【冀教版】英语八年级上:Unit 7《Lesson 40 What’s Paul’s Hobby》课件

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1、,Unit 7 Enjoy Your Hobby Lesson 40 Whats Pauls Hobby?,Lead in,rocket,model rocket,Presentation,He is building a model rocket. ( build, built , built),It is made of wood and cardboard.,He glues it together.,They are launching (launch) a rocket in a field (在田野) .,Where will their rocket land (降落) ?,Ma

2、ybe it will land in a tree.,They join a rocket club (加入俱乐部). There are many members (成员) in the club.,Most of them are adults (成年人).,1. How many rockets does Paul have ? 2. How long has he been launching rockets?3. How often do the club members meet?,Ten rockets.,For two years.,They meet every month

3、.,Listen and answer,1. What does Paul do with his rockets? 2. Where did his rocket land two weeks ago? 3. When did Paul begin to launch his rockets? 4. Why does Paul like his hobby? 5. Are all the members young in his club? 6. How many times does he launch most of his rockets?,Read and answer,He lau

4、nches them.,It landed in some trees.,Two years ago.,Because he thinks his hobby is exciting and challenging.,No, they arent.,Seven to ten times.,Language Points,1. 词语辨析,build,动词,建造eg: Theyve built a new bridgeacross the river. 建立,建设 eg: The government is trying to build a more modern society.,buildi

5、ng,名词,建筑物 eg: There are a lot of very old buildings in this city.,2. I built one of them myself.,myself是反身代词,“我自己”。其他反身代词见下表。,3. Its made of wood and cardboard.,be made of表示“由制成”,表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么,保留原材料的质和形状,制作过程仅发生物理变化。 be made from也表示“由制成”,表示制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特征,或原材料在制作过程中发生化学变化,在成品中已无法辨认。 e.g. Th

6、e kite is made of paper. 这个风筝是由纸做的。The paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头做的。,4. What do I do with my rockets? do with sb./sth. “处理,处置,对付,对待(某人/某事)”,What do you do with him?,e.g. What will you do with my books?,5. This year, I joined a rocket club.,join “参加,加入(一个党、团或组织,从而成为一员)”。take part in 多指“参加(活动或体育项目

7、)”,相当于join in。e.g. Last month,he joined the school football team. 上个月,他加入了校足球队。Could I take part in the game?我能参加这个游戏吗?,. 单项选择,Practice,1. The desk is _ wood.A. made in B. made from C. made of D. made for 2. Pauls rocket landed _ some trees .A. on B. in C. at D. with 3. Rockets are fun _. Its very exciting .A. build B. to build C. built D. building,Homework,写作:以Pauls lost rocket为题,写一篇短文,想像一下Paul的火箭落在了什么地方,并以邮件的方式告诉他。 E-mail address : Paul bms. ca,Harm set, harm get. 害人害己。,


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