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2019-2020学年新人教版高中英语必修1新单元测试卷:UNIT 2单元测评

1、UNIT 2单元测评(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。W:Dont wolf down your lunch.Its not good for you.M:OK,Mom,but the boys will be here any minute,and I dont want to miss the game.1.What does the woman

2、 ask the man to do?A.Have lunch first.B.Eat slowly.C.Join in a game.答案BW:I think I need a new cell phone.M:Why?Doesnt it pick up a signal anymore?W:No,and the display works only part of the time.M:Did you check the battery?W:No.I thought they were good forever.2.What will the woman probably do next?

3、A.Check the battery.B.Repair the display.C.Buy a new phone.答案AW:Jane earned a lot of money over the summer as a consultant for that company.M:I dont doubt it.What surprises me is that she is still working there now that classes have started again.3.What surprises the man?A.Jane dropped school.B.Jane

4、 made much money.C.Jane is still working.答案CM:Whats up?You look down.W:Ive got piles of papers to type,but I type so slowly.M:Come on.What are friends for?I can do it for you.W:Really?How kind you are to help me out!4.What does the woman mean?A.She is encouraged.B.She appreciates the offer.C.She nee

5、ds a friend.答案BW:With Scott and Tina both up for the same job,I feel nervous when theyre in the same room.M:I just try to act normally,like telling them a joke or something.That usually breaks the ice.5.What does the man mean?A.A cold drink can be relaxing.B.Scott and Tina like to play jokes on each

6、 other.C.Humor can be helpful in embarrassing situations.答案C第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。M:Whats the postage on this letter to Mexico,please?W:How would you like to send it?M:By regi

7、stered airmail.W:Ninety cents,please.And please write down the postal code in the mailing address.Anything else?M:Yes.Id like six postcards and 10 fifty-cent stamps please.W:All right.Here you are.M:And this package is for London.Will you weigh it for me?W:Yes,of course.This package is 10 grams over

8、weight.Youll have to pay 50 cents extra for the overweight.6.Where will the package go to? A.The UK.B.The US.C.Mexico.答案A7.How much more will the man pay for the package than normal?A.10 cents.B.50 cents.C.90 cents.答案B听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。W:What kind of wine did you have,sir?M:We had red wine.One bottle o

9、f the house wine.W:Just a moment.Ill check with the waitress.(After a while)W:All right,sir.I corrected the mistake.M:Id like to pay by check.Do you accept out-of-town checks?W:Yes.Do you have some identification?M:I have my drivers license and two credit cards.Is that all right?W:Yes,thats fine.Ah,

10、I see youre from Halifax.How do you like Montreal?M:I think its a marvelous city.W:How long are you going to be here?M:For three more days until Tuesday.We arrived two days ago.W:I hope you enjoy your visit here.M:Thank you.8.Where does the man come from?A.Victoria.B.Montreal.C.Halifax.答案C9.How many

11、 days will the man stay in the city in total?A.2.B.3.C.5.答案C听第8段材料,回答第1012题。W:Id like to speak to Mr.Johnson,please.M:Speaking.W:Oh,hello.This is Erica Stone.My living room window was broken this afternoon.Can you repair it?M:Sure.I can come over tomorrow afternoon.Is that OK?W:Could you come over n

12、ow?M:OK.Ill come over and take a look in a little while.W:You charge about $100,dont you?M:Usually,if its a small window.Mrs.Stone,didnt I repair a window for you a few weeks ago?W:Yes,you did.M:Oh,and your little ones have broken the window again?Were they playing ball in the house?W:Well,no.I told

13、 them not to do that anymore.This time I broke it.I was practicing volleyball.M:Oh,you did,did you?10.Who is the man?A.A repairman.B.The womans husband.C.The kids tutor.答案A11.When will the man see about the window?A.Tomorrow afternoon.B.In a few weeks.C.In a short time.答案C12.Who broke the window thi

14、s time?A.The womans children.B.The woman.C.The man.答案B听第9段材料,回答第1316题。M:Im done in and must rest here.W:Why?We just walked 5 km,and it is only half of the journey.M:I have never walked such a long distance for several years.W:How often do you take exercise?M:I cant remember when the last time I took

15、 exercise was.And I always hurry on with my bus in the morning.I have no time for doing it.W:Oh,you should take exercise regularly and should have a well-balanced diet.I know you always go to bed after midnight,even later.That is not a good habit.M:You seem my mother at this moment.W:No,I talk to yo

16、u because I know that having good health is an important condition that you can compete with others in your work.M:OK,lets go on.I dont want to sit here and listen to your long speech.W:Hey,come on.I just cant stand your lifestyle.Taking exercise for an hour every day is good for your health.13.How

