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1、二二一年中考英语能力水平诊断测试(一)英语试题第 1 页 (共 10 页) 二二一年中考英语能力水平诊断测试(一) 试 题 卷 考试时间:150 分钟+5 分钟(问卷调查)卷面总分:150 分命题人:吴骏涛 一、一、单项选择单项选择 (共 40 小题; 每小题 1 分,计 40 分) 1. My friend Mary invited me to her birthday party._ How about an album? A. That sounds good?B. What should I get her? C. It will be fun.D. Would you like to

2、 go? 2. The teacher says we wont go camping this weekend. I just cant understand. _. A. Never mindB. Enjoy yourselves C. What a pityD. Dont worry about it 3. I have been playing _ chess for almost nine years while my friend jacks favorite is playing _ violin. A. the; theB. the; /C. /; theD. /; / 4.

3、Would you please walk a little further to make your phone call? A class of students _ their examination. I am sorry that I didnt notice it. A. was takingB. were takingC. is takingD. are taking 5. Although we meet with a lot of troubles and difficulties, we do believe this project _ soon. A. will com

4、pleteB. will be completed C. wont completeD. wont be completed 6. I dont care whether Tom will attend the meeting tomorrow. _ my boss. A. So doesB. So willC. Neither doesD. Neither will 7. The factory _ we usually hung out in primary school has been pulled down and turned into a square. A. thatB. th

5、emC. oneD. those 8. Go east, _ youll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests. It is so amazing travelling in Canada. A. andB. butC. orD. so 9. Taizhou has a very long history and many beautiful. A. sightsB. viewsC. locationsD. positions 10. It is upsetting that I dont remember _ my glasses

6、 yesterday. A. where I putB. where did I putC. where I had putD. where had I put 11. Look, theres an umbrella left in the classroom! It _ be Toms. Only he has a black one. A. canB. mayC. mightD. must 12. My desk mate told me that by the end of last year she _ a vocabulary of more than 8,000 words. A

7、. has masteredB. masteredC. had masteredD. would master 13. Take it easy, little girl. It will be just a few days_ you see your mother again. A. untilB. unlessC. beforeD. after 14. He made great progress in English as he spent more time than he used to _ words and passages. A. memorizeB. memorizingC

8、. memorizedD. memorizes 二二一年中考英语能力水平诊断测试(一)英语试题第 2 页 (共 10 页) 15. The boys pretended _ the book when their teacher entered the classroom. A. readingB. to readC. to be readD. to be reading 16. The two lawyers were told not to leave the building, but they refused to follow the _. A. MessageB. situatio

9、nC. suggestionD. instruction 17. It is accepted by everyone that knowledge is the most valuable _ for human beings. A. standardB. treasureC. inventionD. education 18. Living downtown is a(n) _ to my family for we both love restaurant and cinemas. A. VictoryB. popularityC. advantageD. condition 19.As

10、 we all know,it _ hard work and great patience to become a scientist. A. GainsB. requiresC. producesD. influences 20. I couldnt believe these people _ in this way when they were going on a trip in foreign countries. I was ashamed of them. A. RemainedB. behavedC. regrettedD. challenged 21. Since the

11、missing of SJ182 and some other flights recently, we have to fight and _ the fear of flying before we get on the plane. A. coverB. spreadC. increaseD. overcome 22. Having been out of work for almost a year, he couldnt even _ an air-conditioner in such a hot summer. A.fixB. affordC. requestD. receive

12、d 23. When you have finished the experiment, youd better _ all the things that you have used. A. take offB. give upC. put awayD. turn down 24. I often _ late to watch movies and play computer games, but my Mom doesnt allow me to. A. stay upB. dress upC. grow upD.mix up 25. The ground was wet after t

13、he rain last night. They tried to _ a place where they could sit. A. take afterB. look afterC. care forD. search for 26. It is _ of Chinese mothers to care about everything that happens to their kids and be ready to help at any time. A. specialB. typicalC. strangeD. traditional 27. APP on mobile pho

14、nes makes it _ for us to shop, to chat with friends, to learn a language, to listen to music and to enjoy a film just online. A. valuableB. acceptableC. convenientD. particular 28. Things could have turned out quite _ if we had been fully prepared. A. mostlyB. actuallyC. differentlyD. comfortably 29

15、. With the help of the soldiers, everything in this city began to work _ after the earthquake. A. exactlyB. widelyC. finallyD. normally 30. Thank God, youre safe! I stepped back, just _ to avoid the racing car. A. in timeB. in needC. on timeD. on watch 31. Nobody knows which team will win the footba

16、ll match in 2021 Olympics. Yes. That is the _ of the wonderful game. A. cultureB. magicC. celebrationD. purpose 32. My friend Lily always thinks about everything _ than anyone else in her group work. Is it why she is unwelcome in her group? A. more creativeB. more creativelyC. less creativeD. less c

