新教材人教版必修第二册 Unit2 Wildlife Protection Period Four教案

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1、 1 Period FourPeriod Four Listening and TalkingListening and Talking,Reading for WritingReading for Writing,Assessing Assessing Your Progress & Video TimeYour Progress & Video Time .Read the passage on P20 and judge whether the following statements are true.Read the passage on P20 and judge whether

2、the following statements are true(T T) or or falsefalse(F F) 1We should pay less attention to less cute animals while protecting wildlife.(F) 2Without varieties of wildlife in the world,our planet cant survive.(T) 3It is right to make animals homeless so that humans can have more paper.(F) .Read the

3、 passage .Read the passage on P20 carefully and choose the best answer.on P20 carefully and choose the best answer. 1What emotions do the photos communicate? AFunny. BSurprising. CFrightening. DSad. 答案 D 2What does each poster use to stir up emotions? APictures and large titles. BSome words. CSome s

4、pecial punctuation. DSome important numbers. 答案 A 3What does the first poster want people to do? ATo learn more about species. BTo protect all species. CTo learn the current situation of the species. DNot to destroy the habitat of the species. 答案 B .重点单词 1deer n鹿 2kangaroo n袋鼠 3reduce vt.减少 2 4insec

5、t n昆虫 5net n网 6neighbourhood n临近的地方;街区 7dolphin n海豚 8skin n皮;皮肤 9emotion n感情;情感;情绪emotional adj.情绪(上)的;感情用事的 10unusual adj.特别的;不寻常的usual adj.平常的;寻常的 掌握规律 巧记单词 emotion n.感情;情感;情绪alemotional adj.情绪上的;感情用事的 如:personal 个人的;身体的;亲自的 professional 专业的;职业的 natural 自然的 formal 正式的 traditional 传统的 unusual adj.平

6、常的;通常的unusual adj.不寻常的;罕见的 如:unhappy 不高兴的 unfriendly 不友好的 uneasy 不安的 unfit 不合适的 uncomfortable 不舒服的 .核心短语 1due to 因为;由于 2search for 搜索;查找 3stir up 激起 4look up 仰望;查阅 5care for 照看,照料 6cut down 削减;砍倒 7carry out 执行;贯彻;完成 8leave behind 留下;遗留 .经典句式 1When it comes to.当提到时 When it comes to wildlife protectio

7、n,all speciesthe good,the bad,and the uglyshould be treated equally. 当提到野生动植物保护时,所有的物种,不论好的,坏的和丑的,都应该被平等对待。 2so that 引导的目的状语从句 Is it right to make animals homeless so that humans can have more paper? 为了让人类有更多的纸而使动物们无家可归合理吗? 3what 引导的表语从句 That is what the animals really need most. 这是动物们真正最需要的。 3 重点词汇

8、 It is reported that living spaces for wildlife are being It is reported that living spaces for wildlife are being reducedreduced due todue to the cutting the cutting of trees.of trees.据报道,由于树木的砍伐野生生物的生活空间正在减少。 reduce reduce vtvt. .减少;减缩 reduce sth. to.减少到 reduce sth. by.减少了 reduce sb. to doing sth.

9、 使陷入更坏的境地; 使沦落为 (1)Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reducereduce the urge to snack between meals and will improve the taste of food. 膳食中有足够的脂肪和盐会减少饭后吃零食的欲望,并会提高你的食欲。 (2)It was foggy,so the driver had to reduce speed to forty kilometres an hour. 由于大雾,司机不得不把速度减到每小时 40 千米。 (3)If you buy mo

10、re than ten,they will reduce the price by 10 percent. 你如果买 10 个以上,他们就会把价格降低 10%。 注意: reduce“减少”的近义词是 decrease, 反义词是 increase, rise(增加)。 这三个词与 reduce 用法一样,后可接 to.表示增减的结果,接 by.表示增减的幅度。 (4)Their salary has been increased byincreased by 20 percent since last year. 自去年以来,他们的工资已经增长了 20%。 due todue to 由于;因

11、为;归功于;应属于 (5)The loss of glaciers there due todue to global warming represents an enormous threat to agriculture. 由于全球变暖,那里的冰川融化,这对农业来说是个巨大的威胁。 (6)Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences. 由于疏忽大意造成的错误可能带来严重的后果。 (7)Many people had to move out of their original living places due to t

