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1、九年级上册英语期中复习重难点提优训练整理九年级上册英语期中复习重难点提优训练整理 一、单项选择一、单项选择 1. You like this film, dont you? _, it shows_ imagination_a sense of humour. No one will like it, I think. A. No, not only; but also B. Yes, either; or C. Yes, both; and D. No, neither; nor 2. I have found it hard for me to sleep well these days

2、because of the exam. Really? I wonder_. A. how soon will you get well again B. whether the colour therapy will be of any use to you C. how long have you been like this D. if you have seen the doctor or not 3. There _ anybody in the room. The door is closed and the light is off. A. must not be B. can

3、t be C. may not have D. can be 4. Do not try to depend on your parents often, for they cant do_for you in your lifetime. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 5.The German Nazis caught the 9-year-old girl, but she_die than_ the surgeons hiding place. How brave she was! A.would like; tell

4、 B. would like; to tell C.would rather; to tell D. would rather; tell 6. The harder you practise, _ your pronunciation will be. A. good B. better C. the better D. best 7.Toms brother got_ little education that he couldnt be offered_ a good job. A. so, so B. such, so C. such, such D. so, such 8. Bein

5、g _, the novel written by a famous teacher sells _. A. very worth of being read; good B. well worth reading; good C. well worth reading; well D. very worth reading; well 9. -Lucy, do you have any plans to spend your ? -Maybe I will go to Shenzhen. I have never visited_city. A. five days holiday; the

6、 most fantastic B. five days holiday; the most fantastic C. five-day holiday; a more fantastic D. five-days holiday; a more fantastic 10. _university professor is teaching his students_ unusual study skill. A. The; an B. An; a C. An; an D. A; an 11. He never gives up, _ he has made _ progress in his

7、 study. A. although; much B. although; little C. but, much D. but, a little 12. -When will the railway that connects the two cities open? -_next year. Only half been completed. A.Until; has B.Not until; has C. Until; have D. Not until; have 13. I do believe friendship requires_, or it will breaks ea

8、sily. A. suggestion B. spirit C. match D. trust 14. Shanghai makes CIIE a great success, winning high from all over the world. A. pride B. praise C. promise D. progress 15. The most beautiful thing about learning is that can take it away from you. A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody 16. It

9、 is said that the number of forest towns in Yancheng to more than 30 so far. A. increase B. increased C. has increased D will increased 17. - _ will the talk last? - We have no idea. Theres no sign of an end. A. How often B. How far C. How soon D. How long 18.-You caught the early bus, didnt you? -_

10、,though I tried my best. A.Yes, I did B. No, I did C.Yes, I didnt D.No, I didnt 19. You can get to know Jin Yongs spirit his books. A. through B. across C. with D. above 20. Did the speaker tell us any ways to improve our English during his speech? _ at all. He said _ about it. A.Not; nothing B. Non

11、e; nothing C.Not; none D. Nothing; none 21. More attention must_grammar if you want to learn English well. A. be paid to learning B. be paid to learn C. pay to learning D. pay to learn 22. It is selfless_ the doctor to devote all the time he had _ for the patients. A. for; to care B. of; to care C.

12、for; to caring D. of; to caring 23. The boy is very excellent and you _ praise him too much. A. neednt B. cant C. shouldnt D. mustnt 24. Many people talk about “Didi”. I really wonder . Just call to order a taxi through it on your mobile phone. A. how can I use it B. how I can use it C. why people u

13、se it D. why do people use it 25. Thank you for telling me so much knowledge about nature. . If you have more questions, come to me any time. A.Dont mention it. B. No problem. C.Thats right. D. Take it easy. 26. Unluckily, when the disease _ ,it didnt catch the attention of the public. A. stayed out

14、 B. put out C. broke out D. took out 27. Lucy was _ in blue at the meeting. But I think she looks better _ pink. A.dressed, in B.wearing, in C.put on, wear D.wear, put on 28.I think Mike is the most suitable person to be our monitor. I agree. He is so that he is not afraid of making speeches in fron

15、t of the class. A. clever B. organized C. confident D. energetic 29. It is when I have difficulties in study my mother encourages me not to lose heart. A. that B. who C. when D. which 30.I cant imagine all the work in such a short time. Well, we have no choice but it. A. to finish; to do B. to finis

16、h; doing C. finishing; to do D. finishing; doing 31. I never expected a man_ could offer such a report with _ information. A.in his twenties, a great deal of B. in his twenties, a number of C. in his twenty, a bit D. in his twenties, a few 32.What other ways can you think of with these problems? A.

