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1、 20202020 届广州市高三年级调研测试届广州市高三年级调研测试 英语英语 本试卷共本试卷共 1010 页,卷面满分页,卷面满分 120120 分。考试用时分。考试用时 120120 分钟分钟 注意事项注意事项: : 1.1.答题前,考生务必将自己的名和考生号、试室号、座位号填写在答题卡上,并用铅笔在答答题前,考生务必将自己的名和考生号、试室号、座位号填写在答题卡上,并用铅笔在答 题卡的相应位置填涂考生号。因听力另考,试卷从第二部分的题卡的相应位置填涂考生号。因听力另考,试卷从第二部分的“阅读理解阅读理解”开始,试题序号开始,试题序号 从从“21”“21”开始开始 2.2.回答选择题时,选

2、出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案信息点涂黑。如需改回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案信息点涂黑。如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。写在本试卷上无效。动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。写在本试卷上无效。 3.3.回答非选择题时,必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡指定区域内回答非选择题时,必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡指定区域内 的相应的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。 写在本试卷上无效

3、写在本试卷上无效 4.4.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第二部分第二部分 阅读理解阅读理解( (共两节,满分共两节,满分 4040 分分) ) 第一节第一节( (共共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 2 分,满分分,满分 3030 分分) ) 阋读下列短文,从每题所给的阋读下列短文,从每题所给的 A A、B B、C C 和和 D D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Stagecoach Buses Popular tickets Dayrider Dayrider Travel as much as you li

4、ke in one day. With Stagecoach Dayrider bus tickets you can make as many journeys as you like for one day. They offer more value for money than buying a single or return, as you can travel on all Stagecoach buses within your chosen ticket zone. Buy tickets using the Stagecoach Bus App or buy on the

5、bus. With contactless payments now available on all our buses, you dont need to worry about finding the correct change! Bus and Boat Bus and Boat Unlimited bus travel for one car in the selected zone, plus a boat ride. Explore the countryside on bus then enjoy the fine mountain views from the comfor

6、t of a boat deck. You can board one of our many boats or steamers located at four of the districts most outstanding lakes. Stagecoach have combined bus the trees were larger, and the environment felt more threatening. At the trailhead Leo tied a sleeping bag onto my already heavy pack and lectured A

7、llen and me about hiking rules. Then, with Leo in the lead, we set off along the narrow and steep dirt track that wound up the mountain. After 6 hours of climbing, we finally reached the top. My legs aching, I dropped my pack and groaned but there was no time to rest. “We need to set up camp quickly

8、,“ said Leo.“ There are dark clouds coming in. A storms on its way.“ I thought he was kidding, but Leo was quite serious. He and Allen worked expertly, while I stood around and pretended to help, thunder rumbling in the distance. We just finished putting up the tents when it hit. The wind, thunder,

9、and lightning were relentless. Leo, sensing that I was scared, started telling us some stories about his camping adventures. But each time lightning lit up the tent and the thunder echoed, I jumped. “Dont worry. Summer storms pass quickly,“ Leo said trying to comfort me. “And at least the rain will

10、keep the bears away,“ he said with a teasing smile, which was less comforting. And just as quickly as the storm came rushing in, it passed, and we exited the tent. The view was incredible I could see for miles. As darkness set in, I stared in wonder at the millions of glowing stars in the night sky.

11、 I wont lie I was still wishing for a hot shower and a soft bed but as I gazed upward at the Milky Way, I knew this was an adventure I would never forget. 4. Why was the author surprised when Allen came to get him at the beginning of the story? A. Allen had arrived earlier than arranged. B. He saw t

12、hat Allen was not well prepared. C. He realized their trip would be challenging. D. Allens brother was unexpectedly with him. 5. Why was it necessary to set up camp immediately after reaching the mountain top? A. It was almost night time. B. The weather was changing. C. They were tired and needed to

13、 rest. D. They needed protections from animals. 6. What can we guess about Leo? A. He was an experienced and capable hiker. B. He was inconsiderate of others feelings. C. He had known the writer for a long time. D. He had not been to this mountain before. 7. How did the author feel at the end of the

