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1、Unit1 单元测试卷 一、写出下列动词的原形。 1. saw _ 2. held _ 3. told _ 4. began _ 5. did _ 6. were _ 二、用动词的适当形式填空。 1. The class meeting will _ at 8:30. 2. Please _ me the story of it. 3. They _ not play football on Sunday. They went to see a film. 4. We can _ swimming on Sports Day. 5. We _ in Beijing yesterday. 6.

2、Greece (希腊) _ the 28th Olympic Games. 三、将下列词组译成英语。 1. 举行 _ 2. 一个世界 _ 3. 每四年 _ 4. 夏季奥运会 _ 5. 一个梦想 _ 6. 唱一首歌 _ 四、看图写话。 1. This is an _ _. There are _ _ on it. What color are they? They are _, _, _, _ and _. 2. This is our _ _. There are _ _ on it. What color are they? They are _. 五、判断下列句子描述是否正确,正确的画“”

3、,错误的画“”。 ( ) 1. The 29th Olympic Games on August 8, 2008. ( ) 2. The Games was held in Shanghai. ( ) 3. The slogans are “Faster, higher and stronger.” ( ) 4. We can see skating at the Games. 参考答案 一、 1. see 2. hold 3. tell 4. begin 5. do 6. are 二、 1. begin 2. tell 3. did 4. see 5. were 6. held 三、 1. take place 2. one world 3. every four years 4. Summer Olympics 5. a (one) dream 6. sing a song 四、 1. Olympic Flag; five rings; blue black red yellow; green 2. national flag; five stars; yellow 五、 1-4


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