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1、 七年级英语期末试题 2020.01 (满分:140分 考试时间:110分钟)说明:1. 本试卷共8页,包含选择题(第1题第65题)、非选择题(第66题第101题)两部分。满分140分,考试时间为110分钟。2. 所有的试题都必须在“答题卡”或“答题纸”上作答。在试卷或草稿纸上答题无效。 第一部分 选择题 (80分)来源:学科网ZXXK一、听力部分(共20小题;每小题1分,计20分)第一部分: 听对话回答问题(计10分) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1道小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话读两遍)1. Whats Andys favourite sport?A. B

2、. C. 2. What does the girls mother do after supper?A. B. C. 3. What festival is it today?A. B. C. 4. What does the girl often do?A. B. C. 5. Where is Mary?A. In a hospital. B. At home. C. In a shop.6. Whose books are these?A. Mikes. B. Kittys. C. Bruces.7. What does Lily think of her school life?A.

3、Sad. B. Happy. C. Not interesting.8. Whats the date today?A. October 29th. B. October 30th. C. October 31st.9. Where does the boy have the New Years party?A. In the classroom. B. In the school hall. C. In the playground.10. How much juice is there in the fridge?A. Two bottles. B. Three bottles. C. F

4、ive bottles.第二部分 : 听对话和短文答题(计10分) 听下面3段对话或短文。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话或短文读两遍)听一段对话,回答第1112小题。 11. Where are they?A. At home. B. In a park. C. In a restaurant.12. Which of the following doesnt the man ask for?A. Fish and chicken. B. Beans and cola. C. Beef and juice. 听第一篇短文,回答第1315小

5、题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。13. A. milk B. coffee C. tea14. A. at home B. at school C. in the restaurant15. A. 7 p.m. B. 6:30 p.m. C. 6 p.m.听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。16. Where does Xiao Fang work?A. At school. B. In a cinema. C. In a hospital.17. What does she have for breakfast?A. Some bread and milk. B. Some

6、 eggs and juice. C. Some noodles and tea.18. How does she go to work?A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By car.19. How many hours a day does she work on weekdays?A. 10 hours. B. 8 hours. C. 9 hours.20. What does she love doing besides (除了) singing and shopping?A. Chatting with friends. B. Chatting on the In

7、ternet. C. Talking on the telephone.二、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。21. Who is _ boy over there?He is Tom. He likes reading. He is reading _ useful book.A. the; an B. a; an C. the; / D. the; a22. The shopping mall near our school _ for 12 hours a day. It _ at 9:00 p.m. A.

8、opens; closes B. opens; is closed C. is open; is close D. is open; closes23. I want to _ the book Harry Porter from you. Can you _ it here tomorrow?A. borrow; take B. borrow; bring C. lend; take D. lend; bring24. What does your sister usually have _ dinner? Well, she often has some bread and a glass

9、 of milk _sugar. A. for; for B. for; with C. with; with D. with; for 25. It_ me 2 hours to buy a birthday present for Amy. The present_19 yuan. A .takes, spends B. costs, takes C. takes, costs D. spends, costs26. I think she _a doctor. I dont think so. _ she is a nurse, I guess.A. maybe, May be B. m

10、ay be, Maybe C. maybe, Maybe D. may be, May be27.Everyone in China wants to watch the national flag-raising ceremony(升旗仪)_the first day of 2019 at Beijings Tiananmen Square.Cant agree more A. in B. for C. at D. on28. Her red silk blouse _ her blue jeans very well and they also _ her very well. A. fi

11、ts; match B. matches; fits C. fits; matches D. matches; fit29. I like dancing, and I dream to be a dancerI hope your dream _.A. to come true B. comes true C. coming true D. come true30. _ is the nearest post office?Its about 20 minutes by bike. A. How long B. How far C. How soon D. How often31. Ther

12、e _ lots of bread and some eggs for breakfast at home. A. has B. have C. are D. is32. Here comes the taxi! Where is Miss Liu? She cant go to the museum with us. She _ some visitors around our school. A. shows B. show C. showed D. is showing 33. _ does your cousin usually go to work on foot? He says

13、its good for his health A. Where B. When C. Why D. How34. Douyin App is so popular _ Chinese people these years. Yes. _ the young and the old enjoy watching videos on it.A. between; Both B. among; BothC. between; All D. among; All35. Ill go to the Yangzhou Museum with my parents this winter holiday.

