【冀教版】英语八年级上:Unit 5《Lesson 29 Our Ambitions and Dreams》课件

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1、,Unit 5 My Future Lesson 29 Our Ambitions and Dreams,.,有理想,确定奋斗目标,积极进取。,试着用英语来表达自己的理想。,Learning Aims,知识目标:,学会本课单词及词汇。,能力目标:,情感目标:,.,singer,businessman,pilot,painter,doctor,engineer,actor,dancer,basketball player,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,.s,What do you do?,.,Different kinds of jobs:,worker driverfarmer play

2、er lawyer teacher Singer painter engineer,policeman policewoman waiter waitress actor actress,cook clerk pilot scientist artist biologist,.,What are you good at? What will you be when you grow up? Why? Where do you like to work? What will you do if you make it come true?,Make an interview,.,Talk abo

3、ut your dream.,2022,秀出我自己,.,You can use them: I want to be/Im going to be.when .grow up Why?Because Im good at.;I like;I want to be.; I want to help/be nice to Now ,I will take steps to./stop from doing/overcome I think the main thing know yourself ,choose the right pathI hopecome true(实现),.,一个人可以非常

4、清贫、困顿、低微,但是不可以没有梦想。只要梦想一天,只要梦想存在一天,就可以改变自己的处境。奥普拉 第一,有梦想。一个人最富有的时候是有梦想,有梦想是最开心的。第二,要坚持自己的梦想。有梦想的人非常多,但能够坚持的人却非常少。阿里巴巴能够成功的原因是因为我们坚持下来。在互联网激烈的竞争环境里,我们还在,是因为我们坚持,并不是因为我们聪明。有时候傻坚持比不坚持要好得多。马云 一个人想要成功,想要改变命运,有梦想是重要的。我觉得每个人都应该心中有梦,有胸怀祖国的大志向,找到自己的梦想,认准了就去做,不跟风不动摇。同时,我们不仅仅要自己有梦想,你还应该用自己的梦想去感染和影响别人,因为成功者一定是用自己的梦想去点燃别人的梦想,是时刻播种梦想的人。李彦宏,.,.按要求完成下列各题。 1.选择正确的途径_ 2.谈论我们的理想和抱负 _ 3.明确的目标_ 4. good choices_ 5.to be a good teacher_,.,Answers: 1. choose the right path 2. talk about our ambitions and dreams 3. clear goals 4. 好的选择 5. 做一个好老师,.,Goodbye!,Thanks !,


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