17、reatively 二二一年中考英语能力水平诊断测试(一)英语试题第 3 页 (共 10 页) 33. _ did you sleep last night? I was reading a story-book too late to fall sleep. A. HowB. How longC. WhenD. How soon 34. Is it true that most of the students dont believe John? Yes. Its very unkind of him to _ stories about others. A. put upB. set up

18、C. make upD. give up 35. How do you like the twins? They are _ helpful _ generous. Few people make friends with them A. not only; but alsoB. both; andC. neither; norD. either; or 36. _ you made when you had the party yesterday! But we cleaned it up when the party was over. A. What nice musicB. How n

19、ice the dinner C. What a big messD. How big mess 37. The scientist does not study nature _ it is useful to do so. He studies it because he takes pleasure in it. A. untilB. becauseC. thoughD. unless 38. The program Shine!Super Brothers(追光吧!哥哥) is quite popular around China. How do you like it? . A. P

20、retty goodB.All rightC. Its my pleasureD. I think so 39. Excuse me, could you tell me _? Theres an e-shop on the third floor.You can make it there. A. who I can have my iphone12 repaired B. how can I get to the e-shop to repair my iphone12 C. where I can have my iphone12 repaired D. which e-shop I c

21、an go to repair my iphone12 40. The matter _ you were arguing about last night was so serious _ it attracted the attention of our head teacher. A. that; thatB. what; thatC. that; whichD. which; / 二、完形填空二、完形填空 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分,计 15 分) Most of us have three meals a day .We take food for granted(想当然).

22、And we dont think about it.41, experts argue a food crisis(危机) is coming.This crisis is going to42us change the way we think about food. Food is in great need43a growing of world population. By 1960, the population(人 口)was three billion. It doubled to six billion by 1999. By 2050, this planet will n

23、eed to44at least nine billion people with food.As a result, the food prices get higher and higher. So,what can a45,crowded world do?One suggestion is to eat46meat.Meat uses more natural resources than grains.It requires more47to produce one pound of meat than to produce one pound of grain. It also r

24、equires between 5 and 10 times more48 than vegetables. So ,eating less meat will49more land to farming, and it will save water. To eats less meat,people will need to change their eating habits. That will be50. Americans, for example,have51loved meat. In general, They eat twice as much meat as people

25、 in other countries.At the same time,in developing countries like China and Brazil,sales of meat have doubled in the last 20 years.52will double again by 2050.Growing need of meat will53to put pressure on natural resources. World population is increasing, resources are becoming fewer,and food prices

26、 are rising.Therefore, we need to rethink54we eat every day. For meat lovers, we dont need to give up meat55.But we need to eat more grains and less meat. 二二一年中考英语能力水平诊断测试(一)英语试题第 4 页 (共 10 页) 41.A.AndB. OrC. HoweverD.Until 42.A. findB. makeC.getD.tell 43.A.instead ofB.thanks toC.becauseD.because of

27、 44.A.helpB.haveC. meetD. provide 45.A.busyB.tiredC. hungryD. thirsty 46.A.moreB. lessC.muchD.little 47.A.timeB. peopleC. landD.place 48.A.airB.meatC. waterD. money 49.A.produceB. offerC. wasteD. need 50.A. importantB. hardC. easyD. necessary 51.A. neverB. sometimesC. alwaysD. hardly 52.A.TheyB. ItC

28、. WeD. That 53.A.stopB. continueC. haveD. start 54.A. howB. whenC. whereD. what 55.A. quicklyB. finallyC. fullyD. especially 三、阅读理解三、阅读理解 (共 20 小题; 每小题 2 分,计 40 分) A Colors often have different meanings in different cultures. In the U.S., people have found the following to be true. Black: Black is t

29、he color of power. It is also popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner. White: White is the symbol of purity. White is thought to be a summer color. However, white shows dirt and is more difficult to keep clean than other colors. Red: This is the most exciting color. Red furniture(家

30、具) should look very good since it will attract a lot of attention. Red cars are the thievesfavorite. Red is often used in restaurants because it is an appetite(食欲) stimulant. This means it can make people eat more.来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*K Blue: Blue is the color of the sky and the ocean. Peaceful blue is of

31、ten used in bedrooms. Studies show that weightlifters are able to lift heavier weights in blue gyms. Green: Green represents nature. It is the easiest color on the eye. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients. Yellow: Sunny yellow is a cheerful color, yet people lose their tempers(发脾气)

