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1、8 年级年级(下下) Units 12 导学案导学案 一、重点单词一、重点单词 1.问题;事情 n. _ 2.胃;腹部 n. _ 3.咽喉;喉咙 n_ 4.发烧 n. _ 5.咳嗽 n. 起跑;被取消;不工作;休息;不再供应”。 e.g. I have three days off next week. 2.作介词时,意为“从( 某处 )落下;离开;( 时空上 )离,距;去掉;戒除”。 e.g. There is a bathroom off the main bedroom. 3.作形容词时,意为“不新鲜;变质”。 e.g. The fish has gone off. off 短语小结 g

2、et off 下车 put off 推迟 show off 炫耀 fall off 从掉下 hurry off 匆匆离去 keep off 远离;不接近 ring off 挂断电话 pay off 付清 see off 送行 turn off 关闭;使厌烦 take off 起飞;脱掉( 衣服 ) give off 发出( 光、热、气味等 ) cut off 打断;切断;中断 go off 离开;闹钟响;爆炸 set off 出发;( 使 )开始;引起;点燃 drive off 赶走;击退;驾车离去;驶去 1). (2020 玉林) Eric, can you come back to my

3、birthday dinner on July 7th as usual? Sorry, I cant. The gaokao of this year is_ until that day because of the COVID-19. A. put up B. put off C. put on D. put down 2). (2020 荆州) What is it that smells so terrible, Ted? Im sorry I will _ my socks and put them in the washer. A. take off B. give out C.

4、 put up D. keep away 2. hit 的用法 作及物动词 意为“击;打;击中;到达”。常见用法:hit sb.on/in+身体部位+with sth.“用某 物打某人身体某部位”;hit+身体部位+on/against sth.“身体某部位碰或撞 在某物上”。常用句型:It hit sb.that“某人突然意识到”。 作不及物动词 意为“( 风暴、疾病等 )袭击;抨击;( 偶然 )碰上”。 作名词 意为“击;打;打击;轰动一时的人或事物”。 辨析 beat, knock 和 hit (1)beat 强调连续或反复地打或拍,因此像心脏跳动、打鼓、打拍子等之类具有连续性或反复性的

5、动作, 一般要用 beat。此外,它还有“殴打;打败”之意。 (2)knock 意为“敲;打;撞击”,一般指敲打并伴有响声,常与 at/on 连用。 (3)hit 指“打中;对准来打”,表示有意或无意地打或撞等,往往含有重重一击或用力敲打之意。 1). Mary hit Jack the head a book. A.at;with B.on;with C.on;by D.in;by 2). All of a sudden it Peter that he had forgotten his friends birthday. A.knocked B.happened C.beat D.hit

6、 3. lonely 和 alone 的用法 1).lonely 只能作形容词,表示人主观上感到“孤独的”,感情色彩浓厚;也可修饰地点,意为“荒凉的;偏僻 的”。 e.g. I feel lonely without my dog. Thats a lonely island. 2.alone 可用作副词,意为“单独地,独自地”,相当于 by oneself;也可用作形容词,意为“单独的,独自的”,表 示客观情况,此时只可作表语。 e.g. She lives alone in the village. He was alone in the middle of the hall. 1).(2

7、020 荆州) How are you getting on with your work? I cant do it _ any longer. Ill have to get help. A. hard B. quietly C. simply D. alone 2). She lived _ in a small village, but she didnt feel _ Alonely; lonely Balone; lonely Clonely; alone 4.辨析 raise 和 rise 辨析 含义及用法 示例 raise 使升高。强调“某人把某物举起来” raise the

8、glass 举杯 raise ones hand 举手 增加 raise salaries 提高薪资 筹集(资金);征集(人员) raise money 筹钱 raise an army 招兵 抚养,养育 raise pets 养宠物 rise 上升。强调“某人/某物自己站/升起来” The sun rises.太阳升起。 rose, risen The river rises.水位上涨。 增长 The price rises.价格上涨。 The price of vegetables so quickly these days. I dont think so. A.affords B.ri

9、ses C.improves D.raises 5. give up 的用法 give up 是动副结构短语,意为“放弃;戒除”,若接人称代词作其宾语,代词应位于词组中间;后接 V-ing 形 式作宾语。 e.g. You mustnt give up studying foreign languages for even a day. give 短语小结 give out 分发;散发 give away 赠送;捐赠 give in 屈服;让步 give back ( 归 )还;回报;恢复 (2020 云南)Dont _ our hopes. As long as we pull togeth

10、er, well make it. A. give up B. give out C. give back D. give away 6. 辨析 be/get used to (doing) sth. , used to do sth. 与 be used to do sth. 辨析 含义 用法 be/get used to (doing) sth. “习惯于做某事; 适应于做某事” 主语是人。 to 为介词, 后跟名词、 代词或动名词。 (beget/become) used to do sth. “过去常 常做某事” to 为不定式符号,后跟动词原形。 be used to do sth.

