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1、2021 年江苏省连云港中考英语一轮复习课时训练:八年级下册 Unit5 . .单项选择单项选择 1.Which underlined letter pronounces differently from the others? A.politely B.pick C.public D.litter 2.The of this activity is to raise money for a new hospital. A.silence B.purpose C.culture D.language 3.You can NOT see in a history museum. A. B. C.

2、 D. 4.It is so hot today. Why not swim in the river? No, we cant swim in the river. Our teachers and parents always warn us in the river. Its too dangerous. A.to not swim B.swimming C.not to swim D.not swimming 5.The girl seemed too busy for her test her mother enter the room. A.preparing; to notice

3、 B.to prepare; to notice C.preparing; noticing D.to prepare; noticing 6.The online charity concert One World: Together at Home provided the fans with a chance to take a look at their favourite artists living rooms the wonderful show. A.as good as B.as soon as C.as long as D.as well as 7.It was for u

4、s to solve the math problem. Few of us could even understand it. A.easy enough B.enough easy C.difficult enough D.enough difficult 8.Im sorry to on you, but there are one or two things I dont understand. It doesnt matter. A.cut down B.cut out C.cut in D.cut off 9.Youd better fix the machine I have t

5、old you. Otherwise, you may make more problems. A.like B.with C.as D.follow 10So many people worked together day and night. As a result, Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan was finished within just ten days. Their hard work proves that “ ”. A.Dont put all your eggs in one basket B.A friend in need is a fr

6、iend indeed C.Many hands make light work D.The early bird catches the worm .完形填空 When I was little, one of my favorite holiday traditions was making a wish list for Santa Claus. Every year, my father helped me 11 all that I wanted. Often, I put food on the list: chocolates, candiesOne year, I even a

7、sked for my favorite 12 ! As I grew older, I no longer wrote to Santa Claus, but I never 13 making a list of the things that I most liked or wanted. One year, I went to China to work in a 14 . In China, most people dont celebrate Christmas. 15 , they celebrate Chinese New Year. In my classes, I aske

8、d my students to make lists for Santa Claus. But they 16 me. “We get lucky money at Chinese New Year,” one girl told me. “Thats better than gifts from Santa Claus!” I nodded. Maybe she was 17 ! On Christmas Eve, my friends and I went walking in the city. 18 Christmas isnt a holiday in China, many pe

9、ople were out in the streets and having fun. They 19 Santa hats, ate candies and said “Merry Christmas” to us in English. They knew we were 20 . After a few hours, my friends and I were 21 and a bit cold. “One Christmas when I was small, I wished for soup from Santa Claus,” I told my friends. They l

10、aughed. We went into a restaurant and sat at a table. 22 , my friends cried out. “Look, Beth, your 23 is coming true!” I turned around. “Santa Claus” stood 24 me. Well, it was the waiter, but he was dressed in a red-and-white Santa Claus suit! “Merry Christmas. What can I get you?” 25 asked. “Soup!”

11、we said in chorus (齐声). 11.A.fix B.hide C.list D.name 12.A.soup B.coffee C.milk D.tea 13.A.enjoyed B.suggested C.stopped D.remembered 14.A.restaurant B.school C.bank D.store 15.A.Instead B.Next C.Also D.Anyway 16.A.depended on B.cared for C.worried about D.laughed at 17.A.polite B.right C.serious D.

12、careful 18.A.When B.Though C.Because D.If 19.A.sold B.made C.wore D.washed 20.A.foreigners B.reporter C.passengers D.neighbors 21.A.nervous B.quiet C.sleepy D.hungry 22.A.Suddenly B.Finally C.Luckily D.Naturally 23.A.plan B.wish C.promise D.fear 24.A.against B.below C.above D.behind 25.A.it B.he C.I

13、 D.she .阅读理解 What are the basic ingredients(要素) of good manners? A strong sense of fairness is one of them. A friend once told me an experience that he had. When he was driving along a one-lane(单行道), unpaved (未 铺路的) mountain road, the car ahead of his produced clouds of choking dust(呛人的尘土), and it w

14、as a long way to the nearest paved main road. Suddenly, the car ahead stopped at a wider place on the road. My friend thought there must be something wrong with the car ahead. He stopped and asked if anything was wrong. “No,” said the other driver. “But youve endured my dust so far. Ill endure yours

15、 the rest of the way.” Another ingredient is empathy (同情心). It makes a person see into the mind or heart of someone else. Recently I happened to read such a story in a book. A man was having dinner alone, and he was trying to open a bottle. But he failed. Then he asked a waiter for help. The waiter

16、took the bottle, turned his back and opened it without difficulty. Then the waiter closed it again and turned back. He pretended (假装) to make a great effort to open the bottle without success. Finally he took it into the kitchen and returned very soon. He told the man that he managed to open it, but

