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1、20202020 年年人教版七年级英语下册第三单元短语语法归纳练习人教版七年级英语下册第三单元短语语法归纳练习 第一部分第一部分 【重点短语】【重点短语】 get to school take the train take the subway ride a bike how far how long from home to school every day 乘公共汽车(动词型) by bike Walk to school run to school Have a good day think of betweenand go on a ropeway cross the river on

2、e 11-year-old boy play with come true be afraid of sth. be like it takes sb. 时间 to do sth. taketo=go toby It is ones dream to do sth. It is ones dream to do sth. thanks for doing sth. 第二部分第二部分 【重点语法】【重点语法】 一、交通方式表达法一、交通方式表达法 1.动词型: take +限定词(a/an/the)+交通工具(单数) (take (take 译为乘坐译为乘坐, ,动词型通常放在动词型通常放在句中

3、句中) ) 如:take a /the bus , take a/the subway, take a/the train 例:Tom takes a bus to school. 翻译翻译(Linda 坐地铁去图书馆) :Linda library. 有的交通工具不需要用 take,如 walk to/drive to /ride to/fly to/ Walk to +地点=go to .on footfoot 走路去 如:I walk to school every day.=I go to school on footfoot. 注意:如果后面接地点副词注意:如果后面接地点副词 her

4、e , there , home here , there , home 等介词等介词 toto 应省去应省去 2.介词型: 1)by+交通工具(单数单数) (中间无任何修饰词,介词型通常位于(中间无任何修饰词,介词型通常位于句末句末) 如:by bus/by subway/by train 例:Tom goes to Beijing by train. 2)in/on +限定词(a/an/the)+交通工具(单数) ( (位于句末,特别强调在自行车上用位于句末,特别强调在自行车上用 on)on) 如:inin a /the car, inin a /the boat, inin a/the

5、taxi OnOn a /the bus, onon a /the train, onon a /the subway 例:My father goes to work onon a bus/inin a car. 注意注意:1.对交通工具提问用:how(怎样) 如:My father goes to work onon a bus(对划线部分提问) HowHow does your father go to work? 【试一试】【试一试】 1. I think you can _to the new park. Its a little far. A. by bus B. take a b

6、us C. on foot D. walk 2. -How does your brother usually go to school? - _car. A. By B. In C. On D. With 3. I often go to school _ my fathers car and go back home _ foot. A. in; on B. by; by C. by; in D. on; by 4. Jim often goes to school _ bike. But today he goes to school _ the school bus. A. on; b

7、y B. by; by C. by; on D. on; on 二、交通方式之间的互换。二、交通方式之间的互换。 Tom takes a bus to school。= Tom goes to school by bus. =Tom goes to school on a bus. “我做公交去上学。” 同义句练习:同义句练习: I ride my bike to work.=I go to work . =I go to work . I fly to America.=I to Amieica. 巩固练习巩固练习 I:用填空。 4Will II:就划线部分提问。 by bike 对划线部分

8、提问 on foot. 对划线部分提问 3.lucy takes a train to Beijing.(同义句转换) 三、辨析 How long/How far How long 对时间长短提问 How longHow long does it take to get to school? Its about 15 minutes. About 15 minutes by bike. 对物体长度提问 How long is this ruler? Its 20 cms. How far 对距离提问 How farHow far is it from your home to school?

9、Its about 10 kilometers. Its about 20 minutes walk.(20 minutes ride) 【练习题】 1. -_ is your school from here? - About one kilometer. A. How long B. How often C. How far D. Where 2. -_does it take to get to school? -Twenty minutes. A. How B. How far C. How long D. How many 3.-_ is it from the village to

10、 your farm? -About 10minutes walk. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far 4.It takes me half an hour to do the dishes.(对划线部分提问) 5.It is about 20 kilometers from my house to the airport.(飞机场) (划线提问) is it from your house the airport? 四四. take. take 表示表示“花费时间花费时间” It takes sb. + It takes sb.

11、+ 时间时间+ to do sth. + to do sth. 花费某人时间花费某人时间/ /金钱做某事金钱做某事 例句: It takes her 20 minutes to get to the library. “花了她 20 分钟的时间到达图 书馆。” 【试一试】 1.花了我两年的时间完成这本书。(汉译英) It me finish the book. 2. It takes me fifteen minutes _ from my home to the bus station. A. walk B. walking C. walks D. to walk 五五hundredhund

12、red 用法用法 two hundred 两百, three hundred 三百, four hundred 四百 记住记住 hunderdhunderd 用单数用单数 Therere five hundredfive hundred students on the playground.在操场上有五百名学生。 Hundreds of+复数名词“成百上千的”(此处此处 hundredhundred 为复数为复数) Therere hundreds of students on the playground. 【试一试】. How many teachers are there in your

13、 school? -About four_. A. hundreds of B. hundred C. hundreds D. hundreds of 六三种六三种“到达到达” get to 到达。 (get home/get here/get there,get home/get here/get there,地点副词不加地点副词不加 toto) arrive in+arrive in+大地点,大地点,arrive at+arrive at+小地点。 (小地点。 (arrive in Beijing, arrive at schoolarrive in Beijing, arrive at

14、school) reach“reach“到达到达”,reach+reach+地方。地方。 直接加地点名词,不直接加地点名词,不加任何介词加任何介词 翻译翻译(Tom 在八点钟到达学校) :-用三种表达 七七LeaveLeave 用法用法 离开某地用 Leave. I leave Chongqing. 我离开重庆。 Leave + 地点 for + 目的地 “动身去某地” I leave Chongqing for Shanghai.我离开重庆去上海。 (我动身去上海了) Leave for +目的地“去某地” I leave for London. 我去伦敦了。 八结构:八结构:its +ad

