牛津上海版(三起)五年级下Module1 Unit1 tidy up教案(共3课时)

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牛津上海版(三起)五年级下Module1 Unit1 tidy up教案(共3课时)_第1页
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1、Module Unit 1 Tidy up! 教案教案 (第一课时)(第一课时) 教学目标:教学目标: 1、通过演唱 Sing a song 的歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,让学生感知本单元的核心句型。 2、通过 Listen and sing 中有关整理房间的对话,帮助学生掌握本单元的核心句型。 3、通过 look and learn 栏目,帮助学生学习日常生活用品的名称。 教学重、难点教学重、难点 1、能掌握单词 tidy, let, sock, cap, yours, mine, tidy up 2、会运用句型 Are they yours?及回答 No, they arent. 教学方法:教学方

2、法: 任务教学法、情景教学法。 教学过程:教学过程: 第一次备课第一次备课 第二次备课第二次备课 Pre-task preparations 1、 利用教室中的实物与学生进行对话, 以复习学过的句型 Whose.is this/that? Whose.are these/those? T:(point to a bag in the classroom) Whose bag is this/that? S1:Its(S2s name) s. T:Is this/that.? S2:Yes, its. / No. Its. T:Whose.are these/those? S3:They are

3、. T:Are these/those.? S4:Yes, they are. / No, they arent. . 2、让学生欣赏 Sing a song 中的歌曲,病朗读歌词,然后跟唱。唱完 以后,学生还可以用身边的实物改编歌词并演唱,以初步感知本单 元的核心句型。 While-task procedures 1、教师与学生就 Listen and say 第一幅图片中的情景展开问答。引出 对话内容。 T:Look!This is a picture of a room. Is it tidy? Ss:No, it isnt. T:Who are they in the picture?

4、 Ss:They are Sally and Peter. T:What are they doing? S3:They are tidying up the room. T:(write tidy up on the blackboard) Yes. They are tiding it up. “tidy up “means “make it clean”. How do they tidy it up? Lets listen. 2、出示以下句子,让学生听录音后判断句子正误并改错,以检测他 们是否理解了对话的大致内容。 1) The socks are Peters. ( ) 2) Th

5、e socks are not on the bed. ( ) 3) Both the cap and the T-shirt are Pauls. ( ) 4) Sally asks Peter to put the T-shirt on the chair. ( ) 然后出示下面两组句子,利用学生的书和文具和他们问答,帮助学 生理解 mine 和 yours 的用法。 Is that your book? / Is that book yours? This is my book. / This book is mine. T: Is this your pen? S1: Yes, its

6、 mine. T: Is this yours too? S2: No. It isnt. 3、让学生听录音并跟读对话,男女生分角色朗读对话。然后,学生 两两一组,根据 Listen and say 的对话以及后续练习中的对话提示做 问答练习。 S1: Whose bedroom is it? S2: Its Peter and Pauls bedroom. S1: Who is tidying up the bedroom? S2: Sally and Peter are tidying up the bedroom. S1: Whose socks are those? S2: They

7、are Pauls. S1: Whose cap is this? S2: Its Peters. 4、出示一双短袜和一顶帽子或相应的图片,与学生对话,引导学生 学习单词 socks 和 cap,同时引出用 Yes,./Ok./Sure.等表达方式来应答 别人的请求或指令。 Post-task activities 1、跟学生借一些学习用品,根据这些学习用品和学生问答。 T: Whose ruler is this? S1: It is mine. T: Is this ruler yours? S2: No, its hers. T: Is this ruler hers? S3: Yes,

8、 its hers. 接着,利用几件其它学习用品和学生问答。 T: Whose pencils are those? S1、S2: They are ours. T: Are these pencils yours (S3s name)? S3: No, they are theirs. T: Are these pencils ours (S4s name)? S4: No, they arent. They are theirs. 然后,让学生利用自己的学习用品,仿照上述对话进行句型操练。 (第二课时)(第二课时) 教学目标:教学目标: 通过 Think and write 的语言输出活动

9、,帮助学生巩固新学的语言知识。 教学重、难点教学重、难点 1、词汇: crayon, umbrella, hers, theirs 2、句型: -Whose.is this/are these? -Its/theyre 教学方法:教学方法: 任务教学法、情景教学法。 教学过程:教学过程: 第一次备课第一次备课 第二次备课第二次备课 Pre-task preparations 1、让学生利用实物进行问答,在问答之后根据 Please put./Can you put.?等指令正确的摆放实物,并学会用 Yes,./Ok./Sure.等表达方式 来应答别人的请求或指令。 T: Whose.is th

10、is/that? S1: Itss. T: Is it yours/his/hers? S1: Yes. /No. Its T: Please put the S1: Ok. T: Whoseare these/are those? S2: Theyre T: Are they yours/his/hers? S1: Yes. /No. Theyre T: Can you put them S1: Sure. 接着,学生可以根据以上示范,开展对子活动或小组活动,以进一 步巩固课时一所学内容。 While-task procedures 1、 出示 Think and write 中的连线图,

11、然后出示 umbrella 的单词卡片。 学生根据教师提供的语境和单词卡片,通过问答学习新词汇,并巩 固已学句型。 T:(show a picture of an umbrella) Whats this? S1:Its an umbrella. T:(stick the picture on the blackboard) Umbrella, an umbrella. Ss::Umbrella, an umbrella. T:(point to the picture) Whose umbrella is this? S2:Its Bens. T:This umbrella is Bens.