11、 “被用来做某事” 主语是物。to 为不定式符号,后跟动词原形。 (be used to do sth.be used for doing sth.) 1).(2020 甘肃)I_sleep very well, but then I started doing yoga and it really helps. A.didnt use to B.used to C.was used to D.wasnt used to 2).(2020 十堰)李梅很勤奋,她习惯于晨读。 Li Mei is hard-working and she _ morning reading. 7.“Whats th

12、e matter?”句型 (1)“Whats the matter?”可用于询问对方有什么问题或不顺心的事, 也可询问某物出了什么故障,后面可接“with sb./sth.”,表示“某人/某物怎么了”。 (2)matter 用作名词时,意为“问题;事情”;用作动词时,意为“要紧;关系重大”,主要用于疑问句或 否定句。 e.g. I have a matter to discuss with you. It doesnt matter. Whats the matter with your brother? (2020 新疆)Pay no attention to those who laugh

13、 at you. What most _is how you see yourself. A. drinks B. matters C. cares D. minds 8. mean(meant,meant)打算;意欲 e.g. My new job means traveling around the world. I mean you to work as our spokesman. I mean that we have to leave early. 9. difficulty 的用法 (1)difficulty 是 difficult 的名词形式,意为“困难;难题”。 (2)hav

14、e difficulty (in) doing sth.“做某事有困难”,difficulty 前可以加形容词,如 great。 e.g. They had great difficulty (in) finding you. Im Daisy, not Jessie. Sorry. I have difficulty _ peoples name. Aremembering Bremember Cto remember 10. imagine 的用法 11. lie 的用法 辨析 lie 和 lay 词汇 词义 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 lie 躺;位于 lay lain lying li

15、e 说谎,撒谎 lied lied lying lay 放置;产卵 laid laid laying 口诀记忆口诀记忆 规则的说谎( 规则动词 lieliedlied ), 不规则的躺( 不规则动词 lielaylain ), 躺过就下蛋( 躺的过去式是下蛋的原形 ), 下蛋说付钱( lay, say, pay 的过去式和过去分词构成规律相同 )。 1). (2020 桂林)Diana is_(躺,平躺)in the sun at this moment. 2.The hens 50 eggs last week,but this week they arent . A.lay;lying B

16、.laid;laying C.lay;laying D.lied;lying 3.The girl on the ground to me that she had_ the wallet on the desk. A.lying;lay;laid B.lying;lied;laid C.lie;lied;lay D.lay;lied;lain 12. 辨析 sick 与 ill 单词 用法 例句 sick 既可放 be (系动词)后作表语, 也可放名词前 作定语。sick person patient 病人。常用短 语:be sick of讨厌;厌恶 She is looking after

17、 her sick father. ill 只能放 be (系动词)后作表语,“病人”可以说Tom is ill in hospital. “a sick man”,但不能说“an ill man”。常用短 语:be ill in hospital 生病住院 My little brother was _. I must look after the _ boy. A. ill; sick B. sick; ill C. ill; ill 13. 辨析 run out, run out of 与 use up 短语 用法 run out 句子的主语是表“物”的名词或代词,其后不接宾语,不用于被

18、动语态 run out of 句子的主语是表“人”的名词或代词,其后接宾语 use up 句子的主语是表“人”的名词或代词,其后接宾语,可用于被动语态 e.g. Our money ran out. We ran out of money. We used up our money.Our money was used up. 1. The oil on the earth will _ one day. I think so. We should make good use of it. A. find out B. work out C. run out 2. 纸已经用光了。(汉译英) _

19、 七、语法复习七、语法复习:动词不定式:动词不定式 动词不定式是动词的一种非谓语形式,没有人称和数的变化,不能单独作句子的谓语。其基本构成形式 为“to+动词原形”, to 为动词不定式的符号, 本身无意义,有时可以省略。动词不定式的具体用法如下: 1.作主语:动词不定式作主语可位于句首,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。 e.g. To learn English well is very important. 2.作宾语:常见跟动词不定式作宾语的动词有 want, need, decide, ask, learn, hope, begin, agree, plan, refuse, seem,

20、wish, fail, choose, manage, promise, expect, afford 等。 e.g. He hopes to see you soon. 3.作宾语补足语: (1)常见跟动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有 ask, want, tell, wish, like, teach, invite, advise, allow, order, encourage, warn,get 等。 e.g. I invited him to come to my birthday party. (2)常见跟省略 to 的不定式作宾语补足语的动词:“一感”( feel );“二听”(

21、hear, listen to);“三使”(make, let,have);“四看”(see, watch, notice, look at);“一半帮”(help, 后接不接 to 都可以)。 e.g. This afternoon I watched them play football. 4.作表语:动词不定式作表语,一般放在系动词 be,seem 的后面,主语通常是 wish, idea, task, job 等名词。 e.g. My wish is to be a doctor. 5.作定语:动词不定式作定语,应置于所修饰的词语之后。常接动词不定式作定语的名词有 way, time,