17、 only with a tool. Yet another ingredient is the ability to treat people alike (一视同仁). No matter who he is and what he does, everyone is worth respecting. 26.The driver in the car ahead stopped to . A.repair the car B.have a rest C.ask the way D.let the back car go 27.The underlined word “endure” pr

18、obably means in Chinese. A.原谅 B.容忍 C.抱怨 D.谴责 28.In fact the waiter opened the bottle . A.by himself easily B.with a tool C.with difficulty D.without success 29.The second story may happen . A.in the kitchen at home B.on the main road C.in the restaurant D.on the busy street 30.The best title of the

19、passage is “ ”. A.The Ability to Solve Problems B.The Ways to Help Others C.The Good Manners to Treat Others D.The Empathy for Strangers .根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 31.I believe humans will move to live on Mars (某时) in the future. 32.She blew out all the (蜡烛) and made a wish. 33.Mr Smith (亲吻) his wife

20、 and kids before he goes to work every day. 34.We should find a (合适的) place for a picnic. I mean, it is not far from here and its very quiet. 35.Our English teacher is patient enough to (解释) English grammar rules to us again and again. .根据短文意思和所给首字母,写出一个完整正确的单词。 One day a man bought a lot of coconut

21、s(椰子) and put them all on his horse. He was moving them to his friends house. On the way, the man 36.m a boy. “How long would it take to get to the house?” he asked the boy. “If you go 37.s ,” the boy said, “you will get there very soon. But if you go fast, it will take you all day.” “What a funny r

22、eply!” said the man. He did not listen to the boy. He made his horse run as fast as 38.p . Some coconuts fell off. He had to stop to 39.p them up. Then he made his horse run fast again. But the coconuts fell off again, and he stopped again. He did this many 40.t , and it was night when he finally go

23、t to his friends house. 答案 .1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 表示“警告某人不要做某事”要用 warn sb. not to do sth.或 warn sb. against doing sth.,结合选项,可知用 warn us not to swim in the river “警告我们不要在河里游泳”,故选 C。 5.A 6.D 7.C enough 用作副词时,意思是“足够,充分”,一般应放在所修饰的形容词、副词的后面。根据后一句“Few of us could even understand it.”可知选 C。 8.C 9.C 10.C .主旨大意 这是

24、一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者小时候庆祝圣诞节的情况以及她在中国过圣诞节的经 历。展示了自己在中国教学的过程中体验到的两种不同的文化背景下的节日文化。 11.C 根据上句的“making a wish list”可知此处为我的爸爸帮我列出我想要的一切。故选 C。 12.A 根据下文中“One Christmas when I was small, I wished for soup from Santa Claus,”可知此处是我甚至 想要我最爱喝的汤。故选 A。 13.C 根据句意可知,我不再给圣诞老人写信了,但是我没有停止过列出我最喜欢的或最想要的事物的清单。 故选 C。 14.B 根据后

25、文的“I asked my students”可知我去了中国,在一所学校工作。故选 B。 15.A 上文“不庆祝圣诞节”和下文“他们庆祝中国新年”提示用副词 instead 表示“相反”。故选 A。 16.D 根据句意,我叫我的学生列清单给圣诞老人,但是他们笑话我。故选 D。 17.B 由前句“I nodded”,可推断出句意为“也许她是对的”。故选 B。 18.B 根据句意,虽然圣诞节不是中国的节日,但是很多人会到街上玩耍。故选 B。 19.C 根据句意,他们戴着圣诞帽子。故选 C。 20.A 由前文“I went to China to work”可推断出句意为“他们知道我们是外国人”。故

26、选 A。 21.D 根据后文,我们走进餐厅可知此处表示我和朋友都饿了。故选 D。 22.A 根据句意,此处表示,突然,朋友大喊出来。故选 A。 23.B 根据第一句的“making a wish list for”可知,此处填 wish。故选 B。 24.D 根据“I turned around”可知圣诞老人就在我的身后。故选 D。 25.B 结合上文可知,此处的 he 表示的是那个 waiter。故选 B。 .主旨大意本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了礼貌的基本要素:强烈的公平意识、具有同情心、对待他 人能一视同仁。 26.D 细节理解题。根据第二段的最后两句“But youve endure

27、d my dust so far. Ill endure yours the rest of the way.”可知,前面的司机停下车让后面的车先走。故选 D。 27.B 28.A 细节理解题。 根据第四段中的“The waiter took the bottle, turned his back and opened it without difficulty.” 可知,服务员很容易地打开了瓶子。故选 A。 29.C 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“A man was having dinner alone”以及“Then he asked a waiter for help.” 可知,这个故事可能发生在饭店。故选 C。 30.C 主旨大意题。本文介绍了礼貌的基本要素:强烈的公平意识、具有同情心、对待他人能一视同仁。故 C 项“对待他人的礼貌”符合大意。故选 C。 .31.sometime 32.candles 33.kisses 34.proper 35.explain .36.met 37.slowly 38.possible 39.pick 40.times


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