12、he flood caused by heavy rain this summer. 由于今年夏天大雨造成的洪水,很多人只好从他们的最初生活地搬了出来。 注意:due to 可在句中作表语、定语或状语;作状语时不可置于句首。 4 due adj.欠下的;预定的;到期的 be due to do sth. 预定/计划做某 事 be due to sb. 应支付/给予/归于某 人 be due for sth. 应用某物;应得到 某物 (8)The boat is due to arrive(arrive) at 12,so remember to meet me on time. 船预计在 12

13、 点到,记着准时去接我。 (9)Thank you for delivering my goods here.Ten dollars is due to you. 多谢你把货物送到这儿,我应付你 10 美元。 (10)When the car is due for its annual service again,please remind me. 当这辆汽车到再次进行年度保养时,请提醒我。 Billions of trees are being Billions of trees are being cut downcut down every year to make paper for

14、humans.every year to make paper for humans.为了为 人类造纸,每年几十亿棵树正在被砍伐掉。 cut down cut down 削减;删节;砍倒 cut off 剪除;割掉;切断水、电、煤气等的供应;电话中断 cut across 穿过;抄近路 cut up 切碎 cut out 删去 cut in 插话 (1)You smoke too muchyou should try to cut downcut down. 你抽烟太凶了,应该尝试着少抽点。 用上述短语填空 (2)You must cut up the vegetables before yo

15、u eat it. (3)The water supply has been cut off because of the terrible earthquake. (4)I wish Mary would stop cutting in on our conversation. (5)We dont have enough time so you should cut out the unimportant details. A plan is being A plan is being carried outcarried out to increase the number of wil

16、d to increase the number of wild tigers.tigers. 5 正在实施一项计划来增加野生老虎的数量。 carry outcarry out 履行,实施,执行 carry on 继续;坚持 carry on doing/with . 继 续 做 carry through 实现;完成 (1)He was very excited when he went to carry outcarry out the secret task. 他去执行这个秘密任务时非常兴奋。 用上述短语填空 (2)After his death,his children will ce

17、rtainly carry on his career. (3)In my opinion,the plan should be carried out immediately. (4)Its a difficult job but he is the person to carry it through. search forsearch forlook forlook for搜寻;寻找 in search ofin ones search for 寻找 search sb. /sp. 搜查某人/某地 search.for. 为 了 找 到 而 搜 查 (1)All the soldiers

18、 are searching forare searching for the lost tour pals. All the soldiers are in their search forin their search for the lost tour pals. All the soldiers are in search ofin search of the lost tour pals. 所有的士兵都在寻找走失的“驴友”。 (2)The firefighters searched the ruins for survivors. 消防队员在废墟中搜寻幸存者。 易混辨析 search

19、,search for search 用作及物动词时,其宾语表示搜查的范围,如房屋、人身、衣袋等。 search for 强调目的,后面接要寻找的东西。 选词填空 search,search for (3)She was searching shops for her sons present. (4)The scientists are searching for a new method. 经典句式 6 When it comes to wildlife protectionWhen it comes to wildlife protection,all speciesall specie

20、sthe goodthe good,the badthe bad,and the and the uglyuglyshouldshould be treated equally.be treated equally.当提到野生动植物保护时,所有的物种,不论好的,坏 的和丑的,都应该被平等对待。 When it comes to.当提到的时候;一谈到。固定句型,其中 to 为介词。 (1)Although she plays football well,when it comes towhen it comes to English,she is not so good.虽然 她足球踢得很好,但

21、说到英语,她学得就不那么好了。 (2)When it comes to eating(eat),Joey is full of joy. 一谈到吃,乔伊就很高兴。 (3)When it comes to fishing,John is an expert. 谈及钓鱼,约翰是专家。 Is it right to make animals homeless Is it right to make animals homeless so thatso that humans can have more paperhumans can have more paper?为了让 人类有更多的纸而使动物们无

22、家可归合理吗? so that 在句中引导目的状语从句,此时可与 in order that 互换,从句谓语动词常用情 态动词 may/might/can/could 等;主从句连接紧凑,没有逗号相隔。 引导结果状语从句,意为“因此,所以”,此时不可以与 in order that 互换,从句谓语 动词根据需要使用相应的时态等;主从句可用逗号相隔。 (1)My old father began to study computer at the age of sixty so thatso that he might keep up with the times. 父亲 60 岁时开始学电脑,以

23、便跟上时代。 (2)She had not planned her time well,so thatso that she didnt finish her homework on time. 她没把时间计划好,所以没按时完成作业。 (3)I spend more time learning English every day so that I can make greater progress this year. I spend more time learning English every day in order that I can make greater progress

