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1、九年级上册期末备考模拟卷(一) 【译林版】学校:_班级:_姓名:_ 考号:_ 温馨提示:本试卷共分第卷和第卷两部分,第卷为客观题;第卷为主观题;满分为100分,考试时间为100分钟。请同学们将【答案】写在答题卡上,务必注意你的书写。第I卷(客观题 共55分).单项选择(15)1.We also learn how to well with others at school.A.get to B.get on C.get down D.get up2.Are you going to Tibet for vacation?Yes. I want you to me with some infor

2、mation about it.A.offer B.give C.show D.provide3.He was tired he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.Oh, we can go out and let him have a good rest.A.too; to B.so; that C.enough; to D.such; that4.(2018湖北随州中考)- What are you looking for? - Im looking for the dictionary you lent me last week.A.who B.wha

3、t C.that D.when5.After finishing his homework he went on a letter to his parents.A.write B.writing C.wrote D.to write6.Daniel decided to play the violin at the art festival he is good at it.A.but B.because of C.since D.though7.(2019江苏丹阳云阳学校月考)- When did the old man die? - He a rainy winter evening.A

4、.passed away in B.past away in C.passed away on D.past away on8.Will you tell me about the news?A.later B.latter C.latest D.late9. The Forbidden City is almost 600 years old, it is still very beautiful.A.Although; but B.Because; and C.Although; / D.Because; so10.Amy was very happy because she to act

5、 in the play.A.chose B.has chosen C.had chosen D.was chosen11.There are two bottles on the table. One is full beer while the other is filled water.A.of; of B.with; with C.of; with D.with; of12.The Smiths had to wait an hour they had already booked a table.A.since B.although C.until D.before13.I wond

6、er if he tonight. If he , Ill let you know.A.will come; comes B.comes; will come C.comes; comes D.will come; will come14.(2018江苏盐城中考)A lot of new roads in order to develop the villages in the next five years.A.built B.were built C.build D.will be built15.(2019江苏苏州景范中学自主检测)- Is Jim at home by himself

7、? - No, there is another boy with him.A.playing B.play C.plays D.to playII.完形填空(10分)Every child likes cartoons, and so do I. When I was young, there was (16) so exciting as a Saturday morning. Id wake up before the cartoons started, irritated (恼怒的) by whatever was still talking on TV at 7: 30. But t

8、hen came three hours with Mighty Mouse, Bugs Bunny and so on before lunch. And I liked Astro Boy best.Astro Boy is as famous in Japan (17) Superman in the United States. (18) name in Japanese is Tetsuwan Atomu which means “Mighty Atom”. He was created as a comic book character in 1951, (19) was the

9、first cartoon character on Japanese television in 1963.His story begins when Dr. Boytons son Toby dies in a car accident. Dr. Boyton, a scientist, (20) Astro Boy to replace his son Toby. When Astro Boy is first built, Dr. Boyton wants to (21) him a secret. But people discover him and he becomes popu

10、lar soon.Since Astro Boy is a robot, he has many (22) powers. His eyes can turn into powerful searchlights, and his ears can make his hearing stronger by one thousand times. He is so (23) that his fingers can turn into powerful lasers (激光), and his legs can turn into rockets so he can (24) . Like Su

11、perman, he saves people (25) and saves the world from bad men. His adventures have continued for more than 50 years in comic books and on television.16. A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing 17. A.like B.with C.for D.as18. A.Her B.His C.Its D.Your19. A.so B.or C.and D.but20. A.finds B.discov

12、ers C.produces D.creates21. A.promise B.keep C.tell D.remind22. A.amazing B.normal C.usual D.surprised23. A.strong B.short C.tall D.silly24. A.walk B.fly C.run D.swim25. A.in public B.in fact C.in trouble D.in common.阅读理解(30)AThe Spring Festival together with the winter holidays often means sharing

13、cakes, candies and other delicious food with friends and families. Most people will eat more than they usually do. But doctors find out that what you eat may affect how well you remember things. This is bad news for people who eat too much.Forgetfulness seems to many people an inevitable(不可避免的) part

14、 of aging. As our bodies grow older, most of us find that many things we should remember are slipping out of minds. But new facts show that it is possible to slow times effects on our minds.Once people thought that the brain could not make new cells(细胞), but now studies show that learning new things

15、 can help brain grow and keep the illness away from the brain.Professor Eric Kandel, a Nobel Prize winner for his study of the human memory, says the best way to save our memories is to keep our brains in good shape. Through mental exercise, he says, people can keep their memories whole into their 8

