故选 A。 4. Susan went into her bedroom and ate chocolate _, not letting her parents know that. A. slowly B. calmly C. secretly D. properly 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:苏珊不让父母知道,走进自己的卧室偷偷地吃巧克力。 考查副词辨析。slowly 缓慢地;calmly 平静地;secretly 秘密地;properly 合适地。根据“not letting her parents know that”可知,

5、是秘密地,故选 C。 5. Kate felt excited to see a group of sheep walking _ her into a village in Qinghai. A. over B. past C. across D. through 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:看到一群羊从她身边走过,走进青海的一个村庄,凯特感到很兴奋。 考查介词辨析。over 超过;past 经过;across 横穿;through 从物体内部穿过。根据“walking . her”可知是从 她旁边经过,用 past 符合语境。故选 B。 6. Simon, Im afraid we

6、 cant complete the model spaceship this afternoon. Well, we _ finish it today. Its fine if we give it to Mr. Wang tomorrow. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:Simon,恐怕今天下午我们完成不了宇宙飞船模型了。好的,我们今天不必把它做 完。我们明天给王先生就可以了。 考查情态动词辨析。 cant 不可能; mustnt 禁止; neednt 不必; shouldnt 不应该。 根据“Its

7、fine if we give it to Mr. Wang tomorrow”可知,不必今天做完,故选 C。 7. At the meeting, the managers kept arguing about the problem _ they reached an agreement. A. after B. when C. until D. since 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:在会议上,经理们一直就这个问题争论不休,直到达成协议。 考查连词辨析。 after 在之后; when 当时; until 直到; since 自从。 根据“the managers kept ar

8、guing about the problem they reached an agreement”可知,直到达成协议为止,故选 C。 8. My father _ me a funny joke and I cant stop laughing every time I think of it. A. told B. tells C. will tell D. is telling 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意:我爸爸给我讲了一个有趣的笑话,我每次想到它就忍不住笑。 考查动词时态。 every time I think of it 每次想起这个故事, 说明“讲故事”的动作发生在过去,

9、用一般过去时, 故选 A。 9. Linda, may I know _? Certainly. Im going to the countryside to visit my grandparents. A. why you will visit your grandparents B. how you plan to spend your weekend C. when you are leaving for the countryside D. who you are going to the countryside with 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:琳达,我可以知道你打算怎

10、么过周末吗?当然。我要去乡下看望我的祖父母。 考查宾语从句。根据“Im going to the countryside to visit my grandparents.”可知,此处询问过周末的方式,用 连接词 how,故选 B。 10. I have applied to be a volunteer for the 2022 Asian Games. _! It will be a meaningful experience. A. You bet B. Come on C. No problem D. Thats cool 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】句意:我已经申请成为 2022

11、年亚运会的志愿者。真棒!这将是一次有意义的经历。 考查情景对话。 You bet 当然; Come on 快点; No problem 没问题; Thats cool 真棒。 根据“It will be a meaningful experience”可知,认为成为志愿者的经历真是太棒了,故选 D。 二、完形填空二、完形填空(本題有本題有 15 小題小題, 每小題每小題 1 分分, 共共 15 分分) 阅读下面短文阅读下面短文, 掌握大意然后从每小题所给的掌握大意然后从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。四个选项中选出最佳选项。 “Where could Michael be

12、?” I wondered aloud. Michael was my classmate. He liked playing pranks on others. He once put a sign that said “Sing to Me!” on _11_ back. It was terrible. Everywhere I went, people I didnt even know started singing to me. When I realized what was happening, I got really _12_. Another time, he embar

13、rassed Nicole during sharing time. Nicole was shy. She _13_ shared; she always said, “Pass.” But what did Michael do when it was his turn to share? He asked, “Did everybody _14_ how Nicoles new blue dress matches her eyes?” Nicoles face turned bright red. Poor Nicole! It was Valentines Day that day.

