【人教pep版】五年级上册英语:Unit1 第四课时(ppt课件)

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1、Unit1 Whats he like?,B lets learn,Chinese,art,science,music,maths,English,computer,funny,thin,strong,old,young,quiet,pretty,kind,short,strict,friendly,Mr,Mrs,Miss,Ms,Whats Oliver like?,polite有礼貌的,Tom,Whats Tom like? Hes _.,polite,Lily,Whats Lily like? Shes _.,polite,Whats Zhang Peng like?,Hes _.,hel

2、pful,Who is helpful?,clever聪明的,Anny,Whats she like?,Who is clever in our class?,Jake,Dave,0,hard-working努力的,clever,The teacher is hard-working.,The man is hard-working.,The students are hard-working.,Who is hard-working?,Are you hard-working?,_is clever and hardworking.,Whats he like?,shy腼腆的,Whats S

3、arah like? Shes _.,helpful,Whats Zhang Peng _?,like,_ Wu Yifan _?,Whats like,Whats _ like? He/Shes _.,cl _v _ p_l_t_ h_l_ful sh_ h_ _d-w_ _king,r,e,o,i,e,e,p,y,a,r,o,r,Match and say:,Ask and answer:,1.What is he like?,He is _.,2.What is she like?,She is _.,polite,shy,1.,2.,3.,4.,3.What are they like

4、?,They are _.,4.What are they like?,They are _.,helpful,hard-working,Ask and answer:,Whats your English teacher like?_ 2. Whats your mother like?_ 3. Is your father strict?_ 4. What are they like?(友好的)_,Talk about your classmates!,_is polite. _is hard-working. _is clever. _is helpful. _is shy.,Groupwork,Tip: 1.小组讨论班上最具有代表性的同学;2. 一人一句,Talk about your classmate,-Whats xxx like?,-He/She is ,谈论你的同学,polite,helpful,Hard-working,clever,friendly,shy,quite,Kind,Homework1.单词抄6次,默写2次 2.作业本 3.描述同学,至少3位,


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