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1、2020 年九年级水平测试年九年级水平测试英语英语试卷试卷 (考试时间: 120 分钟 满分: 120 分) 说明:1本试卷共 8 页(试题卷 6 页,答题卡 2 页)。 2答案请写在答题卡相应的区域内,在试题卷上答题无效 。 第 I 卷( 选择题,共 90 分) 一、听力测试(共 30 分) (一)听句子,选画面(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 请你根据所听到的 5 个句子,选出意思相符的图画选项。每个句子读一遍。 A B C D E 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ (二)听句子,选答语(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 请你根据所听到的 5 个句子,选出最恰当的答语。每个句子读

2、一遍。 6. A. Once a month. B. I like music best. C. At 8:00 a.m. 7. A. Thats great. B. Congratulations. C. Im sorry to hear that. 8. A. I like spring. B. Its hot. C. I like swimming. 9. A. I like reading novels. B. I go hiking. C. Theyre interesting. 10. A. Of course. B. Dont worry. C. All right, but I

3、m not free. (三)、对话理解(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 第一节:听下面 5 段对话, 选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。 11. What is Peters favourite subject? A. Maths. B. History. C. English. 12.What time does Bob often go to bed? A. At 9:00. B. At 9:30. C. At 10:00. 13. Which country does Kate come from? A. The USA. B. The UK. C. Canada. 14. What o

4、utdoor activity would Sandy like to do? A. Go jogging. B. Go camping. C. Go cycling. 15. Who is the tallest student among them? A. David. B. John. C. Tom. 第二节:听下面两段对话, 选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 听第一段长对话,回答第 16 和第 17 小题。 16. Why has Tom gone to London? A. To work there. B. To meet his friends. C. To spend Chris

5、tmas. 17. Whats Anns telephone number? A. 3827569. B. 3845567. C. 3927865. 听第二段长对话,回答第 18 至 20 小题。 18. What is Mary busy with? A. Her trip plan. B. Her school exam. C. Her summer report. 19. Who will go on a trip with Mary? A. Bill. B. Her classmate. C. Her sister. 20. What does Mary think of Bills

6、suggestion about camping? A. Great. B. Strange. C. Boring. (四)、短文理解(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 听下面一篇短文,选出最佳选项。短文读三遍。 21. What is Linda going to show us? A. Her farm. B. Her hometown. C. Her school. 22. What does Lindas mother grow in the garden? A. Vegetables. B. Fruits. C. Flowers. 23. How long does it take L

7、inda to get to the nearest town? A. About 10 minutes. B. About 15 minutes. C. About 20 minutes. 24. How does Linda go to the town? A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus. 25. What does Linda like doing in summer? A. Go fishing. B. Go riding. C. Go swimming. 二、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 从每小题所给的选项中,选出最佳选项。 26. T

8、ommy is _ honest boy. He never tells lies. A. a B. an C. the D. 27. Our school English party will be held _ Friday evening. A. on B. at C. in D. for 28. _is your new smartwatch? Two hundred yuan. A. Where B. How many C. How much D. How old 29. Look! The little girl _an online class. How carefully sh

9、e is learning! A. has B. had C. will have D. is having 30.Are these photos _, Daniel? No, its Suzys. A. yours B. my C. he D. her 31.Which picture is _, this one or that one? This one. A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. as beautiful D. the most beautiful 32. Nothing is _if you put your heart in it. A.

10、 important B. correct C. impossible D. interesting 33. Finally the fire was _ by the firemen. A. put up B. put out C. put through D. put away 34. My sister wants _ a nurse when she grows up. A. is B. will be C. being D. to be 35. The main structure of the sentence “We are all fighters.” is _. A. S+V

11、 B. S+V+O C. S+V+P D. S+V+IO+DO 36. Mr. Green _ in this city since he left school. A. worked B. works C. has worked D. is working 37. A new bridge _over the river last year. A. built B. was built C. has built D. is building 38. _ we dont help the wild animals in danger, they will die soon. A. Before

12、 B. Though C. Whether D. If 39.We should never forget those medical workers _ help us fight against novel coronavirus. A. who B. which C. where D. when 40.Thank you for your help! _. A. Me, too B. Youre OK C. No, thanks D. Youre welcome 三、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 阅读短文,并从各题所给的选项中,选出最佳选项。 Ron loved basket

13、ball. One afternoon on his way to a 41 game, he was walking and dreaming about playing college basketball the following year. As Ron was walking to the game, a car hit him so 42 that he was thrown three feet into the air. Ron 43 in a hospital room the next day. When he learned that both his legs wer