14、 I was sure Michael was up to something somewhere, _15_ he always was. No way was I going to let him pull a prank ruining someones Valentines Day. I _16_ him everywhere. Lunch break was almost over. I must find him and stop him. When I got to the classroom, there was Michael Peterson, at Michael Rog

15、erss desk, digging in his _17_ of valentines! “Hurry and help me,” said Michael as soon as he _18_ me. At first I thought he was stealing valentines from Michael Rogerss box. However, the more I watched, the more puzzled I became. He was putting valentines _19_. Seeing my expressions, he told me tha

16、t he found Michael Rogerss box was _20_ when he was passing out his valentines. Michael Rogers was new and Mrs. Karcher must have forgotten to put his name on the list, so _21_ made him a card. I suddenly realized I had also _22_ to prepare a valentine for Michael Rogers. “But everyone made one for

17、me,” Michael continued. “So Im giving him my _23_, since weve got the same name Michael.” I stood there, not quite believing _24_ I was hearing. “Is Michael Peterson the one who always pulled pranks on us?” I asked myself. Maybe he was kind of _25_ in a hidden sort of way. 11. A. my B. his C. her D.

18、 its 12. A. tired B. bored C. angry D. nervous 13. A. often B. never C. always D. sometimes 14. A. mind B. record C. notice D. decide 15. A. or B. but C. unless D. because 16. A. stayed with B. talked about C. shouted at D. looked for 17. A. box B. pocket C. wallet D. school bag 18. A. saw B. met C.

19、 found D. caught 19. A. up B. in C. away D. back 20. A. old B. pretty C. empty D. special 21. A. nobody B. anybody C. somebody D. everybody 22. A. refused B. forgotten C. expected D. remembered 23. A. list B. desk C. signs D. cards 24. A. how B. why C. what D. where 25. A. polite B. sweet C. honest

20、D. patient 【答案】 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. D 16. D 17. A 18. A 19. B 20. C 21. A 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. B 【解析】 【分析】作者在文中介绍了自己的同学 Michael,他总喜欢恶作剧,情人节的时候作者到处找 Michael,想 要阻止他进行恶作剧,结果发现 Michael 在往新来的与他同名的同学的盒子里放情人节礼物,这让作者开始 重新认识了 Michael。 【11 题详解】 句意:有一次他放了一块牌子在我背上,上面写着“唱给我听!”。 my 我的; his 他的; her 她的; it

21、s 它的。 根据“Everywhere I went, people I didnt even know started singing to me.” 可知是放在我的背上。故选 A。 【12 题详解】 句意:当我意识到发生了什么时,我真的很生气。 tired 疲劳的;bored 无聊的;angry 生气的;nervous 紧张的。上次 Michael 在作者背上放了个牌子,结合“It was terrible.”可知这感觉很糟糕,知道真相作者应是生气的。故选 C。 【13 题详解】 句意:她从来没有共享:她总是说:“算了。” often 经常;never 从未;always 总是;somet

22、imes 有时。根据“she always said, Pass. ”可知 Nicole 总是让把自 己跳过去,应是从来不分享。故选 B。 【14 题详解】 句意:他问:“大家有没有注意到 Nicole 的蓝色新裙子和她的眼睛很相配?” mind 介意;record 记录;notice 注意到;decide 决定。根据“how Nicoles new blue dress matches her eyes”可 知此处询问大家有没有注意到这个事实。故选 C。 【15 题详解】 句意:我确信 Michael 在某处有所企图,因为他一直都是。 or 或者;but 但是;unless 除非;becau

23、se 因为。根据“I was sure Michael was up to something somewhere”可 知“他总是”是在解释确信 Michael 有所企图的原因,用 because 引导原因状语从句。故选 D。 16 题详解】 句意:我到处找他。 stayed with 和待在一起; talked about 谈论; shouted at 冲嚷嚷; looked for 寻找。 根据“I must find him and stop him.”可知是在找 Michael。故选 D。 【17 题详解】 句意:我到教室时,Michael Peterson 已经在 Michael R

24、ogers 的课桌旁,正在翻他的情人节礼物盒子! box 盒子;pocket 口袋;wallet 钱包;school bag 书包。根据“At first I thought he was stealing valentines from Michael Rogerss box.”可知是在翻 Michael Rogers 的情人节盒子。故选 A。 【18 题详解】 句意:“快来帮帮我,”Michael 一看见我就说。 saw 看到;met 遇见;found 发现;caught 抓住。根据“Hurry and help me”可知 Michael 看到了作者。故选 A。 【19 题详解】 句意:

