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2019-2020学年新人教版高一英语单元测试新卷(解析版):必修1 Unit 3

1、Unit3(测试时间:60分钟     满分:100分).单词拼写(每个1分,共10分)1. In my opinion, our greatest happiness c_ in serving the people.2. I hope what I say will _(澄清)the misunderstanding between us.3. Thanks to your help, Jack and Peter_(完成)the task ahead of schedule.4. The basketball match was so exciting that it

2、 t_ everyone present at the stadium.5. What you say now is not _(一致的)with what you said last week.6. The plan finally broke down because the two sides were u_ to cooperate.7. This book gives a good _(描述)about life in the jungle of South America.8. There is a p_ that I might go to Paris to study for

3、two years.9. The work of taking care of kids requires patience _(加上)experience.10. I dont think its fair. Susan did the work and Jane got _(赞扬)for it.【答案】. 根据汉语意思完成句子(每个1分,共10分)1.当人们提起学英语,你会发现听力也是包括在内的。When people refer to learning English, you. _ _ _ _ _ _.2.如果你想使自己跟上时代,你就必须不断学习。 学#科网You_ _ _ _ &nb

4、sp;if you are going to make yourself keep up with modern times.3.工人们不该对这次事故负责,因为他们只是按要求执行了计划。The workers shouldnt be responsible for the accident, because they just carried out the plan _ _.4.她竟然考试作弊,真是遗憾。It was a pity that she _ _ _  in the exam.5. He found that there was no any possibility fo

5、r him _ _ _ _ _ _ _(摆脱这个坏习惯) because he had been addicted to it.6. _ _ _ _(让我极为高兴的是), I came across Mr. Smith in the countryside who was doing some research in rice-growing.7. Undoubtedly, they were so absorbed in their business that they _ _ _ _ _(遗漏了几个重要细节).8. Neither side is to blame for it, beca

6、use discussions between the two sides _ _ _(已经破裂) and they are dissatisfied with each other.9. _ _ _(值得称赞的是), the famous writer has contributed himself to creating detective stories.10. _ _ _ _ _ _(只有当他知道结果时) will he believe me.【答案】III根据提示翻译句子(每个2分,共10分)1. 如果方便的话,你可以立刻来我的办公室。_.2. 在那间石屋里曾住过一位老人。_.3.

7、过街时要当心。(省略)_.4. 他们安排我去机场接老板。_.5.凝视着画像,他的妈妈陷入沉思。 _. 【答案】1. If it is convenient for you, you can come to my office immediately.    2. There lived an old man in the stone room.3. Be careful when crossing the street.   4. They arranged for me to meet the boss at the airport.5. With her ey

8、es fixed on the portrait, his mother was deep in thought   IV.语法填空。(每个1分,共20分)1The TV advertisements have _ (influence) my attitude towards drinking and driving.2I have to find a _ (convenience) location for the shelves.3The beauty of the countryside is beyond _(describe)4He felt an immediate _

9、 (attract) for her, for she was very attractive.5We have made all the _ (arrange) for the conference.6Several firms were _ (unite) to form one company.7It's _ (legal) to read people's private letters without permission.8It is a _ (thrill) news to hear of your being appointed as CEO of your c

10、ompany.9It was much more _ (enjoy) than I had expected.10The last five years has been a _ (consist) improvement in the country's economy.11Who can take _ place of Mr. Green in the company?12The team _ (consist) of six boys and three girls succeed in passing the Volley.13He often complains _ too

11、much work to do.14_ her credit, Emma passed such a difficult examination.15Under no condition will the Chinese allow Taiwan to break away _ China.16When I got home, I found my money _(go)17_ his credit, he gave away much of his fortune to the poor.18He remained _ (wait) for the bus for about twenty

12、minutes.19He had all his money _ (steal) on the crowded bus.20Mr. Green made _ clear to finish the task on time【答案】V. .单句改错(每个1分,共6分)1Educators consider teaching great delight. That's why they always make every endeavor to do it._2In my opinion, the secret to happiness consists of your successfu

13、l work and your contribution towards others' happiness._3It is one of the most popular treasures displaying in the Shanghai Museum._4When first introducing to the market, these products enjoyed great success._5I have arranged for a car to pick you up, because my car breaks down yesterday._6She t

14、hrilled with terror when she saw the scene of the murder._答案1great前加a2.of改为in3.displaying改为displayed4introducing改为introduced5.breaks改为broke6thrilled前加was完形填空(每个1.5分,共30分)【浙江省杭州市2019届高考模拟试卷三英语卷】      When I was a little girl, I remember that when my dad was repairing something, every t

15、ime he asked me to _16_ the hammer, just so we would have a time for a _17_ with each other. I _18_ saw my dad drinking or taking a night out with the boys, all he did after _19_ was taking care of his family.I _20_  and left home for college and since then, my dad had

16、been calling me every Sunday morning, no matter what. And when several _21_ later I bought a house, my dad was _22_  it by himself for three days in the 80F summer heat. All he _23_  was to hold his paint brush and talk to him. But I was too _24_  in those days, I