14、 story? A. Satisfied. B. Optimistic. C. Scared. D. Disappointed. 【答案】4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者与 Allen 和他的哥哥一起去爬山的经历,在经历过艰难险阻之后,终于看 到了令人难忘的美丽风景。 【4 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段中“But my happy image became a nightmare when Allen and his older brother, Leo, showed up with a truck filled with camping

15、equipmenttents, sleeping bags, and water bottles.”可知,当 Allen 和他大哥开着载满野营装备帐篷、睡袋和水壶的卡车出现的时候,我的美好想象变成了噩梦,作者意 识到他的旅行会是充满挑战的,C项切合题意。故选 C 项。 【5 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第四段中“We need to set up camp quickly, said Leo. There are dark clouds coming in. A storms on its way.”可知,Leo 说他们需要马上把帐篷搭起来,乌云来了,风暴快到了,意在表明天气在 发生变化,所以到

16、达山顶后要立刻搭起帐篷,B项切合题意。故选 B 项。 【6 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第三段中“At the trailhead, Leo tied a sleeping bag onto my already heavy pack and lectured Allen and me about hiking rules.”可知,到了登山口,Leo 把睡袋绑到了我已经很重的背包上面,然后给我和 Allen讲解登山的规则,表明 Leo 是一个很有能力和经验的登山者,A项切合题意。故选 A 项。 【7 题详解】 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“I was still wishing for a hot

17、 shower and a soft bed, but as I gazed upward at the Milky Way, I knew this was an adventure I would never forget.”可知,作者仍想要洗个热水澡和一个柔软的床, 但当他抬头望着银河时,他知道这是一次难忘的旅程。作者在这样的环境下仍能关注到美好的风景,说明 作者有着积极的心态,B项符合语境。故选 B项。 C Sleep, considered a luxury by many, is essential for a persons wellbeing. Researchers have

18、 found that insufficient sleep and tiredness increase a persons risk of developing severe medical conditions, such as obesity (being very overweight), high blood sugar levels, and heart disease. Now, a new study has found that getting sufficient sleep is also the key to improving academic performanc

19、e. Jeffrey Gross, the university science professor who led the research, was not trying to find the relationship between sleep and grades when he handed out smart watches to the 100 students in his chemistry class. Instead, the professor hoped the wrist-worm devices, which track a persons physical a

20、ctivity, would show a connection between exercise and academic achievement. While Grosss data showed no relationship between these two factors, the study found something surprising. As the researchers were analyzing their data, they noticed that there was a straight-line relationship between the ave

21、rage amount of sleep a student got and their results in the courses 11 quizzes, three midterm tests, and the final exam. Even more interesting, it was not sufficient for students to just head to bed early the night before a test. Instead, its the sleep you get during the days when learning is happen

22、ing that matters most. The time students went to bed each night was similarly important. Those who went to bed in early hours of the morning performed poorly, even if the total sleep time was the same as a higher-performing student. “When you go to bed matters,“ Gross says, “If you go to bed at 10,

23、or 12, or 1 at night, and sleep for seven hours, your performance is the same. But if you go to bed after 2, your performance starts to go down even if you get the same seven hours. So, quantity isnt everything.“ Perhaps the most interesting was the huge impact that small differences in sleep patter

24、ns had on the students grades. The overall course grades for students averaging six and a half hours of sleep each night were 25% lower than students who averaged just one hour more sleep. Similarly, students who varied their bedtime by even one hour each night had grades that dropped 45% below thos

25、e with more regular bedtimes. Who knew getting As just required some extra ZZZs? 8. Based on his original objectives, which best describes Professor Grosss research findings? A. Accidental. B. Complete. C. Convincing. D. Doubtful. 9. Who were the people taking part in the study? A. Middle school che

26、mistry students. B. Volunteers from different universities. C. Professor Grosss own students. D. University student athletes. 10. How did Professor Grosss team measure academic performance? A. Making the students wear a special watch. B. Using students university entrance test results. C. Giving the

27、 students regular after class quizzes. D. Using the students normal test and quiz grades. 11. Based on the studys findings, who is likely to perform best academically. A. A person who has a good nights sleep the night before an important test. B. A person whose normal bedtime varies between 9 p.m. a