24、this year. 今年为了取得更大的进步,我每天花费更多的时间学习英语。 (4)Wang Lang didnt work hard enough,so that he was out of work when he was still young. 王朗工作不够努力,因此年轻时就失业了。 7 .单句语法填空 1He was reduced to begging(beg) for a living after he was out of work. 2The old temple was rebuilt due to many peoples donation. 3They cut down

25、 too many trees and left rubbish everywhere. 4Though the soldiers had been working for fifteen hours,they carried on looking for survivors in the ruins. 5When it comes to cooking(cook),my mother is good at it and we all enjoy her dishes. 6Detectives are searching the yard for clues. .完成句子 7I tell my

26、 students my new telephone number so that/in order that they may call me when necessary. 我把我的新号码告诉我的学生,以便他们在必要时给我打电话。 8When it comes to trouble,Mary really knows how to solve it. 一谈到困难,玛丽真的知道该如何解决。 9Before we draw a conclusion,we should carry out more research. 在下结论之前,我们应该进行更多的研究。 10It is reported t

27、hat the government has taken measures to reduce the air pollution. 据报道,政府已经采取措施来减少大气污染。 .课文缩写概要写作 下面是根据课文内容写的一篇 60 词左右的内容概要,请根据括号内的汉语提示完成短文。 Here are two posters 11.which call on us to protect the wildlife(号召我们保护 野生物种)In Poster One we can learn that 12.not only good species but also bad and ugly one

28、s should be treated equal ly(不但好的物种而且坏的和丑的都应该平等对待) So we must pay attention to less cute animals, for 13. the world needs all kinds of animals(世界需要各种各样的动物)In Poster Two, 14.it tells us many trees are being cut down to make paper (它告诉我们为了造纸很多树木正在被砍伐) so that the habitat of animals is being destroyed.

29、15.Its time for us to take measures to protect all wildlife( 到 了我们该采取措施保护所有野生动物的时候了) 基础巩固 8 .单词拼写 1The company is closing down and the workforce has been reduced by half. 2She has been absent from work due to her illness for weeks,which makes her boss worried. 3He shouted so loudly that the whole ne

30、ighbourhood(街区) could hear him. 4She is used to hiding her emotions(情感;情绪) even if she is very sad. 5We have three layers of skin(皮肤) which act as a barrier against disease,poisons and the suns harmful rays. 6It is unusual(不寻常的) that masses of rare animals are dying out in some natural reserves. .选词

31、填空 due to;search for;stir up;cut down;carry out 7Scientists are searching for solutions to preserve the heritage relics. 8If we give way to those protesters,we will stir up much anger. 9Many big trees along the road have been cut down for building houses. 10They will carry out this experiment no mat

32、ter what happens. 11Due to his efforts,he has made some achievements in this field. .单句语法填空 12He got up early so that he caught the first bus to work. 13With a database like this,you can look up anything you want in a second. 14When it comes to swimming(swim),Tom does better than anyone else in his

33、class. 15Who do you think is the intended(intend) audience for each poster? 16Its very important to get(get) the victim to the doctor or hospital at once. 17He is no longer what he used to be. .单句写作 18当提到乒乓球时,他比我打得好。(when it comes to.) When it comes to ping pong,he plays better than me. 19为了节省时间,他从网

34、上购买了一件裙子。(so that) He bought a skirt online so that he could save a lot of time. 20不要落下你的任何随身物品。(leave.behind) Dont leave any of your belongings behind. 21正在实施一项计划来保护野生生物。(carry out) A plan is being carried out to protect the wildlife. 22她真好,帮助那些无家可归的孩子。(It is.) Its kind of her to help those homeles

35、s children. 能力提升 9 .阅读理解 Four animalsa wildcat,a mongoose,a mouse and an owlhad made their home in a huge tree. The mouse and the mongoose lived at the foot of the tree in two different holes.The cat lived in a large hole halfway up the tree and the owl lived in the branches. The cat feared none of

36、its neighbours and moved about,afraid of nothing.The owl and the mongoose were afraid of the cat and kept a safe distance from it.The mouse was extremely afraid of all three neighbours. One day the cat was caught in a trap laid by a hunterhunter.Its three neighbours watched with joy as it tried extr

37、emely hard to get out of the net in which it had been trapped.They knew it was a hopeless task.Soon the hunter would come and they would never see their enemy forever.The mouses joy,however,was short-lived because even as it watched the cat, it found that the mongoose was moving towards it.Looking u

