【冀教版】英语九年级上:Unit 4《Lesson 20 Say It in Five》教学课件

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1、Lesson 20: Say It in Five,通过让学生写诗,培养他们的写作和观察事物的能力。,Master the new words: line, text, poet, single, screen, hum, stretch, liquid, state, noun, adjective, express,能把所学知识运用到实际生活中,提高用所学知识解决生活中实际问题的能力。,Do Chinese old poems follow a pattern?,望月怀远 海上生明月, 天涯共此时。 情人怨遥夜, 竟夕起相思。 灭烛怜光满, 披衣觉露滋。 不堪盈手赠, 还寝梦佳期。,War

2、ming up,Five-line poems,Rose Pink, shy Dancing, growing, blooming Water it with love Blossom,line textpoet singlescreen humstretch liquidstate nounadjective express,New words,Listening Task : Answer the following questions,Who created the five-line poem?An American poet. How many poems does the text

3、 show us? Three.,Reading Task: Read and decide the statements are true or false.,Today we learn a pattern of French poetry. The second line has three words. The topic of the poem is a noun.,Read a few old Chinese poems. Do they follow a pattern? 2. What pattern does a five-line poem follow?,Free Tal

4、k,Look at the poem on the right. It has five lines of text. This style was created in the nineteenth century by an American poet. This kind of poem always talks about a single topic. Each line has a set number of words. The first line has one word. The second live has two words. The third, or middle

5、 line has three words. The fourth line has four words. The last line has one word. Lets look at another two poems as examples.,Cat Smooth fur Sleeping, waking, stretching You are like water Liquid,Happiness Light, bright Smiling quickly, laughing What colour are you? Sunshine!,Here is how you can wr

6、ite your own five-line poem. Line 1: In one word, state the topic of your poem. Use a noun. Line 2: Describe your topic in two words. Use a noun and an adjective, or two adjectives. Line 3: Choose three words that describe what your topic does. Line 4: Express a thought or a feeling about your topic

7、 in four words. You can use any kind of words here. Line 5: Say something about your topic in one word.,create v. 创造,创作; creation n. 创作,作品 Ba Jin create a lot of works in his life. This poem pattern was created by the poet in last century. single adj. 1. 单个的,只有一个的 The letter was written on a single

8、sheet of paper. There is single table in the room. 2. 单身的,未婚的 He remains single all his life.,Each line has a set number of words. 每行都有一定数量的词。 a set number of 一定数量的,固定数量的 a number of 许多的,大量的 the number of 的数目 smooth adj. 光滑的,平静的 The silk feels very smooth. Many people are walking by the smooth lake.

9、,fur 与 feather fur n. 毛,一般指畜类动物等身上的软毛、绒毛。 The woman is wearing a fur coat. feather n. 羽毛 , 一般指畜类动物身上的羽毛。 As light as feather.,sleeping, waking, stretching 睡足了,醒来,伸伸懒腰 stretch v.伸展,拉长 Pleas help me stretch the rope. 请帮我把绳子拉长。 He stood up and stretched. 他站起来伸了伸懒腰。 The seat is too narrow. I cant stretc

10、h my legs. 座位太窄了,我连腿都伸不开。,You can use any kind of words here. 你可以选择任意一种词。 any, 用在肯定句中,表示“任何的,任何一种”,后接单数可数名词。 Any book will do. 任何书都可。 You can come at any time. 你随时都能来。,Lets Do It,What are some of the differences between a Haiku and a five-line poem? Where are they from? What are they about? What pat

11、tern does each follow?,1. is his turn to recite.A. There B. This C. That D. It 2. He told me the secret a low voice. A. by B. on C. use D. in 3. Lets go to play basketball, ?A. will you B. shall we C. shall you D. will we,D,A,B,随堂练习,4. If you cant turn the key, try some oil in the lock. A. putting B. to putting C. to put D. on putting 5. What do you want me to buy for you? Ill a list of the things to buy. A. make B. have C. take D. get,C,A,1.Use the pattern for five-line poems to write one of your own. 2.Preview the next lesson.,


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