32、 more often in yellow rooms, and babies cry more. 56. What doesnt black stand for? A. Slimness.B. Power.C. Peace.D. Popularity. 57. Which color is easy to show dirt? A. Blue.B. White.C. Green.D. Red. 58. The underlined word “stimulant” means “_”. A. 刺激物B. 防腐剂C. 辐射物D. 装饰品 59. Where is color red often

33、 used? A. In restaurants.B. In gyms.C. In bedrooms.D.In hospitals. 60. Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage? A. People can get angry easily in yellow rooms. B. White can make people eat more. C. Blue can make patients feel more relaxed. D. Black cars are popular among

34、thieves. B It is reported that some developed countries( 发 达 国 家 ) have shipped broken parts of 二二一年中考英语能力水平诊断测试(一)英语试题第 5 页 (共 10 页) computers to China. Such a thing can be founded every day although it is against international laws. Last month Hong Kong officers found 131,000 kilograms of broken c

35、omputers, TVs and phones sent from Japan. Things like these are called electronic waste, or e-waste. Dealing with them is not an easy job because dangerous poison like mercury(汞) and lead(铅) can be found in them. Every time an old computer breaks down, it needs to be dealt with safely. But at presen

36、t, broken computer parts are usually buried. It may be hundreds of years before they are really goes in the earth. Many places in China are polluted by e-waste. Guiyu in Guangdong province is one of them. This town is named as “the e-waste capital of the world”. It has to deal with 1.5 million kilog

37、rams of e-waste each year, from which it makes 75 million years. But it comes at a cost. Many of the poison in e-waste find their way into the environment. Plastic is burned outdoors and chemical water is poured into rivers, Greenpeace, an environmental group, has found the air, the earth and the ri

38、vers in Guiyu badly polluted. The Chinese government wants the country to develop, but in a way that doesnt do harm to the environment and peoples life. This year, China presents a new protection law, the strictest one we have ever had. Computer companies like Lenovo and Dell will be asked to take b

39、ack their old computers. This is because the companies that make computers know best to deal with them safely. Hopefully, the problem with e-waste will be solved in the near future. 61. The e-waste found in Hong Kong last month was from_. A. FranceB. JapanC. GermanyD. Australia 62. The underlined wo

40、rd “buried” probably means “_” in the passage. A. 焚烧B. 障碍C. 回收D. 掩埋 63. The town of Guiya in Guangdong Province_. A. is the e-capital of the world B. has serious e-waste pollution C. deals with e-waste safely D. spends much money on e-waste 64. This year, the Chinese government _. A. tried to change

41、 peoples lifeB. closed some computer companies C. make a new environment protection lawD. asked people to hand in their old computers 65. The passage is mainly about _. A. the way in dealing with e-wasteB. the cost of burning e-waste C. the e-waste problem in ChinaD. the need to pass a law against e

42、-waste C Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of Britains most famous historical places but also one of its greatest mysteries. Every year it receives more than 750,000 visitors. People like to go to this place especially in June as they want to see the sun rising on the longest day of the yea

43、r. For many years, historians(历 史学 家 ) believed Stonehenge was a temple(寺 庙 )where ancient leaders tried to communicate with the gods. However, historian Paul Stoker thinks this cant be true because Stonehenge was built so many centuries ago. “The leaders arrived in England much later,” he points ou

44、t. Another popular idea is that Stonehenge might be a kind of calendar. The large stones were put together in a certain way. On midsummers morning, the sun shines directly into the center of the stones. Other people believe the stones have a medical purpose. They think the stones can prevent illness

45、 and keep people healthy. “As you walk there, you canfeel the energy from your feet move up your body,” said one visitor. No one is sure what Stonehenge was used for, but most agree tha t the position of the stones must be for a special purpose. Some think it might be a 二二一年中考英语能力水平诊断测试(一)英语试题第 6 页

46、(共 10 页) burial(埋葬) place or a place to honor ancestors(祖先). Others think it was built to celebrate a victory over an enemy. Stonehenge was built slowly over a long period of time. Most historians believe it must be almost 5,000 years old. One of the greatest mysteries is how it was built because th

47、e stones are so big and heavy. In 2001, a group of English volunteers tried to build another Stonehenge, but they couldnt. “We dont really know who built Stonehenge,” says Paul Stoker. “And perhaps we might never know, but we do know they must have been hard-working and great planners!” 66. Visitors

48、 like to go there into enjoyon the longest day of the year. A. June; sunriseB. July; sunriseC. June; sunsetD. July; sunset 67. When was Stonehenge most likely(可能)built? A. 750,000 years ago.B. Six centuries ago. C. In 2001.D. 5,000 years ago. 68. What do most people think was Stonehenge built for? A.Ancient leaders built it a temple to communicate with the gods. B. It might be a kind of calendar to tell people the summertime. C. It must be for a special purpose because of the position of the stones. D. It can prevent illness and make people feel energetic. 69. What arent people


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