38、p,it saw that the owl too was getting ready to move down.The mouse understood that it was in great danger and that the only one who could save it was its enemy,the cat. It jumped onto the net in which the cat was caught and began biting at it.Within a short time it had made a hole big enough for the

39、 cat to come out.Seeing the cat come out, the owl and the mongoose escaped. The mouse ran away too.It knew it could not expect any thanks from the cat,but in saving it,it had saved its own life. 语篇解读 野猫吃猫头鹰和獴,三者都吃老鼠。野猫被猎人设下的陷阱捉住后,猫头鹰和獴 都想去捉老鼠,聪明的老鼠救了野猫来保全自己。 23The mouse lived in extreme fear every d

40、ay because . Ait lived at the foot of the tree Bhunters set traps everywhere Call its three neighbours might eat it at any time Dits food might be taken away by its neighbours 答案 C 解析 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句、第四段中獴和猫头鹰对老鼠的虎视眈眈以及最后一段中 老鼠将野猫放出来后自己也逃离了等内容可知,这三个邻居都对老鼠有生命威胁,因此它每天都生 活在极度恐慌之中。 24Which of the four n

41、eighbours had the most power over the other three? AThe wildcat. BThe mouse. CThe mongoose. DThe owl. 10 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据第三段可知,野猫无所畏惧,四处乱逛;猫头鹰和獴害怕野猫;老鼠害怕 前三者。由此可知,在这四个邻居中,野猫最强势。 25The mouse bit at the net to save the cat because . Athey were good friends Bthey both hated the hunters Cthe mouse was t

42、oo kind to see the cat die Dthe other two neighbours were to attack it 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据第四段最后三句可知,野猫被困住之后,獴和猫头鹰没有了天敌的威胁, 于是准备攻击老鼠。老鼠意识到如果没有了野猫,自己面临的威胁更大,所以才救了野猫。 26From the passage we can learn that the mouse is . Akind Bbrave Cclever Dstupid 答案 C 解析 推理判断题。老鼠救了猫来保全自己,但也不寄希望于猫会感谢自己,也逃跑了。由此可推 知,老鼠是聪明的。

43、 .完形填空 It happened on a rainy Saturday morning last month.My wife Catherine and I were 27 along what some people called moose(麋鹿) alley.It was so 28 that there were few cars on the road. 29 , something happened.A moose jumped out across our 30 .I had been driving for years and was 31 at driving.In o

44、rder to 32 knocking the moose,I made a quick 33 to the other lane.If I had not done that, the moose might have been killed, and my wife and I might have got 34 , too.A few seconds later,when I 35 and looked back in my rear view mirror,the moose was getting up and then ran into the bush.Shaken but 36

45、 , we both looked at each other with a surprised expression. From then on,I often thought about the relationship between humans and 37 .We know that animal speciesspecies have appeared and disappeared 38 since life began on the Earth.This is a(n) 39 phenomenon( 现 象 ) However , animal species have be

46、en 40 at a much faster rate for about a century now 41 human factors such as pollution. Certain philosophers and scientists keep repeating that if we dont save animals, how we will be able to save ourselves?A better 42 of animals gives us a better understanding of our own species.The 43 to protect a

47、nimals and nature in 11 general 44 the value of a society.And all animals play roles in nature and have a right to 45 .Therefore, I think we should try our best to save endangeredendangered animals, because humans cannot live on the Earth 46 . 语篇解读 经历一次交通小事故后,作者开始思考人类与动物的关系,他认为我们应该保护 野生动物,因为保护它们就是保护

48、人类自己。 27A.looking Bdriving Cwalking Drunning 答案 B 解析 根据下文作者的车差点跟一头麋鹿相撞的语境可知,作者当时在“开车”。 28A.cool Bquiet Clate Dearly 答案 D 解析 根据上文“It happened on a rainy Saturday morning last month.”以及下文“there were few cars on the road”可知,马路上车少是因为当时还很“早”。 29A.Expectedly BObviously CFortunately DSuddenly 答案 D 解析 根据上下文可知,“突然”有事情发生了。 30A.space Bregion Cpath Dplace 答案 C 解析 根据上文“along what some people call moose (麋鹿) alley”可知,作者和妻子正开车 沿着麋鹿小巷行驶,突然一头麋鹿跳出来穿过他们行驶的“道路”。 31A.a


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