14、e broken, he realized his college basketball dreams were 44 . Ron did what the doctors told him, 45 his progress was slow. When he left the hospital, Ron was sent to a health centre for physical treatment. A week after he arrived there, he met Sunny. Sunny was a 46 . His legs were paralyzed(瘫痪的) fro

15、m a skiing accident. Even though he couldnt move his 47 , Sunny coached a basketball team called the Suns. 48 on the team played from a wheelchair. Sunny invited Ron to join the game. Ron played badly, but for the first time since the accident, he stopped feeling 49 for himself. After becoming a par

16、t of the Suns, Ron improved quickly. Basketball was like medicine for him. And whenever Ron became depressed or angry, Sunny was there to 50 him and help him. The day before Ron left the centre, he had dinner with Sunny. He asked Sunny how he managed to be so generous and cheerful, even with his par

17、alysis. Sunny smiled and said, “Its really quite simple. When you keep your face to the sun, the shadows(阴 影) fall behind.” 41. A. basketball B. football C. tennis D. volleyball 42. A. hardly B. heavy C. serious D. hard 43. A. stayed up B. woke up C. gave up D. cleaned up 44. A. happy B. true C. ove

18、r D. useful 45. A. but B. for C. or D. so 46. A. doctor B. coach C. worker D. farmer 47. A. arms B. hands C. feet D. legs 48. A. No one B. Someone C. Everyone D. Anyone 49. A. sorry B. excited C. glad D. successful 50. A. doubt B. hate C. encourage D. hurt 四、阅读理解(共 35 分) 第一节:(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 阅读短文,根据短

19、文内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。 Blue Ocean Aquarium (水族馆) is a great place for families to take holiday. There are a lot of sea animals there. Children love to see them and watch movies about sharks in it. Last Saturday morning, Mr. Jackson took his wife and two little sons to the aquarium. At the ticket office

20、, he asked, “How much shall I pay to get in?” The woman at the ticket office answered, “The price is 20 dollars for each adult or any kid older than five. We let kids in free if they are five or younger. How old are your kids?” Mr. Jackson said, “The older one is six and the younger one is three. I

21、think I must buy three tickets.” The woman was surprised. She said, “Sir, dont you want to save 20 dollars? If you tell me your older son is five, I wont know the difference.” Mr. Jackson said with a smile, “Yes, that sounds right, but my kids will know the difference.” From Mr. Jacksons story, we k

22、now honesty (诚实) is very important in the modern society. We should tell the truth to the people around us, especially to the kids. 51. Children can see tigers in Blue Ocean Aquarium. 52. There are five people in Mr. Jacksons family according to the passage. 53. Mr. Jackson paid 60 dollars for their

23、 tickets to the aquarium at last. 54. Mr. Jackson bought the tickets for his two sons in the end. 55. Mr. Jackson thought honesty was more important than money. 第二节:(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 阅读短文,从各题所给的选项中,选择最佳选项。 A How would we travel without maps? It would be a bit adventurous (冒险的) to set off from Oxford

24、University to go to London Bridge if there wasnt a map of the London Underground at each station. In fact, a lot of the early map-makers were adventurers and explorers, especially in the 15th and 16th centuries. So what did people do before there were maps? Well, it was quite easy to use natural sig

25、ns like mountains and rivers if you were travelling on foot or riding a horse. People took small boats down rivers and followed coastlines. And it was much more logical (合理的) to use time, not distance, to measure (计 量) journeys: the next village is a three-hour ride, for example. In fact, in the ear

26、liest maps, people didnt draw landmarks. They drew the stars. It was very easy to see the night sky and use it for navigation (航行). The sky was a lot clearer before the light pollution from cities that we have today. When towns and cities were built, people drew road maps which gave correct distance

27、s and directions. The London Underground was opened in 1863 and it also used a road map style. But a man called Henry Beck realized that travelling by train wasnt the same as driving your car across London. Passengers only needed to know which stations to change at. His new design (设计) for the Under

28、ground map wasnt very popular with the train companies at first. But the passengers loved it and in 1933, 700,000 copies were printed. These days, of course, you can ride a bike, drive a car or go through a forest and know where you are exactly, using a GPS. Its really difficult to get lost! 56.What

29、 was drawn in the earliest maps? A. Stars. B. Landmarks. C. Cities and towns. D. Mountains and rivers. 57.What does the underlined word “coastlines” mean in Chinese? A. 标志 B. 码头 C. 海岸线 D. 轮廓 58.When did road maps come out? A. Around 15th and 16th centuries. B. When people began to travel by train. C

30、. When people began to travel by sea. D. When cities and towns appeared. 59.Which of the following is true? A. A GPS helped people to travel long time ago. B. Ancient people could travel on a horse without maps. C. The sky was polluted by light before cities were built. D. Henry Becks map wasnt popu