28、nd 12 p.m. C. A person who sleeps from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. each day. D. A person who sleeps for a total of 7 hours each night. 【答案】8. A 9. C 10. D 11. C 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇说明文。一项新的研究表明,睡眠质量不足除了对身体健康造成不良影响之外,也会对学习成绩 产生影响,好的睡眠质量是提高学习成绩的关键。 【8 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第二段中“Jeffrey Gross, , was not trying to find the rela

29、tionship between sleep and grades when he handed out smart watches to the 100 students in his chemistry class.”和“Instead, the professor hoped the wrist-worm devices, which track a persons physical activity, would show a connection between exercise and academic achievement.”可知,在给他化学课里的 100 个学生发放智能手环时

30、,Jeffrey Gross 并没有试图去发 现睡眠和成绩之间的关系,相反的,他最初目标是想发现运动与学习成绩之间的关系,意在表明发现睡眠 与成绩之间的关系是一个意外收获,A项符合语境。故选 A 项。 【9 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Jeffrey Gross, , was not trying to find the relationship between sleep and grades when he handed out smart watches to the 100 students in his chemistry class.”可知在给他化学课里的 100个学生 发

31、放智能手环时,Jeffrey Gross 并没有试图去发现睡眠和成绩之间的关系,因此参加研究的人是上他化学课 的学生,C项切题。故选 C项。 【10 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第三段中“As the researchers were analyzing their data, they noticed that there was a straight-line relationship between the average amount of sleep a student got and their results in the courses 11 quizzes, three mid

32、term tests, and the final exam.”可知在分析实验数据时,他们注意到在平均睡眠时间和课程测验、三 次期中考试和期末考试成绩之间存在一个直接联系,因此作者是通过学生正常测验和考试成绩来衡量他们 的学习表现,D项切合题意。故选 D项。 【11 题详解】 推理判断题。 根据第五段中“If you go to bed at 10, or 12, or 1 at night, and sleep for seven hours, your performance is the same. But if you go to bed after 2, your performan

33、ce starts to go down even if you get the same seven hours.” 可知,如果在晚上 10点、12 点或者 1点上床睡觉,睡 7小时,你的学习表现是一样的,但如果在 2点之后 睡觉,哪怕睡了 7 个小时,学习表现也会下降,说明睡觉时间在晚上 10点到 1 点之间,睡 7个小时学习表 现是最好的,C项睡觉时间 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.满足 7 小时标准,符合语境。故选 C 项。 【点睛】判断推理题解题时要求考生根据文章提供的事实或线索作判断和推理,推测作者未提到的事实、 某事发生的可能性或趋势、某事未来的结果等。做这类题时,关键要紧扣

34、主题,立足已知事实或线索,捕 捉关键信息,然后推断其所隐含的深层含义。例如第二段中“Jeffrey Gross, , was not trying to find the relationship between sleep and grades when he handed out smart watches to the 100 students in his chemistry class.” 和“Instead, the professor hoped the wrist-worm devices, which track a persons physical activity, wo

35、uld show a connection between exercise and academic achievement.”instead前后所连接两个句子分别为“给他化学课里的 100个学生发放智能手环时, Jeffrey Gross 并没有试图去发现睡眠和成绩之间的关系”和“他最初目标是想用 手环设备来发现运动与学习成绩之间的关系”意在表明转折关系,即睡眠和成绩之间的关系其实是进行原 本研究目标时不经意(偶然)之间发现的副产物。层层递进,丝丝入扣,体现出此篇阅读语料的逻辑严谨性, 考生易于失分,因此值得仔细推敲。 D How affordable is high culture? O

36、ne great myth of our time is that tickets for opera, theatre, ballet and orchestral (管弦乐) concerts are too expensive, especially for the young. This is infuriating as, in Britain, at least, the claim is ridiculous and offensive. The cheap tickets to hear Londons orchestras range from 7 to 9 same as

37、a cinema ticket, and lower than the entry price to many pop music and comedy clubs. For comparison, when the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra performs with top soloists and conductors the cheapest seat is 30; and at the Berlin Philharmonic, its an expensive 46. Finding cheap tickets to the opera a