17、long is the journey?A.5 km.B.10 km.C.15 km.答案B14.Why doesnt the man take exercise often?A.He isnt interested in it.B.He is healthy enough.C.He has no time for it.答案C15.What can we learn about the mans life?A.He eats a lot and sleeps a little.B.He eats an unbalanced diet and sleeps late.C.He eats jun

18、k food and sleeps early.答案B16.Whats the mans attitude to the womans words?A.Happy.B.Thankful.C.Impatient.答案C听第10段材料,回答第1720题。W:As many of you already know,March is womens history month,so its just a few weeks until the university begins its annual festival.The Womens Studies Programme,together with

19、the College Life Office,is pleased to announce that a full schedule of events is planned all through March.The opening activity will be a lecture by Dr.Linda Thompson,secretary of the Womens Studies Programme;shell talk about the status of women on college campuses.All students are invited to attend

20、 at eight pm on March first in the Student Centre,Room 112.On March fourth,the Student Centre Cafe will offer a place for women poets to read their works.The English departments Kate Benson will read from her recently published poetry collection The Ways of a Woman.Student poets will be encouraged t

21、o share their poems as well.Interested people should sign up at the Womens Studies Office.On the fifteenth,come out and hear Thomas Lane,author of the best-selling book The Gender Connection,talk about male/female relationships.The talk will be held in the Student Centre Auditorium at 7:30 pm with a

22、 reception to follow.Lots of other events are being planned,including a show of the work of women artists,a group discussion about womens legal issues,and more.Check the campus paper for times and places,or stay tuned to WRUC for further details.17.What is the first thing to celebrate the festival?A

23、.A group discussion.B.A lecture.C.A womens programme.答案B18.Who is Dr.Linda Thompson?A.Author of The Gender Connection.B.President of the university.C.Secretary of an organisation.答案C19.What will follow Thomas Lanes talk?A.A reception.B.A competition.C.A group discussion.答案A20.How can student poets p

24、articipate in womens history month?A.By writing for the newspaper.B.By reading their own poems.C.By giving lectures.答案B第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共16小题;每小题2.5分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AGold Coast family holidays are always great fun whether you are from Australia or from abroad.There a

25、re beautiful beaches,adventure parks,nature parks and so many more.There are so many sights to see here.It is a pity to drive in a car and youll miss a great part of it.Australia is home to many animals and birds that can only be seen when moving slowly and going into the areas where they live.When

26、you are on a bicycle,you have the advantage of being able to stop whenever you want to see an interesting animal or bird that you have never seen before.It is a quieter mode(方式) of transportation as well,so you might even be able to take a picture.When you are on the beach,you can breathe that clean

27、 air and view the beauty of the water and sand.It is a totally different experience from either simply sunbathing or passing it in a car.There are many choices of hiring a bicycle to experience the Gold Coast attractions.There are stores that will fit a bike perfectly to your size.These bikes for bo

28、th adults and children are in many styles and colours to please any taste.If you have ever wanted to try a tandem bike (双人单车),now is your chance,because they have those too.A bicycle hire on Gold Coast is something that everyone should try at least once.This is a wonderful chance for anyone who like

29、s to cycle and it is also a cheap way to travel with your family.【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。作者推荐人们在澳大利亚黄金海岸旅行时,最好租自行车旅行,并说明了诸多好处。21.Driving in a car on Gold Coast is not suggested because will break the traffic cant enjoy the beautiful scenery will cause much cant drive int

30、o some parks答案B解析细节理解题。由第二段中的“It is a pity to drive in a car and youll miss a great part of it.”可知,不建议在黄金海岸开车,因为你会错过很大一部分美景,故选B项。22.What is not mentioned about the following advantages of hiring bikes?A.It is a good way to do sunbathing.B.It is a cheap way of travelling.C.You can get a clearer sight

31、 of animals.D.You can take photos of animals.答案A解析细节理解题。本题询问文章中没有提到的租自行车的好处,此题适宜使用排除法来作答。由文章最后一段第二句可知租自行车旅行是一种很省钱的方式,排除B项;由第三段第一句可知租自行车旅行,可以更清楚地看到动物,排除C项;由第三段第二句可知租自行车旅行,你可以给动物拍照,排除D项,故选A项。23.Whats the authors attitude towards a bike hire on Gold Coast?A.He doesnt like this way of travelling.B.He th

32、inks it is a personal choice.C.He supports it very much.D.He thinks it is only good for adults.答案C解析推理判断题。由最后一段中的“A bicycle hire on Gold Coast is something that everyone should try at least once.”可知,作者认为在黄金海岸租自行车旅行是每个人至少应该尝试一次的,由此推知作者非常支持租自行车旅行,故选C项。24.What is paragraph 4 mainly about?A.How to hire