17、did not find any time for a conversation with my dad.One Sunday _25_ we had a telephone talk as usual, I noticed that my dad had _26_ some things that we discussed _27_. I was in a hurry, so our conversation was _28_. Few hours later that day came a call. My father was in a hospi

18、tal with an aneurysm(动脉瘤). _29_ I bought a ticket for a flight and _30_  I was thinking about all _31_ occasions(场合) to have a talk with my dad.By the time I _32_ at the hospital, my father had passed away. Now it was he who did not have _33_ for a conversation with me. Afte

19、r his death I _34_ much more about him, and even more about myself. All he ever asked me was my time. And now he has all my _35_ every single day.16. A. find    B. hold    C. pack    D. select17. A. conversation    B. opinion    C. debate &

20、nbsp;  D. bargain18. A. ever    B. just    C. even    D. never19. A. work    B. midnight    C. school    D. disaster20. A. fell ill    B. broke up    C. grew up    D. brought up21. A. weeks    B.

21、 years    C. hours    D. days22. A. building    B. making    C. fixing    D. painting23. A. shouted    B. disliked    C. asked    D. solved24. A. busy    B. lazy    C. selfless    D. lonely2

22、5. A. morning    B. evening    C. afternoon    D. midnight26. A. recognized    B. buried    C. explored    D. forgotten27. A. soon    B. lately    C. personally    D. briefly28. A. short    B. boring

23、   C. unbelievable    D. sad29. A. Exactly    B. Gradually    C. Immediately    D. Finally30. A. in a way    B. on my way    C. by the way    D. in my way31. A. missed    B. impressed    C. suffering

24、   D. painful32. A. pointed    B. stared    C. arrived    D. called33. A. words    B. time    C. permission    D. benefit34. A. worried    B. concerned    C. cared    D. learned35. A. sorrow   &n

25、bsp;B. happiness    C. determination    D. attention【答案】16. B    17. A    18. D    19. A    20. C    21. B    22. D    23. C    24. A    25. A    26. D    27. B   &n

26、bsp;28. A    29. C    30. B    31. A    32. C    33. B    34. D    35. D【解析】【17题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我还很小的时候,每次当父亲修理东西时,总是叫我拿着锤子,因此我们有了一个交流的时间。A. conversation对话;B. opinion观点;C. debate讨论;D. bargain讨价还价,便宜货。根据后文可知,作者很少与其父亲聊天,而这一次是个例外,故选A

27、。【18题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:我从来没见过我父亲出去喝酒或者夜晚出去,下班之后做的事情就是照顾家庭。A. ever曾经;B. just仅仅;C. even甚至;D. never从未。根据后文all he did was taking care of his family可知,父亲下班之后就没出去喝过酒,故选D。【19题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我从来没见过我父亲出去喝酒或者夜晚出去,下班之后做的事情就是照顾家庭。A. work工作;B. midnight半夜;C. school学校;D. disaster灾难。根据文章可知,作者父亲很负责,因此下班之后就是照顾家人,故选A。 &n

28、bsp;学#¥科网【20题详解】【22题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:几年之后我买了房子,父亲一个人在80华氏摄氏度的高温下花了三天时间粉刷墙面。A. building修建;B. making制作;C. fixing固定;D. painting涂。根据后文to hold his paint brush可知,父亲刷墙,作者打下手,故选D.【23题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他要求我做的就是拿着刷子以及和他聊天。A. shouted大声叫喊;B. disliked不喜欢;C. asked要求;D. solved解决。根据上文by himself可知,作者父亲独自一个人刷墙,故选C。【24题详解】

29、考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是那些时间我太忙了,没有时间和父亲聊天。A. busy 繁忙的;B. lazy懒惰的;C. selfless自私的;D. lonely孤独的。根据后文I did not find any time for a conversation with my dad可知,作者没时间和父亲聊天,故选A。【25题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个周日早上,我们像往常一样通电话,我注意到我父亲忘记了我们最近才讨论过的事情。A. morning早上;B. evening夜晚;C. afternoon下午;D. midnight半夜。根据本句中as usual可知,他们还是在周日早上

30、通话,故选A。【26题详解】【28题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那天我很忙,因而聊天时间很短。A. short短的;B. boring无聊的;C. unbelievable难以置信的;D. sad悲伤的。根据本句in a hurry可知,那天通话时间很短,故选A。【29题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:我立刻买了一张飞机票,在路上,我一直在思考那些没能和父亲聊天的情景。A. Exactly确切地;B. Gradually逐渐地;C. Immediately立刻;D. Finally最后。根据前文可知,作者父亲生病住院,因此立刻回去看父亲,故选C。【30题详解】考查介词短语。句意:我立刻买了一