38、nd ballet isnt so easy. True. British companies dont charge the ridiculous high prices found on the Continent (2,000 for a good seat at a premiere of La Scalas Carmen last December), but the tickets are still pretty steep. Large fees paid to star performers mostly account for that. Luckily, however,

39、 one spectacular technological innovation has transformed the scene. Its live (or slightly delayed) cinema transmissions. The New York Metropolitan Opera now beams its shows to 800 cinemas round the world, and British companies arent far behind. Cinematic opera is excellent value. For the cost of a

40、good bottle of wine (10 or 15 for the Royal Opera Houses shows) you can sit in your local movie-house and see a high-definition relay of whats occurring on the worlds grandest stages. No, its not the same as being there, but its almost as good. The sound is incredible. The images, particularly of da

41、ncers, are fantastic. And you can react to the show as part of a live audience, rather than sitting on your own at home. To me, this mountain of evidence, together with free museum admissions, indicates that the arts world should stop worrying that its audiences are still mostly middle-class. Anyone

42、 who can afford to visit a pub can also afford to see top-quality drama, music and dance. The real battle now should be ensuring that school children are given enough tastes of high culture to make them want to buy all those cheap tickets when they grow up. 12. What does the underlined word “infuria

43、ting“ in paragraph 1 mean? A. Quite interesting. B. Very annoying. C. Not certain. D. Extremely obvious. 13. What is the main reason for expensive opera tickets? A. The amount of money charged by top performers. B. The costly technology required for broadcast. C. The demand of companies for big prof

44、its. D. The high cost of renting the stages. 14. Which of the following is true about cinematic opera? A. People can decide where to watch the opera. B. Audiences are discouraged from responding to The performances. C. It provides an inexpensive way of enjoying a live opera performance. D. The sound

45、 and visual quality are superior to the live performance. 15. Which statement would the author agree with? A. The quality of opera performances is improving. B. High culture is becoming more affordable in Europe. C. The cost of access to high culture activities should be lowered. D. Children should

46、be encouraged to participate in high culture events. 【答案】12. B 13. A 14. C 15. D 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇说明文。主要说明了当今时代存在高雅文化票价较高的现象,并分析了票价过高的原因,对未来 高雅文化发展提出了解决办法。 【12 题详解】 词义猜测题。根据第一段中“One great myth of our time is that tickets for opera, theatre, ballet and orchestral (管 弦乐) concerts are too expensive, espec

47、ially for the young.”可知我们的时代最难以置信的就是歌剧、剧院、芭 蕾和管弦乐音乐会的门票太贵, 特别是对学生而言。 根据分析第一段中“This is infuriating as, in Britain, at least, the claim is ridiculous and offensive.”可知,this 指代前句中门票昂贵的现象,infuriating 是前句现象的影响和 状态,联系划线词后文可了解到 the claim is ridiculous and offensive 这样的声称很离谱也很令人不适,意为 消极表述,结合选项翻译 B项 annoying

48、 意为“使人恼怒的”符合语境。故选 B项。 【13 题详解】 细节理解题。 根据第二段中 “the tickets are still pretty steep. Large fees paid to star performers mostly account for that.” 可知 that指代前句 the tickets are still pretty steep“门票特别贵”。account for意为“解释”,表明门票价格 高的原因是因为要支付给演员明星巨额费用,A 项切题。故选 A 项。 14 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Cinematic opera is exce

49、llent value. For the cost of a good bottle of wine (10 or 15 for the Royal Opera Houses shows) you can sit in your local movie-house and see a high-definition relay of whats occurring on the worlds grandest stages.”可知电影院歌剧物超所值。只需一瓶红酒的价格(皇家剧院的表演票 价要 10-15 欧元),你就可以坐在当地的电影院看一场世界最棒舞台上表演的高品质转播,说明电影院歌剧 为我们提供了一种便宜的方式欣赏歌剧现场,C项切题。故选 C 项。 【15 题详解】 推理判断题。 根据最后一段中“The real battle now should be ensuring that school children are given enough tastes of high culture to make them want to buy all those cheap tickets whe


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