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1、专题十一 构词法,考向分析 构词法包括合成法、派生法、转化法、缩写和简写,名列高考大纲的语 法项目表之中,其中合成法和派生法是重点,特别是派生法,是每年高考 的高频考点之一,例如,形容词的副词形式、动词的名词形式、名词的 形容词形式等。,考点清单 一、合成法 单句改错 1.(2017课标全国)But unlike her school friends, 16-years-old Sarah is not spending half-term resting. 16-years-old16-year-old 答案 16-years-old16-year-old 在带有连字符的复合形容词中,名词

2、应用单数形式,故16-years-old改为16-year-old。,语境运用,2.(2016课标全国)On my recent visit, I held a lively three-months-old twin that had been rejected by its mother. three-months-oldthree-month-old 答案 three-months-oldthree-month-old 复合形容词three-months-old 使用错误,名词应用单数形式。 3.Stephen Francis observed eighteen-years-old Sh

3、elly Ann at a track meet and was convinced that he had seen the beginnings of true greatness. eighteen-years-oldeighteen-year-old 答案 eighteen-years-oldeighteen-year-old 在题干中,eighteen-years- old错误,中间的名词years应用单数形式。,合成法是两个或两个以上的词按一定的规则合成一个新词的方法。这 样的词被称为合成词。 1.合成形容词,用法精讲,2.合成名词,3.其他形式的合成词,二、派生法 (一)形容词转

4、换为副词 单句填空 1.(2017课标全国)Steam engines were used to pull the carriages and it must have been fairly (fair) unpleasant for the passengers, with all the smoke and noise. 答案 fairly 空格处在句中作状语,修饰形容词unpleasant,故填提示词 的副词形式。,语境运用,2.Dr. Barone was my doctor when I was a kid, and even though I was proba-bly (pro

5、bable) just another patient to her, to me she was more than just my doctor. 答案 probably 空格处在句中作状语,故空格处填副词probably。 3.(2015广东) Luckily (lucky), he also had a cow which produced milk ev- ery day. 答案 Luckily 空格处作状语,用于修饰整个句子,故空格处填提示词 的副词形式。 单句改错 4.(2016课标全国)Instead, he hopes that his business will grow

6、steady. steadysteadily 答案 steadysteadily 句尾的词在句中作状语,用于修饰动词,故 steady改为steadily。,1.派生法是在词根上添加后缀或前缀来变成新单词的方法,这样构成的 单词被称为派生词。添加后缀往往改变词性,而添加前缀往往改变词义。 2.形容词转换为副词的常用后缀:,用法精讲,温馨提示 1.注意以下形容词变副词的拼写 wholewholly 完全地 shyshyly害羞地 drydryly干燥地 goodwell 好地 2.注意以-ly结尾的形容词 friendly友好的 lovely 可爱的 lively生动的 lonely 孤独的 d

7、eadly致命的 monthly每月的 yearly每年的 daily每日的 weekly每周的,(二)形容词转换为名词 单句填空 1.In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings ad- mirable is their ability (able)to “air condition” a house without using electric equipment. 答案 ability 结合空前的形容词性物主代词their可知,空格处应填名 词ability。 2.The line has a len

8、gth (long) of 174 km as a double tracked passenger dedicated line, with ten stations situated along its route. 答案 length 根据空前的冠词可知,空格处应该填提示词的名词形 式。,语境运用,3.(2017河北衡水中学高三小二调)Now there is a resurgence (复苏) in its popularity (popular) in the UK and it is available to anyone who can afford it. 答案 popular

9、ity 根据空前的形容词性物主代词its可知,空格处填名 词popularity。 4.(2017黑龙江哈尔滨师大附中高三月考)Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience (convenient) of online shopping without the concern of being cheated. 答案 convenience 空格处在句中作宾语,结合空前的pleasure可知,空 格处填名词convenience。,形容词变名词的常用后缀:,用法精讲,(三)动词转换为名词 单句填空 1.(2017课标全国)

10、She is determined to carry on with her education (educate). 答案 education 空格处在句中作宾语,结合空前的定语her可知,空格 处应填写提示词的名词形式。 2.(2017课标全国)This development was only possible with the introduction (introduce) of electric-powered engines and lifts. 答案 introduction 根据空前的定冠词the和空后的介词of可知,空格处 应该填名词introduction。,语境运用,3

11、.Magically, that show remains the Great Jasons best performance (perform) to this day. 答案 performance 根据空前的定语best可知,空格处应该填写名词 performance。 4.(2016课标全国)Then, handle the most important tasks first so youll feel a real sense of achievement (achieve). 答案 achievement 根据空前的of和语境可知,此处为常用短语“a sense of achie

12、vement”,意为“成就感”,故空格处填提示词的名词形 式。,动词变名词的常用后缀:,用法精讲,(四)动词转换为形容词 单句填空 1.(2017课标全国)However, be careful (care) not to go to extremes. 答案 careful 空格处作表语,结合空后的不定式可知,空格处填形容 词。故填careful。 2.I gave him a quick hug and went back into the seating area, leaving him with a surprised (surprise) smile. 答案 surprised 空

13、格处在句中作名词smile的定语,结合语境可知,空 格处填surprised。,语境运用,3.While there are amazing (amaze) stories of instant transformation, for most of us the changes are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. 答案 amazing 空格处在句中作定语,用于修饰名词stories,故填amaz- ing。,1.动词转换为形容词的常用后缀: 2.分词形容词化:

14、annoy,disappoint,frighten,terrify,worry等使役性动词的 现在分词和过去分词可作为形容词使用。现在分词构成的形容词常用 于物,过去分词构成的形容词常用于人,而修饰与人有关的表情、眼 神、声音等时,常用过去分词构成的形容词。,用法精讲,(五)名词转换为形容词 单句填空 1.(2017课标全国)The Central London Railway was one of the most successful (success) of these new lines, and was opened in 1900. 答案 successful 根据空前的the m

15、ost和语境可知,此处为形容词最高 级,故填提示词的形容词形式。,语境运用,2.(2015课标全国)As natural (nature)architects, the Pueblo Indians fig- ured out exactly how thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days. 答案 natural 空格处在句中作定语,修饰名词architects,由此结合语境 可知,空格处填形容词natural。,单句改错 3.(2017课标全国)I enjoyed studying diff

16、erence kinds of cars and planes, playing pop music, and collecting the latest music albums. differencedifferent 答案 differencedifferent 根据后面的kinds of和语境可知,此处应用 形容词作定语,故difference改为different。,名词转换为形容词的常用后缀:,用法精讲,三、转化法 转换法指的是单词在词形不变的情况下,由一种词性直接转换为另外一 种词性的方法。,用法精讲,四、缩写和简写 缩写和简写指的是通过缩写或简写的形式来构成单词的方法。这一方 法通常被称为缩略法;另外,通过这一方法所构成的单词特点是读音和 拼写发生了变化,但是词义和词性均保持不变。,用法精讲,技巧点拨 1.空格处在句中作主语、宾语或表语要考虑名词形式; 2.空格处被形容词、定冠词或形容词性物主代词所修饰要考虑名词形 式; 3.空格处作定语、表语、主语补足语或宾语补足语,要用形容词形式; 4.空格处在句中作状语,要想到用副词形式。 5.对于短文改错试题,需要结合常用词类的用法进行推敲,确定形容词和 副词之间的混用、名词与形容词之间的混用等,然后再依据构词法改 正。,


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