【冀教版】英语三年级上《Lesson 22 How Old Are You》课件(2)

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Lesson22 How old are you?,What can you see? (快速说出你看见了什么?),Old or young?,Hes old,Old,young,Shes young,I can ask and answer. (我会询问他人年龄并回答),How old are you?,Im _ years old.,How old are you?,Im ten years old. How old are you?,Im nine.,Im nine years old. Lynn is six years old. Shes very young.,Game 游戏,假如你是一个小记者,请你用咱们学过的句子采访一下你的同桌。,My name is _. Whats your name? Nice to meet you. How old are you?,homework,1、 回家后听录音五遍并跟着模仿朗读。 2、 问父母的年龄。,Goodbye boys and girls! Thanks!,


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