25、他在放情人节礼物。 put up 张贴;put in 放入;put away 收起来;put back 放回原处。根据“when he was passing out his valentines” 可知 Michael 在往盒子里放礼物。故选 B。 【20 题详解】 句意:看到我的表情,他告诉我,他在给 Michael Rogers 发情人节礼物时发现他的盒子是空的。 old 老的; pretty 漂亮的; empty 空的; special 特殊的。 根据“Michael Rogers was new and Mrs. Karcher must have forgotten to put

26、his name on the list”可知老师忘记了把 Michael Rogers 的名字放在名单上, 由此推出他的礼物 盒是空的。故选 C。 【21 题详解】 句意:Michael Rogers 是新来的,Mrs. Karcher 一定忘了把他的名字写在名单上,所以没有人给他制作卡片。 nobody 没有人; anybody 任何人; somebody 某人; everybody 每个人。 根据“Michael Rogers was new and Mrs. Karcher must have forgotten to put his name on the list”可知老师忘记了把

27、 Michael Rogers 的名字放在名单上, 由此推出没人给他制作卡片。故选 A。 【22 题详解】 句意:我突然意识到我也忘了给 Michael Rogers 准备情人节礼物。 refused 决绝; forgotten 忘记; expected 期待; remembered 记住。 根据“Michael Rogers was new and Mrs. Karcher must have forgotten to put his name on the list, so nobody made him a card.”及“also”可知作者也忘记了给 Michael Rogers 准备

28、情人节礼物。故选 B。 【23 题详解】 句意:所以我把卡片给他了,因为我们都叫 Michael。 list 名单;desk 书桌;signs 标记;cards 卡片。根据“so nobody made him a card”可知 Michael Peterson 把自己 收到的卡片给了 Michael Rogers。故选 D。 【24 题详解】 句意:我站在那里,不太相信我所听到的。 how 如何;why 为什么;what 什么;where 在哪里。hear 是及物动词,此处用 what 表示听到的内容。故选 C。 【25 题详解】 句意:也许他是挺可爱的,只是不为人知罢了。 polite

29、礼貌的;sweet 可爱的;honest 诚实的;patient 有耐心的。作者一直认为 Michael 很爱恶作剧,结果 情人节这天他暖心地把自己的礼物给了同名的 Michael Rogers,他其实是很可爱的。故选 B。 三、阅读理解三、阅读理解(本题有本题有 15 小題。共小題。共 30 分分) 阅读下面短文阅读下面短文,从所给的从所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Every year, tens of thousands of kids aged 3 to 13 become Junior Rangers in different natio

30、nal parks across America. At Yosemite alone more than 20, 000 kids take part in the Yosemite Junior Ranger Program. If you want to be a Junior Ranger, you need to learn about the natural and cultural history, and make a promise to be a national park protector. Here Is How YOU Can Become a Junior Ran

31、ger! Earn yourself an official Junior Ranger Badge! You could become a Yosemites Junior Ranger today by completing the following steps: Buy your Junior Ranger Handbook in the nearest Visitor Center. Complete the pages in the handbook. Pick up rubbish. Attend a Guided Program. Return your completed h

32、andbook and a bag of rubbish to the Visitor Center. Make your official Junior Ranger Promise at a ceremony. Get your official Junior Ranger Badge. After you become a Junior Ranger, you are encouraged to share your ranger stories with your friends, teachers and families. 26. Who can become Junior Ran

33、gers? A. Children. B. Parents. C. Teachers. D. Officers. 27. What should Junior Rangers promise to do? A. Read the handbook. B. Learn American history. C. Share ranger stories. D. Protect the national parks. 28. Before getting Yosemites Junior Ranger Badges, they should complete _. A. four steps B.