15、j.+ for sb. to do sth. its +adj.+ for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事怎么样。对某人来说做某事怎么样。 Its easy for sb. to do sth. Its easy for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事很简单。对某人来说做某事很简单。 Its difficult for sb to do sth, Its difficult for sb to do sth, 对某人来说做某事很困难对某人来说做某事很困难 例句:its easy to get to school. Its difficult for me to

16、finish the work today. 拓展:拓展:Its important for sb to do sth,Its important for sb to do sth,对某人来说做某事很重要对某人来说做某事很重要 Its very important to learn English well.Its very important to learn English well. 【试一试】 Its hard for them _ to the beach(沙滩) in a short time. A. to ride bikes B. by bike C. to take bike

17、s D. on bikes 九九There beThere be 句型句型 (一) 辨析 There be 句型表示“某处存在某物或某人,表示一种客观存在, have/has“有”,表示“某人拥有某物/某人”表主观拥有,其主语常是人。 例句:There is a dog in the picture. The dog has two big eyes. (二)就近原则 There be 如果后面接两个名词作主语,那么“be”的人称和数与邻近的名词一致。即 be 用 is 还是 are,取决于离该动词最近的那个名词。如果该名词是单数或不可数名词就用 is,如 果是复数就用 are。 例句: th

18、ere is an apple and some bananas on the table. There are some bananas and an apple on the table. 【试一试】 1.There a ruler,two pens and five erasers on the desk. A.has B. is C.are D. have 2.There much milk in that bottle. A.has B. is C.are D. have 3.There lots of students on the playground. A.has B. is

19、C.are D. have 十十Like Like 介词,介词,“像像” He is like a father to me. 对我而言,他像一个父亲。 十一十一.She is an .She is an eighteight- -yearyear- -old girl. =She is eight years old. old girl. =She is eight years old. 她是一个八岁的女孩她是一个八岁的女孩= = 她八岁她八岁。 【试一试】. Kate is _ girl. She is very happy at school. A. a 18-year-old B. a

20、n 18-year-old C. an 18-years-old D. a 18-years-old 十二. “你认为怎么样?” What do you think of?=How do you like? 第第三三部分部分 课堂练习课堂练习 一一. . 单项选择单项选择 ( ) 1. Peter usually goes to school by _ bus. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. My English teacher is very good. She is like my mother _ me. A. to B. for C. with D. of

21、 ( ) 3. _ does your father go to work? He rides his bike. A. Where B. When C. How D. Why ( ) 4. The train _ the train station at 8:40 every morning. A. crosses B. runs C. leaves D. comes来源:学,科,网 ( ) 5. _ is it from your school to the train station? Five kilometers. A. Hows B. How old C. How long D.

22、How far ( ) 6. For some students, its difficult _ school. A. to get to B. get to C. to get D. get ( ) 7. Sam has a bike. He _ it to school every day. A. takes B. rides C. walks D. drives ( ) 8. Does Peter walk home? _. He takes the bus. A. No, he doesnt B. Yes, he does C. No, he isnt D. Yes, he is (

23、 ) 9. How long does it take you to go to the bus station? _. A. About twenty kilometers B. I ride my bike C. About half an hour by subway D. I get there quickly ( ) 10. Have a good day at school, Susan! _. A. Me, too B. You, too C. Bye D. Fine ( ) 11._ doe s Gina _ her English teacher? She likes her

24、 very much.来源:Zxxk.Com A. How; think B. What; like C. How; think of D. What; think of ( ) 12.Do you think her dream will _? A. come true B. come in C. come back D. come out来源:学* 科*网 ( ) 13He is only a _ boy. Dont be angry! Afive year old Bfiveyearold Cfiveyearsold Dfive years old ( ) 14Dont be _ of

25、the dog. Its friendly. Aafraid Bhappy Cfree Dbusy ( ) 15It usually takes me half an hour _ to school on the school bus. Aget Bgett ing Cgets Dto get ( ) 16. There is a bus stop _ the school _ my home. A. between, and B. between, with C. both, and D. both, with ( ) 17. The river runs too _, so the vi

26、sitors cant go boating today. A. quickly B. quick C. slow D. slowly ( ) 18. _ do you think of the school trip, Eric? Its interesting. A. How B. Where C. When D. What ( ) 19. I usually walk to school but _I take a taxi to school. A. sometimes B. Some time C. sometime D. some times ( ) 20.She gets up

27、early _ the morning but late _ Saturday and Sunday mornings A. on, in B. on, on C. in, on D. in, in 二二. . 用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. It often (take) her 3 hours _( play) sports. 2. I love (ride) a bike to school every day. 3. How far she (live) from here? 4.Liangliang _ (cross) the river every scho

28、ol day . 5. Its not easy for us (learn) English well. 6. There (be) a river near the hotel. 7. He doesnt want (do) his homework first. 8. Every morning he (leave) for school at around half past five. 三三. . 按根据汉语完成句子。按根据汉语完成句子。 1.My father _ _ _ (乘火车)to work. 2. Her dream will _ _ (实现) 3. What do you _ _ (认为) the book ? 4. Mary is _ _ _(一个 8 岁大的小姑娘). 5. For them, it is _ _ _ the river . (很 难过河)


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