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1、 20212021 年年广州教科版广州教科版四年级英语期末复习计划四年级英语期末复习计划 一一学情分析学情分析 四年级 x 班共有学生 xx 人,本学期插班生 x 人(其中 x 人基础薄弱) 。班级大部分学生 学习态度比较端正,平时上课积极开动脑筋、作业认真完成,基础知识比较扎实,能按时完成 老师布置的学习任务。但学生的总结归纳、举一反三、知识运用能力不强,独立思考、课堂延 伸欠缺。还有一部分同学,学习态度不太端正、书写潦草,不花时间背诵、朗读,单词默写不 过关,句子问题很弱。因此,在复习过程中,要针对不同学生的学习情况,进行有效的复习。 二、二、复习目的复习目的 本学期期末考试早,14 周才

2、基本结束新课,留给学生复习的时间只剩 4 周。为了全面 提高学生的英语素质和能力,帮助学生能更好地汲取知识,获得能力,使优生能在原有基础上 更上一层楼; 使后进生能掌握最基础的英语知识, 能对一学期来所学的知识有一个系统的整理, 使他们学有方向、学有目标、学有所得。 三、三、复习要点复习要点 1.回归基础、重视教材 对每个单元的对话进行默写过关,每单元的对话要求背诵理解。同时每个单元的重难点句 型要进行针对性的讲解和练习;单元的 sound family 要多读,对字母发音有效的归纳,培养 学生的语音意识、拼读能力和单词解码能力。其次,在教材的情境中复习语法点,培养学生的 语用能力。 2.突破

3、重点和难点 1.四会单词、句子的默写、语音知识的复习,争取做到人人过关。 2.本学期的句型要熟悉,语法点要理解并运用,达到知行合一。本学期的难点有 (1)询问人外貌的句型运用 What is he/she like?He is kind/friendly. (2)时间的表达 What time is it?Its a quarter to/past half past (3)询问今天是星期几的句型以及询问对方在某一天通常做什么的句型及其答语 1.What day is it today?Its Monday/Tuesday/Sunday. 2.What do you usually do on

4、 Monday/Childrens Day.?I/we go to the park/play games /have a trip. (4)如何问答别人空闲时间做什么 What do you do when you have free time? I/we often/usually/always do some reading/go shopping/go to the library. (5)询问对方正在做什么的句型及其答语 What are you doing?Im/were watching TV/doing housework/playing a game. (6)询问某人正在某地

5、做什么以及对方最喜欢的事物是什么的句型 1.What is/are the boy/the children doing in the park/in the playground?He is flying a kite. They are playing football.2.Whats your favourite sport/food?My favourite sport/food is swimming/rice. (7) 询问对方在某个节日喜欢做什么的句型及其答语 What do you like doing for the spring festival/Halloween/Chr

6、istmas?I/we like having a big dinner/playing games/making cards. (8)由 Shall/Lets 引导的表示建议、请求的祈使句,1.Shall we play football/go to the park/listen to music?2.Lets go home/play basketball. (9)人称代词的用法 me/him/her/us/them,物主代词的用法 my/your/his/her our/their. (10)一般现在时的第三人称单数形式,He usually goes shopping on Week

7、ends;现在进行时 的结构主语+be 动词+现在分词+其他 (现在分词的构成) ;表达生日的句型用一般过去式, I was born in March/June. 四、四、复习计划复习计划 第第 1515 周周 Module 1 People & Module 2 Daily routine 单词、短语的复习、字母语音的复习、课本对话的巩固、单元测试 公式化句型公式化句型 1.Whos that man/woman?He/she is our teacher/Miss Liu. 2.表达“他/她看起来像一名”的句型 He/she looks like a doctor/an actress.

8、 3.询问你他人的外貌特征或性格特点的句型及其答语 -What is he/she like?He/she has a big nose/small eyes.He/she is shy/kind. 4.询问“几点了?”的句型及其答语 -What time is it?-Its seven oclock/six ten. 5.表达“是做某事的时候了”的句型 Its time to get up/have lunch/go to school. Its time for school/supper/work. 6.询问某人做某事的具体时间的句型及其答语 -What time do you go

9、to school? -I/we go to school at seven thirty. -What time does he/she have breakfast?-He/she has breakfast at seven. 第第 1616 周周 Module 3 Days of the week & Module 4 Activities 单词、短语的复习、字母语音的复习、课本对话的巩固、单元测试 公式化句型公式化句型 1.询问今天是星期几的句型及其答语 -What day is it today?-Its Monday/Tuesday/Sunday. 2.询问原因的句型 Why d

10、o you like pandas? Why do you want to see monkeys? 3.询问对方在某一天通常做什么的句型及其答语 -What do you usually do on Monday/childrens day/may day? -I/we go to the park/play games/have a trip. 4.询问对方空闲时做什么的句型及其答语 -What do you do when you have free time? -I/we often/usually/always do some reading/go shopping/go to th

11、e library. 5.表示自己不喜欢某事物的句型 I dont like that/hamburgers. 6.用 shall 来表达建议的句型 Shall we play football/go to the park/listen to music? 7.提建议的句型 Lets go home/play basketball/swim. 8.询问对方正在做什么的句型及其答语 -What are you doing?-Im/were watching TV/doing housework/playing a game. 9.征求别人的同意的句型 May I come in/play fo

12、otball/go fishing? 第第 1717 周周 Module 5 Sports & Module 6 Celebrations 单词、短语的复习、字母语音的复习、课本对话的巩固、单元测试 公式化句型公式化句型 1.询问某人正在某地做什么的句型及其答语 -What is/are the boy/the children doing in the park/in the playground? -He is flying a kite. They are playing football. 2.描述某事物看起来怎么样的句型 It looks nice/good/fun. 3.询问对方最

13、喜欢的食物是什么的句型及其答语 -Whats your favourite sport/food? -My favourite sport/food is swimming/rice. 4.询问年龄的句型及其答语 How old are/is you/Tom/Mary? I am twelve. He/she is eleven. 5.询问对方在某个节日喜欢做什么的句型及其答语 -What do you like doing for the spring festival/Halloween/Christmas? -I/we like having a big dinner/playing games/making cards. 6.介绍自己出生在几月的句型 I was born in May/January/July. 7.表示“这是给的”的句型 Heres a book/a gift/a new car for you/him/my mum. 第第 1818 周周 综合复习(期末练习题) 、专项练习(时间表达、一般现在时、现在进行时等等)


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