31、lar with the passengers. 60.What is the main idea of the passage? A. Maps have a long history. B. We never get lost these days. C. We cant travel without maps. D. Henry Beck designed a new map. B Scientists have tried to discover what personality characteristics go along with success in intercultura

32、l (跨文化) experiences. Their findings have often been unclear or incomplete. But three characteristics stand out in their reports: patience, a sense of humor, and the awareness of being unclear. Patience, of course, is the ability to keep calm even when things do not go as one wants them to, or hopes

33、they will, or has even been sure they will. Impatience sometimes brings improvements in relations with other people, but usually it does not. A person with a sense of humor is less likely to take things too seriously and more ready to see the humor in his own reactions than a humorless person. The v

34、alue of a sense of humor really needs to be paid more attention to. The awareness (意识) of being unclear is a more difficult concept (观念) than patience or a sense of humor. Foreigners often find themselves in situations that are unclear to the newcomers. That is, they do not know what is happening in

35、 the situation. Perhaps they do not understand the local language well enough, or they do not know how some system or organization works, or they cant be sure of different peoples roles in what is going on. “Its like I just got here from the moon,” a Chinese graduate student who newly arrived in the

36、 United States said, “things are just so different here.” 61. The passage mainly tells us_. A. some problems about communication B. that humor is very important in communication C. three useful ways for communicating with foreigners D. some characteristics in communicating with foreigners 62. Accord

37、ing to the passage, what characteristic should be most focused on? A. Patience. B. The awareness of being unclear. C. The sense of humor. D. Understanding each other. 63. “The awareness of being unclear” refers to _. A. not stating clearly what happens B. knowing the meaning of an exact situation C.

38、 being aware of the unclear situation D. realizing the possible misunderstanding in a situation 64. From the third paragraph, we can infer (推断) that a humorous person _. A. is optimistic about things B. is an impatient one C. likes making fun of others D. tends (倾向) to treat everything carelessly 65

39、. What can we know from the passage? A. It is necessary to learn a language before you go abroad. B. Americans are used to the culture of other countries. C. Patience usually improves the relationship with others. D. To live in a foreign land, one should get fully prepared. 第三节:(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 阅读短文

40、,把方框中的五个句子分别放回到文中正确的位置上,以恢复文章的原貌。 Healthy eating doesnt just mean what you eat, but how you eat. 66 67 It can help you to see others healthy eating habits. If you usually eat with your parents, you will find that the food you eat is more delicious. Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really

41、 hungry. Have a glass of water to see if you are thirsty, sometimes you are just thirsty, you need no food. Stop eating before you feel full. Eat breakfast. 68 After you dont eat for the past ten hours, your body needs food to get you going. You will be smarter after eating breakfast. 69 We all need

42、 snacks sometimes. In fact, its a good idea to eat two healthy snacks between your three meals. This doesnt mean that you can eat a bag of chips instead of a meal. Dont eat dinner late. With our busy life, we always put off eating dinner until the last minute. 70 This will give your body a chance to

43、 digest (消化) most of the food before you rest for the next 810 hours. 第 II 卷( 非选择题,共 30 分) 五、词汇运用(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) (一)单词填空(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 根据中文提示,写出单词在句中的正确形式,每空填一词,请将单词完整地写在答题卡上。 71. Its best time to _(种植)trees in spring. 72. Dont play with _(火柴), its dangerous. 73. The radio says its _(有雨的)tomorrow.

44、 74. Never give up and youll _(成功). 75. Shall I turn _(关闭)the TV? Grandpa is sleeping. (二)选词填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 从方框中选择单词,并用其适当形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。每词限用一次。 Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are A. Eat with others. B. Eat healthy snacks like fruit, yogurt or c

45、heese. C. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. D. Try to eat dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed. E. Here is some advice on healthy eating. see love he happy worry ask serious surprising until pay busy trying to make money in order to 76 for my schooling. One day, my mother was

46、sewing a quilt (缝被子) . I silently sat beside her and looked at her. “Mum, is there love between you and Dad?” I 77 her in a very low voice. My mother stopped her work and looked at me in 78 . Then she said,. “Susan, look at this thread (线.) It can hardly be 79 , but its really there. It makes the qu

47、ilt strong. If life is a quilt, love should be a thread. Love is inside. I couldnt understand 80 the next spring. At that time my father suddenly got sick 81 . My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. After they were back, my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road

48、 every day. They were so kind to each other and it seemed they were the 82 couple in the world. After two months my father still couldnt walk by 83 . “Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day. “Dont 84 about me.” he said. “I just like walking with your mum. I like this kind of life.” Reading his eyes, I knew he 85 my mother deeply. Now I understand lov


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