22、 place, promise, wish 等。 e.g. There is no time to think. 6.作状语: (1)动词不定式作状语表原因,其结构是“be+adj.+to do”,常搭配的形容词有 sorry, happy, sad, glad, pleased, lucky, surprised, able, angry, ready, clever, wrong, right 等。 e.g. She is very happy to see her husband. (2)动词不定式作状语表结果,常用于 too.to.,enough to.结构中。 He is too y

23、oung to go to school.= He isnt old enough to go to school. (3)动词不定式作状语表目的。 e.g. She went home to have dinner. 1). (2020 桂林)They want _a football match. A. not watch B. watch C. to watch 2).(2020 邵阳)When does the online class begin, Mrs. Grace? At eight oclock. Tell Cindy _late. A. not be B. not bein

24、g C. not to be 3).(2020 吉林)Lisa plans_ a new picture next week. A. draw B. to draw C. drawing 八、写作复习:健康与急救八、写作复习:健康与急救 写作指导写作指导 健康与急救是我们生活中经常谈论的话题。此话题涉及的写作出题方向常有以下几种: 1.对于健康的看法及建议、运动与健康的关系等; 2.如何做到饮食健康,如何保护牙齿、眼睛等; 3.探讨熬夜、吸烟等对健康的危害; 4.突发事件如何急救等。 考生在写作时,首先要仔细审题,确定写作主题和角度。其次,这一话题涉及的文章以说明文和议论文为 主,所以写作时,

25、考生应逐一阐述要点,并用恰当的连接词连接起来,使文章条理清晰。 文章最后可以进行 总结,如健康的意义、呼吁大家养成良好的生活习惯等。 重点词汇重点词汇 1.描述病情:have a cold/fever/toothache/headache/nosebleed/stomachache/sore back/sore throat., feel worse/better. 2.就诊建议:get an X-ray, take ones temperature,take breaks/take a break,cut off. 3.生活习惯:healthy eating habit, do exerci

26、se, used to do sth., be used to doing sth.,keep fit/healthy. 提分句型提分句型 1.开头句: More and more people know the importance of. Health means much wealth to everyone. 2.正文句: To eat healthily, we should eat healthy food instead of junk food at school or at home. We should do more exercise in order to keep h

27、ealthy. He told me to take a rest and drink more water. The doctor asked me to take the medicine three times a day. 3.结尾句: At last,we hope that we all. Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and its important to eat a balanced diet. I hope everyone can keep in good health. 优秀范文优秀范文 (2020 黄石)我市某英文杂志社正

28、面向九年级毕业生征文,请从以下要点中选择两到三点,写一篇题 为“How to keep healthy”的短文,参加此次活动。 要点: 1.运动有益身心健康。多锻炼,如跑步、爬山、骑车等; 2.养成健康的饮食习惯, 如多喝水和牛奶,多吃蔬菜和水果,少吃垃圾食品和快餐; 3.学习有计划,早睡早起不熬夜,劳逸结合; 4.乐观、积极、友好,与同学和睦相处。 要求: 1.可结合自身事例、适当发挥;语言通顺,意思连贯 2.80 词左右。(无须写标题,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数) 参考词汇:keep healthy physically and mentally 保持身心健康 regularly 有规律

29、地 optimistic 乐观的 Keeping healthy plays an important role in our daily life. What should we do to keep healthy? First, exercise is good for keeping healthy physically and mentally. We can participate in regular exercise, such as cycling, mountain climbing, running and so on. Second, its very importan

30、t for us to form healthy eating habits. We should drink more water and milk, and eat more vegetables and fruits. And we should avoid eating too much junk food and fast food. Third, we should be optimistic, positive and friendly. We should also get along well with classmates. If we try to do that, we

31、ll be a healthier person. 针对练习针对练习 假如你是李华,你得知你的英国好友 Peter 由于长时间玩手机游戏,现在出现头痛、 眼睛不舒服、 睡不好 觉等症状。请你用英语给他写一封电子邮件,建议他去看医生,并给出关于保持健康的建议。 要点提示:1.停止玩手机游戏; 2.多做户外( outdoor )运动; 3.多结交一些朋友。 要求:1.语句通顺、逻辑严密; 2.词数 80100( 格式及结尾已给出,不计入总词数 )。 Dear Peter, Im sorry to hear that youre not feeling well these days._ _ _ _

32、 _ _ I hope youll get better soon. Yours, Li Hua 答案答案 一、重点单词一、重点单词 二、词汇拓展二、词汇拓展 三、重点短语三、重点短语 四、重点句型四、重点句型 瑞: 一、重点单词 1.问题;事情 n.matter 2.胃;腹部 n.stomach 3.咽喉;喉咙 n.throat 4.发烧 n.fever 5.咳嗽 n. is/ gets used to 7.B 8.A 11. lying;BB 12.A 13.C;The paper has run out already 七、语法复习七、语法复习 CCB 八、写作复习八、写作复习 I th

33、ink you should go to the doctor first. At the same time you need to learn to keep healthy. Looking at screens for a long time will lead to many problems. To keep fit, you need to stop playing phone games because it will make your condition worse. Besides this,you should do some outdoor activities, which are good for your health. Whats more, you should make more friends. Friends can help you stay away from phone games.


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