34、five steps C. six steps D. seven steps 【答案】26. A 27. D 28. C 【解析】 【分析】本文主要介绍了如何成为一名初级护林员。 【26 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“Every year, tens of thousands of kids aged 3 to 13 become Junior Rangers in different national parks across America”可知,是孩子们可以成为护林员,故选 A。 【27 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“make a promise to be a national park

35、protector”可知,要承诺保护国家公园,故选 D。 【28 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“Buy your Junior Ranger Handbook in the nearest Visitor Center”“Complete the pages in the handbook”“Pick up rubbish”“Attend a Guided Program”“Return your completed handbook and a bag of rubbish to the Visitor Center”“Make your official Junior Ranger Prom

36、ise at a ceremony”可知, 在得到初级护林员徽章之前 要完成六个步骤,故选 C。 B Lima, the capital of Peru, is located in the central coastal part of the country, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. With a population of more than 9 million, Lima is one of the largest cities and the only capital in South America that faces the ocean.

37、Lima has a long history. The lost Inca civilization, is thought to be a mystery. There are many museums, where you can learn: how the ancient American Indians founded the Inca Empire and built Machu Picchu, a famous ancient city in the Andes Mountains; what happened in 1532 and why over 90% of Peruv

38、ians speak Spanish. Visiting the historic center, a World Heritage Site, you may find you are communicating with both the past and the present. Lima is also a place where you can find the lifestyles and fashions, created by its people and culture. You will see Peruvian clothes, dances, and taste the

39、ir delicious foods and drinks. You can see buildings in different styles, enjoy the fantastic sunset over the ancient ruins, climb the mountains, fly over the ocean, or sit in the restaurants and bars to experience Peruvians relaxing life. You may have heard “It never rains in Lima.” In fact, the sp

40、ecial geographic feature makes it not as dry as it is said to be and it is warm all year round. Though it seldom rains in summer, it sometimes drizzles on early winter mornings. The drizzle and the wet air “water” the ground, which makes the crops and the plants grow. Moreover, modern technology hel

41、ps to bring water from the snow and ice on the top of the Andes (over 6,000m high) for the city to use. People there never waste water. Lima is such an amazing city that it is worth a visit. 29. According to the passage, where is Lima on the map? A. B. C. D. 30. Most people in Lima speak _. A. India

42、n B. Spanish C. English D. Inca language 31. The underlined word “drizzle” probably means _. A. warm air B. sea water C. snow and ice D. very light rain 32. Lima is a city _. A. which is rich in water resources B. where people can learn Inca culture C. which is the largest in South America D. where

43、the houses are in the same style 【答案】29. D 30. B 31. D 32. B 【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇说明文,向我们介绍秘鲁的首都利马。 【29 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“Lima, the capital of Peru, is located in the central coastal part of the country, overlooking the Pacific Ocean.”可知,秘鲁首都利马位于该国中部沿海,俯瞰太平洋。结合地图,故选 D。 【30 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“why over 90% of Peruvia

44、ns speak Spanish”可知,超过 90%的秘鲁人说西班牙语,故选 B。 【31 题详解】 词义猜测题。分析“Though it seldom rains in summer, it sometimes drizzles on early winter mornings.”可知,虽 然这里夏天很少下雨,但在初冬的早晨有时会下毛毛雨。此处 drizzle 的意思是“小雨,毛毛雨”,故选 D。 【32 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“There are many museums, where you can learn: how the ancient American Indians fo

45、unded the Inca Empire”可知,利马有很多博物馆,你可以在那里学习古代美洲印第安人是如何建立印加帝国的,故 选 B。 C Most viruses can be found and killed by our immune system as soon as they enter our bodies. However, some viruses, for example, the coronavirus, are sneaky. They are difficult to recognize and find. These viruses can cause deadly

46、diseases, like COVID-19. Human-to-human transmission can easily occur, and pandemic will therefore break out. Vaccination is by now a simple, safe and effective way to protect us from the diseases. Vaccines are something that “looks” exactly the same as the viruses, mainly made from the viruses that

47、 are weakened or killed. They will not make us really ill. They only stimulate and activate our immune system to work, telling it something harmful is coming in. The immune system will know what the “viruses” look like, and send B cells (lymphocytes) or antibodies to find and kill them. Meanwhile B

48、cells will remember them for the next kill. A vaccine may also give us passive immunity by providing B cells taken from an animal or a human to play the same role. Scientists have developed more than 180 vaccines to fight against COVID-19. The technical approaches of these vaccines can be a little different, but their aims are the same. Take the inactivated vaccine as an example. In an inactivated vaccine


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