16、0s and 90s.And Mark Mattson, a professor at the National Institute on aging, says that reducing the amount of calories fed to older rats and mice by thirty percent can be a good help to learning and memory. While it is hard for many people to go on their diet(节食) like that, doctors tell us that even

17、 small steps can make a big difference.26. Doctors find out that may be bad for your memory.A.Delicious food B.eating too much C.drinking too much D.doing exercise27. The underlined word “slipping” in this passage means .A.leaving quietly B.forgetting slowly C.growing fast D.coming badly28. Who thin

18、ks that we can save our memories through mental exercise?A.Nobel. B.Mark Mattson. C.Eric Kandel. D.A famous doctor.29. The writer thinks that is a big problem we faces as we grow older.A.illness B.cell C.diet D.forgetfulness30. Which pf the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.It was believe

19、d that nothing new could help brain now.B.Its possible for us to slow times effects on our bodies.C.It was not easy for many people to go on their diet ten years ago.D.It is very important for the old to fight forgetfulness.BGrace, usually known as the Home of Microsoft, is inside an office building

20、 in Redmond, Washington. Once you come into the building, you will feel that youre in a modern and future home.When you enter the building, Graces voice, coming from a hidden speaker, tells you your messages. In the kitchen, you set a bag of flour(面粉) on a flat stone table. Grace sees what youre doi

21、ng and makes a menu of flour-based foods on the table. Once you choose one, Grace gives you ingredients(配料).Theres also a notice board in the kitchen made of “intelligent(智能的) cloth” that works like a touch screen computer. You can deal with postcards and invitations and surf the net with the touch

22、of a finger. The invitations could be encoded(编码). You can deal with them on the computer. Its part of Microsofts Smart Personal Objects Technology(SPOT), whose aim is to make every object more efficient.“The day when your house becomes a member of your family is not far,” says Pam Heath, a manager

23、of Microsoft. At the Andersen Windows Company, Jay Libby imagines that windows made of intelligent glass can be changed into TVs.“Nobody wants a television set,” says Libby. “What you want is the service it provides.” If the TV isnt improved, it will disappear in the future.Home entertainment is one

24、 consideration for the future. At the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, scientists are designing systems that will allow old people to live on their own. So Grandmas home can be cleverly designed to recognize(识别) her ways of waking, sleeping and movement. Family members will be told any ch

25、ange by their computers.31.We can know from the passage that Grace .A .is an idea known as the Microsoft Home B .is a machine that works like a TVC .can understand what its master does D .can cook meals for its master32.According to the passage, all the following are true EXCEPT .A .Grace can help y

26、ou in the kitchen B .you can use the computer with a touch screenC .windows will take the place of TV sets in the near futureD .TV technology needs improving33.It can be inferred(推断) from the passage that .A .the building in the future will be intelligent B .your windows will be changed into TVsC .f

27、ew people will like watching TV in the future D .old people will become more independent(独立的)34. What does the underlined word “efficient” mean in Chinese?A.困难的B.有效率的C.有趣的D.滑稽的35. Which would be the best title for the text?A.Modern Home B.Popular Home C.Future Home D.Smart HomeC(2019江苏泰州中学附中期末复习)Pol

28、ice dogs are given special traning to help the police with their work. Many different types of dogs can be trained to do this work, but the best known ones are German shepherds and bloodhounds. In Britain, police dogs have a 13-week training course and many dogs fail. Not all dogs make good police d

29、ogs. They must be completely reliable(可靠的) and obedient(服从的). Most police dogs live with their handlers(训犬员) as part of the family, but they are not pets. They are working dogs and they have a job to do.Police dogs are trained to chase and hold people who are trying to get away from the police. Poli

30、ce dogs are not vicious(凶猛的) animals, but they are trained to hold on to people until their handlers tells them to let go. Police dogs often go into dangerous places and they are given special vests to protect them from attacks with knives and guns.Dogs are not only used to chase and catch criminals

31、. They are also used for following suspects or finding missing persons. This is because some dogs, such as bloodhounds, have a very good sense of smell and can be trained to recognize certain types smells. Some dogs are used to find survivors after earthquakes or explosions and some are specially tr

32、ained to find dead bodies.In many counties dogs are used in airports to check luggage for drugs and bombs. Labradors, spaniels and beagles are used for this because they are friendly dogs and people are not afraid of them.36. Police dogs wont let go of the suspect until .A.the police arrive B.the su