31、张飞机票,在路上,我一直在思考那些没能和父亲聊天的情景。A. in a way在某种程度上;B. on my way在路上;C. by the way顺便说一下;D. in my way挡道。根据本句可知,作者购买了回家的机票,因此在回家路上回忆以往遗憾的场景,故选B。【31题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我立刻买了一张飞机票,在路上,我一直在思考那些没能和父亲聊天的情景。A. missed错过的;B. impressed印象深刻的;C. suffering折磨人的;D. painful痛苦的。根据本句可知,作者购买了回家的机票,因此在回家路上回忆以往遗憾的场景,表达对父亲的愧疚,故选A。【

32、32题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我到达医院的时候,我父亲已经去世了。A. pointed指;B. stared盯;C. arrived到达;D. called叫。根据前文可知,作者是乘坐飞机往家赶的,故选C。【33题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在是我父亲没有时间和我聊天了。A. words话语;B. time时间;C. permission 允许;D. benefit利益。根据前文可知,作者以前总是以很忙为理由,没能跟父亲多聊天,现在父亲去世,因而是父亲没有时间了,故选B。  学#¥科网【34题详解】VI.阅读理解(每个1分,共4分)【河南省洛阳市新安县第一高级中学2018

33、届高三热身练英语试卷】 Dogs and humans have been living side-by-side for about 15,000 years, but there are tons of facts about dogs that perhaps we have never heard of.Night visionDogs have good night vision. Their large pupils let more light in and the rods (视杆细胞) work better in poor light. But the biggest fa

34、ctor is the tapetum (反光组织), which reflect light at the back of the eye. Besides, dogs whiskers (胡须) also help them “see” in the dark because they pick up on very small changes in air, providing dogs with information about the size, shape, and speed of things nearby.Secret tail codeDogs can use their

35、 tails to communicate. They wag their tails to the right when they are relaxed or happy, and to the left when nervous or threatened. When they re aggressive, the tails will stick straight-up in the air. A broad wag is friendly while a slow wag is neutral, neither excited nor anxious.DreamsWe often s

36、ee a dogs body making sudden movements in its sleep. Dogs have the same brain wave patterns as humans while they are asleep, so they dream just like we do.Super noseDogs can find their way home despite long distances. Their noses are a vital part of their incredible sense of direction. The part of a

37、 dogs brain that controls smell is 40 times larger than humans. Theyre able to follow smells for miles. Furthermore, dogs have an amazing ability to recognize the smells given off by the abnormal cells in human bodies, including cancer. This is something scientists are eager to explore further. And

38、interesting, a dogs “fingerprint” is on its nose. The patterns on dogs noses are so distinct that they can actually be used to identify the animals.A sixth senseDogs act strangely before something bad, like a storm or earthquake, happens, for they are sensitive to low frequencies that humans cant se

39、nse. So dont let their strange behavior go unnoticed next time. It could save your life.1. Which of the following indirectly helps dogs see well in the dark?A. Their rods.    B. Their tapetum.C. Their whiskers.    D. Their pupils.2. If a dog holds up the tail, it indicates _.A. h

40、appiness    B. attackC. friendliness    D. relaxation3. What hasnt been discovered about a dog?A. Why it can sense natural disasters.    B. Why it has an acute sense of smell.C. What emotions it shows with its tail.    D. How it can smell humans illnesses.4. I

41、n what way are dogs like humans?A. They dream when they sleep.    B. They have good night vision.C. They have distinct nose patterns.    D. They can react to low frequencies.【答案】1. C    2. B    3. D    4. A【解析】【2题详解】细节理解题。文中When they re aggressive, t

42、he tails will stick straight-up in the air.提到当狗的尾巴竖直向上的时候,表明其要有攻击性行为。故选B。【3题详解】VII书面表达(10分)【黑龙江省佳木斯市第一中学2017-2018学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题】佳木斯第一中学在9月15日举行了运动会,同学们积极参与,你作为其中的一员,从中体验了什么?感受了什么?收获了什么?请以运动会为主题,写一篇作文,主要内容包括:1.描述让你印象深刻事;2.你的感想和收获;注意:1.词数:100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_【答案】On September 15th, a sports meetin

43、g was held in my school, making the students all excited and the whole school alive.Everyone took part in it actively. Some were busy writing articles about it, some were joining in the competitions while some just watched them. No matter what they did, everyone just enjoyed themselves. What impress

44、ed me most is the relay races for the boys. Because they fought for their classes, each of them had to cooperate intensively and performed the best. Their classmates cheered for them. All of them, on the ground and off the ground, worked together to win the game.The sports meeting is successfully co

45、mpleted. We students have not only fun, but we learn to take pride in our partners, cheer for them and help them if they are in need. The most important is that we have to work together to achieve dreams.【解析】【点睛】本文内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。另外全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。On September 15th, a sports meeting

46、was held in my school, making the students all excited and the whole school alive.现在分词做做自然的结果状语;No matter what they did, everyone just enjoyed themselves.句中No matter what引导让步状语从句;What impressed me most is the relay races for the boys.句中what引导主语从句;Because they fought for their classes, each of them had to cooperate intensively and performed the best.句中Because引导原因状语从句;The most important is that we have to work together to achieve dreams.运用that引导的表语从句