17、to deal B. dealing C. deals D. deal 二、词汇运用二、词汇运用 1. The pill is the most efficient _(方法) of birth control. 2. Close your eyes and _(想象) that you are in a forest. 3. TED _(演讲) have encouraged many teenagers around the world. 4. We never that David is an honest boy. (怀疑) 5. I believe Li Lei can make m

18、uch progress hard work. (凭借) 6.This piece of work does not come up to your usual_(标准). 7.After we waited for the film star for two hours,he_(出现)finally. 8.To my surprise,she has broken her_ (承诺)to me. 9. Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great _ (成就). 10. _ (无论何时) I see the birds,

19、Ill dream of flying in the sky. 11. A true friend can help you get out of _ (sad) when youre unhappy. 12. Our great leader Deng Xiaoping passed away in his _ (90). 13. Its our duty to _(创造)a green world. 14. It is said that those_ (德国人) wont visit our school until next month. We have enough time to

20、get prepared. 15. Thousands of Jews were_(迫使) to leave their hometown and went into hiding after World War II broke out. 16. Mrs. Xu is the _ (严格的) teacher I have ever met. 17. Im looking forward to getting the _ (value) suggestions from my friends. 18. He failed in the exam because of his _ (care).

21、 19. Our school sports meeting was _ (success) held two weeks ago. 20.I dont think the shoesAJ”is _(值得)buying because its too expensive. 21.Its silly of her to spend five months_(塑造)herself to an online celebrity(网红). 22.I cant remember when this thought was_(提及)by him at the meeting. 23.According t

22、o what youve said,you have difficulty dealing with the_(关系)with your parents. 24. Learning the words correct will help you to remember them.(发音) 25. Shirley is an early bird. It was for her to be late for school today.(usual) 26. When I was in hospital, I received many _(person) messages from my fri

23、ends. 27.Fame is often _(simple) a matter of being in the right place at the right time. 28. The_(discover) of antibiotics(抗生素) in the 20th century has influenced our life a lot. 三、完成句子三、完成句子 1. 最终,他别无选择只能改变主意。 Finally, he had no . 2. 直到她取得如此大的进步后她才意识到不放弃是很重要的。 She didnt realize that never giving up

24、 was important _. 3. 我从不怀疑她的这些建议值得采纳。 I never doubt _. 4. 他的父母和他做事都不三思而行。 _ before doing anything. 5在 GPS 的帮助下,我们毫不费劲地找到了那家宾馆。 We _the hotel with the help of GPS. 6. Tom 问是否这个篮球运动员上周成功地参加了 NBA 的选拔。 Tom asked whether the basketball player _ the NBA last week. 7. 他别无选择只能严格要求他的学生。 He _ his students. 8.

25、 再怎么关注阅读技巧也不为过。 You _ your reading skills. 9. 直到儿子被警察逮捕,成龙才觉察到儿子所做的事。 Jackie Chan _ his son did until his son was caught by the police. 10. 那位老人九十多岁时因病去世了。 The old man _. 11. 我怀疑她的这封信是否值得回复。 I doubted _. 12. 教练时常告诫他,既不要炫耀自己,也不要嘲笑别人。 The coach often tells him _. 13. 那次战争一爆发,他们便被迫离开。 They were _ the w

26、ar broke out. 14. 根据政府计划,将创造更多适合年轻人的工作。 More jobs for young people will _ the government plan. 15. 由于恶劣的天气,那些登山队员别无选择只能改变了主意。 Those climbers_change their mind because of the terrible weather. 16. 每年的国庆节庆祝活动简直就是欢腾的海洋。 Every year, the National Day celebrations_the sea of happiness. 17. 我真不能想象那些开拓者是如何成

27、功地游过那条大河的。 I cant imagine _ across the wide river. 18. 当你解决心理问题有困难时,向老师寻求帮助如何? How about asking teachers for help when you_ the mental problem? 参考参考答案答案 单项选择单项选择 DBBCD CDCCD BBDBD CDDAB ADBBA CACAC AA 词汇运用词汇运用 method imagine speeches doubt through standard appeared promise achievement Whenever sadne

28、ss nineties create Germans forced strictest valuable carelessness successfully worth shaping mentioned relationship pronunciations unusual personal simply discovery 完成句子完成句子 1. Finally, he had no choice but to change his mind. 2. until she made so much/such great progress. 3. I never doubt that her

29、suggestions are worth taking. 4. Neither his parents nor he thinks twice (about it) before doing anything. 5.We had no difficulty finding the hotel with the help of GPS. 6.succeeded in trying out for the NBA last week 7.has no choice but to be strict with 8.cant /can never pay too much attention to

30、9.didnt take notice of/notice what 10.died of illness in his nineties 11.if/whether her letter was worth replying to 12.neither to show off himself nor to laugh at others 13.forced to leave as soon as 14.be created according to 15.had no choice but to 16.are as good as 17.how those pioneers succeeded in swimming 18.have difficulty in working out/solving


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