33、spect gives inC.the police tell them to D.they are tired37. What are police dogs protected by when they go into dangerous places?A.Guns and knives. B.Special glasses. C.Special vests. D.The policemen.38. What does the underlined word “recognize” mean in Chinese?A.记忆B.检测C.分类D.识别39. Why are Labradors,

34、 spaniels and beagles used in airports to check luggage?A.Because they scare criminals. B.Because they are friendly.C.Because they are clever. D.Because they can work with the police.40. All the following are names of dogs EXCEPT .A.beatles B.German shepherds C.bloodhounds D.Labradors第II卷 (主观题 共45分)

35、.词汇运用(10)(1) 根据句意及所给的汉语提示填写单词。41. They like music so much that they want to be (音乐家) in the future.42. Loss of health is more serious than loss of (财富).43. The young (夫妇) enjoys taking a walk after supper.44. Millie used to be a good (讲故事的人).45. Mike has made the (最终的) decision.(2) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。46

36、. She walked very quietly in order (not wake) the lady up.47. The scientists (search) every part of the island so far.48. The stars (success) career lasted 40 years.49. The boy always has difficulty (pronounce) new words.50. Although he was disabled when he was only ten years of age, yet he aimed hi

37、gh, for which his classmates spoke (high) of him.英汉互译(10)51. 她对你的工作称颂备至。 She your work.52. 那次可怕的地震过后,人们别无他法,只能保持冷静来处理各种问题。After the terrible earthquake, people to keep calm to deal with all kinds of problems.53. 与人友好相处使你更容易取得成功。 others makes it easier for you to achieve success.54. 我不太确定本周六的讲座是否会被取消

38、。Im not sure this Saturdays talk will .55.战争一爆发他的母亲就鼓励他去参军。His mother encouraged him the army as soon as the war .任务型阅读(10)Jane was on her way home at around 6 oclock. It was getting dark. As she drove into her community, she noticed a man.She saw the man walking along the sidewalk next to some hous

39、es. He didnt live in any of those houses. She had seen this man a few times before. He looked like a criminal. She drove by him. He looked at her car as she drove by. She continued driving and watched him in her rear view mirror (后视镜). She got to the corner and stopped. She continued to watch him wa

40、lking in her direction. Suddenly, he turned left up a driveway (车道). A red SUV was parked in the driveway right next to the sidewalk. She saw him walk up to the drivers door and put his hand on the handle (把手). Then he returned to the sidewalk and went on to walk in her direction.“What is that all a

41、bout?” Jane wondered. Then she realized that he had tested the door to see if it was locked. “He is a criminal,” she thought. “Thats what he does. He just walks in our neighborhood looking for cars to break into.”She called the police and described the man. The police officer said he knew who the ma

42、n was. The people in the community called two or three times this week to report him walking by. But the police couldnt arrest him for walking around unless they caught him with stolen things. “But he was testing that SUV door to see if it was unlocked,” she said.“Im sorry,” said the officer. “Thats

43、 not against the law. If you see him actually steal something, please give us a call.”阅读以上信息,用恰当的单词完成下面的表格,每空一词。Is He a ThiefBackground InformationIt was getting (56) . Jane was (57) home when she noticed a man who she had seen several times before.Details of the storyThe manHe was walking in Janes

44、He was walking in (58) and then suddenly turned left. He walked up to an SUV, put his hand on the handle of the door and then (59) walking.JaneShe (60) the man all the time. She thought he was testing if the door was (61) , so she called the police. She (62) the man and his strange behaviour.The pol

45、iceofficerHe said he knew the man because he had been (63) two or three times. But the mans behaviour couldnt lead to the (64) of him. He said walking around was not (65) the law.书面表达(15)请根据下面所给信息,写一篇介绍著名钢琴家(pianist)郎朗的英语文章。出生日期1982年6月14日出生地点辽宁沈阳家庭背景出生于一个音乐家庭成长经历1. 两岁时,看动画片时对钢琴产生了兴趣;2. 三岁时,正式开始学习钢琴;3. 五岁时,参加沈阳少年儿童钢琴比赛(Shenyang Children Piano Contest),获第一名;4. 九岁时,去北京学习钢琴。主要成就1. 每年在世界各地举办音乐会;2. 被授予很多国际大奖,是21世纪最伟大的钢琴家之一。1.你最喜爱的艺术形式是;2.你对这种艺术形式的看法;3.你何时对其产生兴趣,以及这期间发生的有趣故事;4.这种艺术形式对你的重要性。注意:1.要求语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范;2.词数90左右,开头已给出,不计入


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