14、 _A. Yes, pleasure. B. Have fun! C. What a good day! D. Good idea.三、完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分) 阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。 Almost everyone likes music very much. But do you know who invented music? Who sang the first song? No oneknows the answers 36 these questions. But we know that mus

15、ic is very 37 in everyones life. Babies and young children love to 38 people sing for them. When they get older, they like to singthe songs themselves. When children go toschool, their 39 of music grows. In middleschools, students 40 music lessons. And they become 41 in pop music. Music will makethe

16、m 42 after a days hard 43 . We can 44 hear music in shops, buses and houses. We shall try to find out 45 about music. The following is a radio broadcast (广播). Good morning. Todays broadcast brings together music from different places of the world. We 46 some American music and pop music for you. In

17、this broadcast we shall study the music. We shall try to find out what music says and how people 47 . I will tell you 48 they are all good music. The word music comes from the word muse. The Muses are goddesses (女神) of the arts, so music is a kind of 49 . Its like speaking, but its 50 . We cant imag

18、ine that without music what our life would be like.36. A. with B. to C. on D. in37. A. important B. enough C. easy D. difficult38. A. look B. listen C. tell D. hear39. A. world B. place C. country D. home40. A. makeB. teach C. have D. hate41. A. interesting B. lucky C. happy D. interested42. A. happ

19、y B. sad C. lazy D. beautiful43. A. play B. study C. design D. rest44. A. too B. also C. either D. never45. A. more B. little C. few D. many46. A. tell B. collect C. give D. spend47. A. learn B. smile C. feel D. know48. A. how B. what C. why D. which49. A. lesson B. song C. dance D. art50. A. bad B.

20、 different C. good D. wrong四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(A)Restaurant information (信息)Its lunchtime. There are some places for food around the Peoples Park. Jack looks for some information about them on the Internet.Round-seat RestaurantAddress: No. 2 Futong RoadTelepho

21、ne: 6788123Main food: baked meat Cost: about $8 eachOpening time: 9:30 a.m1:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m.11:00 p.m.There are all kinds of foods here, like meat, vegetables, fruit and drinks. Delicious ShopAddress: No. 13 Futong RoadTelephone: 6782123Main food: seafood (海鲜) Cost: about $20 eachOpening time: 9:00

22、 a.m.9:00 p.m.It has many kinds of seafood. All the food is clean and fresh. Dafus RestaurantAddress: No. 6 Kaixuan RoadTelephone: 6785512Main food: fast food Cost: about $5 eachOpening time: 8:30 a.m.10:30 p.m.Here you can find rice, noodles, dishes and drinks. Hot water and juice are free here. Jo

23、hns Coffee ShopAddress: No. 10 Kaixuan RoadTelephone: 6766548Main food: Western food Cost: about $12 eachOpening time: 10:00 a.m.10:30 p.m.The shop is clean and quiet. There is beef, bread, fruit, coffee and so on. 51.Which is the best place for him if (如果) Jack wants to eat fish and shrimps (虾)?A.

24、Delicious Shop B. Dafus RestaurantC. Johns Coffee Shop D. Round-seat Restaurant52.If Jack goes for Western food with his parents, how much should he spend?A. About $ 12. B. About $20. C. About $24. D. About $36.53.If Jack wants to find a quiet place, which telephone number can he call?A. 6782313. B.

25、 6766548. C. 6785512. D. 6788123.(B)My mother only has one eye. I hate her. I am always angry about it. She cooks dinner for students and teachers. One day at school, my mother sees me and says hello to me. I was so unhappy! How can she do this? I turn back and run away. The next day at school one o

26、f my classmates says, “EEEE, your mother only has one eye!” I dont know what to say. I wish my mother to just get away. I say to her at home, “If youre only going to make others laugh at me, why dont you just die ?” She doesnt say a word. Many years later, I have my family in another city. Then one

27、day, my mother comes to visit me. When she stands at the door, my children laugh at her. I shout, “GET AWAY! NOW!” “Oh, Im so sorry. I have the wrong address (地址).” A few years later, she dies. Somebody gives me a letter from my mother. It reads: “My dearest son, I think of you all the time. Im sorr

