2020年人教(PEP)三年级下册英语Unit2 My family 单元测试卷(含答案)

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2020年人教(PEP)三年级下册英语Unit2 My family 单元测试卷(含答案)_第1页
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2020年人教(PEP)三年级下册英语Unit2 My family 单元测试卷(含答案)_第4页
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1、Unit 2 My family 单元测试单元测试 姓名: 班级: 座号: 一、单选题(共一、单选题(共 10 题;共题;共 30 分)分) 1.选出不同类的单词( ) A. brother B. sister C. today 2.向妈妈介绍你的朋友 Mike 时,你会说:( ) A. He is Mike. B. This is my friend, Mike. 3.Whos that woman? is my mother. A. He B. She 4.( ) A. man B. woman 5.grandmother( ) A. B. 6.Whos that _? Shes my f

2、riend. A. boy B. girl C. man 7.他是你的爸爸吗?( ) A. Is he your brother? B. Is he your father? 8.Whos that woman? ( ) A. Hes my grandpa. B. Shes my grandma. 9.你想表达那位男士是你的爸爸,你应说:_ A. The boy is my brother. B. The man is my father. 10._ is that girl? She is my sister. A. Who B. Where C. What 二、填空题(共二、填空题(共 2

3、0 分)分) 1.将下列打乱的字母重新排序,组成正确的单词。 m,y,a,f,i,l_ a,r,a,m,g,n,d_ a,n,m_ o,w,a,m,n_ t,e,r,f,a,h_ 2.把相应的英文句子和中文连起来。 Whos that woman? _ A. 这个男人是谁? What a big fish! _ B. 这是我的奶奶。 Where are you from? _ C. 那个女人是谁? Whos this man? _ D. 好大的鱼啊! This is my grandma. _ E. 你来自哪里? 三、判断题(共三、判断题(共 8 分)分) 1.Who is that boy?

4、 ( ) He is my brother. 2.Whos that girl? ( ) She is my little sister. 3.This is my brother. ( ) 4.The woman is my mother. ( ) 四、选词填空(词汇运用)(共四、选词填空(词汇运用)(共 10 分)分) A. too B. He C. She D. girl E. man (1) Whos this _? _ is my father. (2) Whos that _? _ is Amy. (3) Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, _.

5、 五、五、从方框中选择恰当的选项,补全下面的对话。从方框中选择恰当的选项,补全下面的对话。(共(共 10 分)分) A. Shes my mum. B. Is he your father? C. Whos that woman? D. Hes my teacher. E. Is she your sister? Ann: Good morning, Peter. _ Peter: Guess. Ann: _ Peter: No, she isnt. _ Ann: Whos that man? _ Peter: No, he isnt. _ 六、连词成句(共六、连词成句(共 12 分)分) 1

6、.my, is, he, father(.) 2.family, is, my, this(.) 3.she your Is sister (?) 4.woman Whos that (?) 七、阅读理解(共七、阅读理解(共 10 分)分) Hello! Im Lily. Im eight years old. Im from the UK. Look at the picture (照片)! This is my family. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher, too. The boy is my brother, Sam. H

7、es six years old. We are pupils. Look! This is my friend, a funny monkey. I like it very much. 根据短文,选择正确答案。判断句子正误。 (1)How old is Lily? She is _. A.7 B.8 C.9 (2)Where are the family from? The family are from _. A.Canada B.the USA C.the UK (3)Lilys mother is a teacher. (4)Lily is Sams sister. (5)Sam likes the monkey. 答案答案 一、120 CBBAA BBBBA 二、 1.family;grandma;man;woman;father 2.C;D;E;A;B 三、14 四、 (1)E;B (2)D;C (3)A 五、C;E;A;B;D 六、 1. He is my father. 2. This is my family. 3.Is she your sister? 4.Whos that woman? 七、 (1)B(2)C(3)T(4)T(5)F


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