2021年小升初英语语法专项培优突破 第15章:介词(1)介词的种类和介词短语的用法

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2021年小升初英语语法专项培优突破 第15章:介词(1)介词的种类和介词短语的用法_第1页
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2021年小升初英语语法专项培优突破 第15章:介词(1)介词的种类和介词短语的用法_第2页
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2021年小升初英语语法专项培优突破 第15章:介词(1)介词的种类和介词短语的用法_第3页
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2021年小升初英语语法专项培优突破 第15章:介词(1)介词的种类和介词短语的用法_第4页
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1、1.介词的种类和介词短语的用法介词的种类和介词短语的用法 1)介词的种类介词的种类 介词由字形上可分为以下两种: 1.简单介词:只是一个单词,如:in,on,after。 2.短语介词:由两个以上单词集合而成,如:out of, in front of,because of,instead of。 2) 介词短语的用法介词短语的用法 The girl with long hair is my sister. 有着一头长发的女孩是我姐姐。 Nancy put her pen on the desk. 南希把她的笔放在桌上。 介词+名词(代词),形成介词短语,可以作定语、状语、表语和宾语补足语。

2、1.作定语 The book on the desk is mine. 桌子上的书是我的。 He bought a house of five rooms. 他买了一所有五个房间的房子。 比较比较 形容词作定语与介词短语作定语的区别: an interesting book 形容词 a book on the desk 介词短语 注意注意 介词短语作定语时,一律后置。 2.作状语(修饰动词、形容词、副词及全句) Class begin at eight.(修饰动词) 八点钟开始上课。 Jane looks young for her age.(修饰形容词) 珍妮看起来比她的实际年龄年轻。 Th

3、e school is not far from my house.(修饰副词) 学校离我家不远。 To my surprise,Li ming passsed the exam at all.(修饰全句) 使我惊奇的是,李明居然考试及格了。 比较比较 副词作状语与介词短语作状语: stand there 副词副词 stand on the hill 介词短语介词短语 3.作表语 He is in danger. 他处于危险之中。 We are against(for) you. 我们反对(赞成)你。 It was because of the heavy rain, we couldnt g

4、o out.因为这场大雨,我们出不去了。 4.作宾语补足语 Make yourself at home. 放松一些,就和在你自己家一样。 We made him out of danger. 我们使他脱离了危险。 介词的种类和介词短语的用法介词的种类和介词短语的用法 练习题练习题 用括号中适当的介词填空 1 He arrived _ (at, in, for) Shanghai _ (in, at, on, for) the morning of January. 2We played tennis _ (until, by, on) four. 3There is a clock _ (on

5、, over, above) the wall. 4We have no school _ (on, at, in, with) Sundays. 5She goes to the station _ (on, by, in, with) bus. 6My answer is different _ (from, at, of, for) yours. 7Im interested _ (at, with, on, in) China and Chinese way of life. 8Nancy looked _ (after. for, along, like) the knife. 9T

6、om is very fond _ (in, at, with, of) the sea. 10Ill be here _ (at, in, on, for) five oclock. 11The bus arrived exactly _ (on, at above) time. 12A bridge was built _ (on, at, over, above) the river. 13_ (in, At, To, With) her surprise, she found herself (in, at, on, with) a different world. 14We cannot live _ (with, by, in, without, for) water. 15The teacher gave me some advice _ (about, on, with, for) how to study English. 【答案】 1in, on 2until 3on 4on 5by 6from 7in 8for 9of 10at 11on 12over 13To in 14without 15on


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