28、y that I should not go to your house and. You see, when you are very young, you lose (失去) your eye in a car accident. As a mother, I give you mine. I am glad you can see a whole world for me with that eye. With all my love to you. Your mother.”54. How does the writer feel when his classmate laughs a

29、t him? A. Happy.B. Angry.C. Sorry.D. Glad55. What does the mother do before she dies? _.A. She has an accident and loses her eye.B. She visits the writer and his children.C. She gives her eye to her son.D. She writes a letter and asks someone to hand it to her son.56. What does the underlined word “

30、accident” mean in Chinese? _.A. 故事B. 停车场C. 事故D. 车库57. How may the writer feel after he reads the letter? _. A. He still hates his mother because of her blind eye.B. He feels really sorry because he isnt kind to her before she dies.C. He feels happy that he will never see the one-eyed woman.D. He is

31、not sad at all, but very angry.(C)The pirates, the Lost Boys, the Indians and the beasts are all walking round and round the island in a circle. They never catch each other because they are all walking at the same speed. At the end of the procession there is an enormous crocodile. The boys are the f

32、irst to leave the circle. They disappear very quickly into their home under the ground. The entrances to their home are in seven large trees. Theres one for each Lost Boy Nibs, Slightly, Tootles, Curly, the Twins and one for Peter Pan. Each boy enters through a hole in the trunk of his tree. Hook do

33、es not know where their home is, but he wants to find it.Later Nibs goes out for a walk. While hes walking through the woods, the pirates see him. Starkey, the ships mate, takes out his pistol but Hook stops him and says, “No. I dont want to shoot one Lost Boy. I want to kill all of them. Go and loo

34、k for them! I want to find their house!”The pirates disappear into the woods. Now Captain Hook and Mr Smee, the ships bosun, are alone. Hook begins to talk about the Lost Boys.“I want their captain, Peter Pan, Smee,” he says. “I dont have a right hand because of Peter Pan oh, and the crocodile.”“Oh,

35、 yes. I know that you are afraid of crocodiles,” says Smee.“I am not afraid of all crocodiles,” explains Hook quickly. “Just one crocodile. It has my hand and now it wants to eat the rest of me.” Then he sits down on a large mushroom.“Smee,” he says. “That crocodile wants to kill me, but luckily it

36、has a clock inside it. The clock makes a noise: tick-tock, tick-tock. When I hear the tick-tock of the clock, I have time to run away before the crocodile can catch me.”58. Where is the home of the Lost Boys? A. Under the ground.B. In the trunks. C. In a large mushroom.D. On a ship.59. Why does Hook

37、 stop Starkey from shooting Nibs? A. Because he wants to shoot Nibs himself. B. Because he is friendly to Nibs. C. Because he wants to kill all of the Lost Boys. D. Because he only wants Peter Pan.60. Who is Hook afraid of? A. Smee.B. Starkey.C. The crocodile.D. Peter Pan.61. How does Hook know that

38、 the crocodile is coming? A. By smelling.B. By watching. C. By guessing. D. By hearing.(D)The last Monday in March is an important day in China. It is a day for school safety education. This year, the day falls on March 25. It helps students learn more about safety and make sure they are safe. What

39、are some accidents at school? How can you keep yourself safe? Take a look!The main accidents at school are stampedes(踩踏), earthquakes and fires.A stampede always happens in crowded places. When students around you begin to push, stand there and try to hold onto something. If you fall down in the cro

40、wd, put your hands around your head. Move to one side, and bend(弯) your body and legs.Earthquakes happen all over the world. When you feel everything is moving, quickly get under a desk and hold on, according to China Earthquake Administration(地震局). If you are outdoors, find a place away from buildi

41、ngs, trees, and power lines(电线).When theres a fire, leave the classroom quickly. Its better to put something wet over your mouth and nose. This way, you wont breathe in smoke. Many people die in a fire, not because of the fire, but smoke. It makes them cough and they cant breathe. Thats very dangerous! So when you want to get out, you should make yourself lower to the floor. Then you can breathe some fresh air. 62. Students can learn about_ on the day. A. school safetyB. traffic accidentsC. forest firesD. family rules63. In a stampede, if yo


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