2020江苏中考英语一轮满分攻略课件:译林牛津版八年级(下)Unit 1

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2020江苏中考英语一轮满分攻略课件:译林牛津版八年级(下)Unit 1_第1页
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2020江苏中考英语一轮满分攻略课件:译林牛津版八年级(下)Unit 1_第2页
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2020江苏中考英语一轮满分攻略课件:译林牛津版八年级(下)Unit 1_第3页
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2020江苏中考英语一轮满分攻略课件:译林牛津版八年级(下)Unit 1_第4页
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2020江苏中考英语一轮满分攻略课件:译林牛津版八年级(下)Unit 1_第5页
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1、目 录,八年级(下)Unit 1,教材词块自主测,教材词句攻关,练讲重难点,教材词块自主测,1. block 2. realize; realize ones dream 3. improve; improve ones life 4. situation; improve the situation; in a difficult situation 5. lonely; feel lonely 6. husband 7. environment; protect the environment,补充词块,词形词块拓展,8. transport; public transport 9. co

2、ndition; living conditions 10. return; return sth to sb; return to/from; return home 11. abroad; go abroad 12. narrow 13. past 14. waste; waste product,补充词块,词形词块拓展,1. wives 2. factories 3. married; marry A to B; be/get married 4. pollution; polluted; water pollution; produce pollution 5. communicati

3、on; communicate with 6. recently 7. northern 8. interviewer; interviewee; interview place 9. lasting; at last,补充词块,词形词块拓展,1. lonely; 孤独的; 寂寞的 5. improve; 改进,改善 7. return; 返回 8. married; 已婚的,结婚的,补充词块,词形词块拓展,动词短语 1. turn.into. 2. keep in touch 3. support ones opinions 4. be made by 5. be/get used to 介

4、词短语,6. in some ways 7. at different times 8. from time to time 名词短语 9. open space 10. all ones life 其他 11. too many,补充词块,词形词块拓展,1. took action 2. taken place; over the years 3. by bus or bicycle 4. used to live in; moved into 5. In the past 6. on both sides 7. has repaired,补充词块,词形词块拓展,现在完成时(I)(见本书P2

5、13),补充词块,词形词块拓展,1. A2. B3. C4. interview 5. communicate6. lonely 7. abroad 8. present 9. northern10. married 11. impossible 12. recently 13. keep in touch with 14. get used to 15. all his life,教材词句攻关,1. Simon used _ shy, but now he takes part in different activities and becomes more outgoing. A. bei

6、ng B. be C. been D. to be,1,考点,考 点 抢 测,练讲重难点,辨析used to do sth, be/get/become used to doing sth与be used to do sth(P6)(盐城:2014.84;淮安:2016.61,2014.64),D,2. The old couple are used _ up early in the morning to do some exercise every day. A. getting B. to getting C. to be got D. to get 3. Computers are u

7、sed _(search)for more new information. They provide much convenience for people. 4. 当我第一次来宿迁时,我很不适应这里的快节奏生活。 When I came to Suqian for the first time, I cant _ the fast pace of life here.,B,to search,be/get used to,5. 这些石头可以被用来做很多不同种类的艺术品。 These stones can _ many different kinds of art works.,be use

8、d to make/be used for making,延 伸 训 练,满分点拨,拓展,be used for sth/doing sth be used to do sth.两个短语意义相同,后面跟的动词形式不同。,6. Has everyone got ready for the final examination _? No. Some students are still busy in preparing for it. A. yet B. either C. still D. just,2,考点,考 点 抢 测,辨析yet, still与already(P14),A,7. Hav

9、e you finished your homework? Yes, weve done that _ A. yet B. already C. later D. before 8. I have _ told Bob the good news. You dont need to call him. A. still B. yet C. never D. already,B,D,9. Tom wants to study at a university in Europe, but he hasnt decided which university to go to _ A. already B. too C. yet D. also,C,满分点拨,


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