33、bikes on Gold Coast.B.What kinds of bikes there are in stores.C.What bikes are the most popular.D.Who can hire bikes on Gold Coast.答案B解析段落大意题。第四段中的“There are many choices of hiring a bicycle to experience the Gold Coast attractions.There are stores that will fit a bike perfectly to your size.”是段落主题句

34、,故第四段主要讲了在租自行车时可供选择的自行车种类,故选B项。BMy father was attached to gardening by birth.One of my earliest memories is following Dad barefoot around in the garden with both hands blackened from digging in the soil.The garden was a wonderland full of possibilities.As Dad grew older,he still loved gardening.Even

35、 when he was diagnosed with cancer,he still planted all sorts of plants.Sometimes,I would come over to visit,and we would walk together in the garden.But then,something changed.Like the weeds that took over his garden,the cancer grew rapidly in Dad,and the doctor gave up.I stayed with Dad twenty-fou

36、r hours a day and I found myself in all kinds of uncomfortable situations with Dad until I promised to care for the garden.Though I had heard the words of the doctor,what really made me believe that Dad was dying was the state of his garden.That year,he only planted tomatoes.Too tired to weed them,h

37、e simply tied them with strong strings to the fence and let them be.It made me sad to see them ignored,so I would come over and water them once in a while,and remove the weeds.I still remember the day I picked the last tomato from the vine(藤).That day was one of the saddest I had ever experienced in

38、 my life.Three years ago,I decided to plant my own garden.I decided I would start out with just a few tomatoes.That morning when I moved to the garden,something caught the corner of my eye and I had to smile.It was my eight-year-old son Nathan,standing barefoot in the soil,happily playing in soil.【语

39、篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者对自己父亲的所有记忆都在花园之中,花园里充满了作者与父亲之间的点点滴滴。25.When the author was a child he liked his fathers garden because it was .A.a field that produced much foodB.a piece of land covered with black soilC.a place where he got educatedD.a fantastic place with unexpected surprise答案D解析细节理解题。由第一段最后一句“The g

40、arden was a wonderland full of possibilities.”可知,当作者还是个孩子的时候,他喜欢他父亲的花园,因为它是一个奇妙的地方,里面会有意外的惊喜,故选D项。26.What was the authors father most concerned about in his last days?A.His garden.B.His illness.C.His son.D.His grandson.答案A解析细节理解题。由第二段中的“I stayed with Dad twenty-four hours a day and I found myself in

41、 all kinds of uncomfortable situations with Dad until I promised to care for the garden.”可知,作者的父亲在他最后的日子里最关心的是他的花园,故选A项。27.What made the author accept the fact that his father would die soon?A.The words of the doctor.B.The condition of his father.C.His communication with his father.D.That the garden

42、 wasnt taken good care of by his father.答案D解析细节理解题。由第三段中的“Though I had heard the words of the doctor,what really made me believe that Dad was dying was the state of his garden.”可知,他父亲没有好好照料花园,使作者接受了他的父亲很快就会死去这一事实,故选D项。28.What did the author do in the garden on his fathers last day?A.Water the garden

43、.B.Remove weeds.C.Pick a tomato.D.Cut tomato vines.答案C解析细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“I still remember the day I picked the last tomato from the vine(藤).That day was one of the saddest I had ever experienced in my life.”可知,作者在他父亲在世的最后一天,在花园里摘了当时的最后一个西红柿,故选C项。CPerhaps no one knows the power of imagination better th

44、an Chinese writer Liu Cixin.Until four years ago,Liu worked full-time as a computer engineer at a power plant in Shanxi Province.He wrote science fiction only in his spare time.But it was during this time that Lius imagination took flight.He did what he might never have the chance to do in real life

45、wander in space,fight with aliens,and visit planets light-years away.But even with such a powerful imagination,Liu,55,probably hadnt expected that he would become the first Asian to win the Hugo Award,science fictions highest prize,in 2015.Perhaps neither did he think that former US president Barack

46、 Obama would read his novel The Three-Body Problem,nor that on Nov 9 in Washington D.C.,he would win the 2018 Arthur C.Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society.Its the first time a Chinese writer has ever won the award.In his acceptance speech,Liu said that he owed his imagination to Arthu

47、r C.Clarke (19172008),a famous UK sci-fi author.He said that reading Clarkes 1968 classic novel 2001:A Space Odyssey in the early 1980s had a great effect on him.“My mind opened up like never before.I felt like a narrow river finally seeing the sea,” Liu said.“That night,in my eyes,the starry sky was completely different from the past.For the first time in my life,I was awed (使敬畏) by the mystery of the universe.”But no matter how far away Lius imagination takes him,somehow his novels always stay rational.In The Three-Body Problem,for example,Liu tells a tale of aliens invading Earth