12、 Its his. Ss::This umbrella is Bens. Its his. 然后,用同样的方法教授 crayon. 2、学生根据 Think and write 中的图片,看图填表。 3、学生根据表格所填的内容,两人一组做问答练习。一方面检查学 生对图片内容的理解是否正确,另一方面让学生操练所学的语言。 S1:Are the crayons Alices? S2:No, they are not hers. S1:Whose crayons are these? S2::They are Jills. S3:Is the schoolbag Joes? S4:No, its n

13、ot his. S3:Whose schoolbag is it? S4::Its Alices. . 4、学生根据图片及表格内容,完成 Think and write 中的书写练习, 巩固重点和难点,从听、说、读的技能过渡到写的训练。 Post-task activities 学生分为 6 组,开展小组活动,每个学生把一件物品放在桌上,然 后小组内学生根据桌上的物品对话。 (第三课时)(第三课时) 教学目标:教学目标: 1、 帮助学生通过阅读故事神奇的石头抓住关键信息,了解故事大意,并完成后续 练习。 2、 了解字母组合 ar, ue, oo 在单词中的发音。 3、 通过学习任务(task)

14、,帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能,描述物品 的归属和应摆放的位置。 教学重、难点教学重、难点 1、 语音:ar(car), ue(blue), oo(school) 2、 词汇:(be) full of, a few。 教学方法:教学方法: 情景教学法。 教学过程:教学过程: 第一次备课第一次备课 第二次备课第二次备课 Pre-task preparation 1、让学生根据教师出示的学习用品回答问题。 T: (show a pencil) Whose pencil is this? S1: Its my pencil. T: Is this your pencil? S2: N

15、o, it isnt. Its (S3s name) s. T: (show some books) Whose books are these? S3: They are my books. T: Are these your books? S4: No, they arent. They are (S5s name) s. 接着让学生两两对话,以进一步巩固课时一和课时二所学内容。 While-task procedures 1、播放 Read a story 的录音,让学生合上书本听故事。然后,教师 出示教学挂图中的故事图片,与学生问答,熟悉故事人物。 T: (point to Jimmy

16、) What is his name? Ss: His name is Jimmy. T: (point to the father) Who is he? Ss: He is Jimmys father. 出示以下问题,学生带着问题阅读文章,然后回答问题。 Picture 1 1) What is in the box? (The box is full of nails.) 2) Whose box is it? (It is Jimmys fathers.) Picture 2 1) What does Jimmy do? (He drops the nails.) 2) What ha

17、ppens to the nails? (All the nails fall on the floor.) Picture 3 1) What does Jimmys father gives him? (Jimmys father gives him a black stone.) 2) What does Jimmys father say? (He says,”this stone can help you,Jimmy. try it.”) Picture 4 1) Where does Jimmy put the stone? (He puts the nails near the

18、stone.) 2) What happens to the nails this time? (The nails all stick to the stone.) 2、学生再次阅读故事,教师在黑板上写出每幅图片的关键词,学生 根据图片及关键词复述故事。 Picture 1: box, table, nails Picture 2: drop, nails, fall, mess Picture 3: give, black stone, help, try Picture 4: put, near, stick, floor, clean, magic stone 3、指导学生完成课本第

19、5 页 Read a story 的后续练习,然后填空完 成故事概要。 Jimmys father has a small box. He puts it on the table. There are a lot of nails in it. Jimmy drops the box. Al the nails fall on the floor. Jimmy says,” what a mess!” Jimmys father gives him a black stone to help him. It is a magic stone because all the nails sti

20、ck to it. 4、出示 Learn the sounds 的语言单词卡片 ar(car), ue(blue), oo(school) 请学生跟读并感知字母组合 ar, ue,oo 在单词中的发音。 T: ar,/a:/,car,car Ss: ar,/a:/,car,car T: ue,/u:/,blue,blue Ss: ue,/u:/,blue, blue T: oo,/u:/,school, school Ss: oo,/u:/,school, school 教师播放录音,学生跟着录音朗读。 播放录音,学生按照录音节拍诵读儿歌。 教师朗读单词,学生在多个单词中找出教师所读单词。 Post-task actvities 1、 学生三人一组,演出课本剧。 2、 让学生完成练习册中 task 的看图搭配练习,然后组织学生根 据 Ask and answer 的句型提示,就图片信息结对问答,巩固 所学句型和词汇。


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