【冀教版】英语三年级上《Lesson 17 Are You Okay》课件(1)

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1、Lesson 17 Are You Okey?,Hi!Nice to meet you!,: _?,: I am fine. Thanks!,How are you,Are you okay? 你好吗?,: Are you okay?,: No. I have a headache.,Aaaah, I feel sick. My stomach! I have a stomachache.,Are you okay?,Whats the matter?,I cut my knee.,Ouch! I cut my finger. It hurts!,My elbow hurts.,My toe

2、hurts.,My ear hurts.,我的脚趾疼。她的手指疼。,My toe hurts.,Her finger hurts.,1. 把下列短语和相应的汉语意思连起来., have a headache,Are you okay?, have a stomachache, cut my finger, feel sick,胃痛,割到我的手指,感觉不舒服,头痛,你还好吗?,小 结,Lesson 17 Are You Okay?,1. New words学习单词: sick headache stomachacheokay hurt nurse,2.句型:-Are you okey?-No, I have a headache. /I feel sick.-Whats the matter?- I cut my knee. It hurts.,Good bye,


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