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1、,Unit 5 There is a big bed,人教版 (三年级起点) 五年级上册,Part A Lets learn & Lets play& Lets spell,2,课前热身,Free talk,What can you see? I can see_.,话题导入,clock /klk/(名词)时钟;钟,plant /pla:nt/(名词)植物,bottle /btl/(名词)瓶子,1,2,3,新词展示,water bottle水瓶,bike /baIk/(名词)自行车;脚踏车,photo /ft/(名词)照片;相片,4,5,6,新词展示,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词

2、展示,新词展示,新词展示,词汇巩固,点击“Lets learn”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,Lets learn,课文朗读,课文原文,Lets learn,1. bedroom(名词)卧室,单词巧记 bed(床)+room(房间) = bedroom(卧室),例句,短语 in my bedroom在我的卧室里,This is a photo of his mother. 这是一张他妈妈的照片。,2. photo (名词)照片;相片,复数形式 photos,重难点探究,短语 take a photo/take photos照相,例句,辨析 picture和photo picture除了指“照片”外,还

3、指“图画;图片”等;而photo则单指“照片;相片”。,3. clock (名词)时钟;钟,近义词 picture图画;图片;照片,The clock is on the wall.时钟在墙上。,重难点探究,4. plant (名词)植物,例句,链接 tree树木 grass草 flower花,Theyll plant trees next Sunday.下星期日他们要去植树。,There are many plants in the forest. 森林里有许多植物。,拓展 plant作动词时,意思是“种植”。,重难点探究,例句,5. bottle (名词)瓶子,例句,There is a

4、water bottle on the table.桌子上有一个水瓶。,He goes to school by bike.他骑自行车去上学。,短语 water bottle 水瓶,短语 ride a bike 骑自行车 by bike骑自行车,6. bike (名词)自行车;脚踏车,重难点探究,例句,Practice,课堂互动,点击“Lets spell”,跟我一起学语音吧!,Lets spell,课文朗读,Lets spell,课文原文,Lets spell,课文原文,Lets spell,课文原文,Today,rainy,paint,rainbow,Today,Monday,重难点探究,

5、rainy,rainbow,paint,wait,/e/,say,way,birthday,Monday,/e/,重难点探究,巩固练习,一、看图选单词。 1.( ) 2 .( ) 3.( )4.( ) 5. .( ),A. plant B. bike C. photo D. clock E. water bottle,D,C,A,E,B,巩固练习,二、用have , has , there is 填空。 1. We _ a big classroom. 2. Mr Hu _ a bike. 3. _ a computer and a lamp on the desk. 4. _ a big f

6、ridge in the kitchen. 5. She_ a good friend. 6. _ a pen on the desk.,have,has,There is,There is,has,There is,巩固练习,三、仿照例子写句子。 Model: clock (on the wall) There is a clock on the wall. 1. photo (on the wall) _ 2. plant (near the window) _ 3. water bottle (on the desk) _ 4. bike( near the door) _,There

7、is a photo on the wall.,There is a plant near the window.,There is a water bottle on the desk.,There is a bike near the door.,巩固练习,四、读对话,判听下列句子是(T) 否(F) 正确。This is Mikes new home . There is a photo and a bike in the bedroom. There is a clock in the study. There is a plant in the living room. There i

8、s a water bottle in the kitchen. Oh, whats that? Its a cat, and its on the chair. Mike likes his new home very much! ( )1.The bike is in the living room. ( )2.There is a clock in the study. ( )3.There is a water bottle in the kitchen. ( )4.There is a photo in the study. ( )5.Mike has a new home.,F,T,T,F,T,一、本课时学的重点词汇如下:,二、本课时学习的重点句子如下:,回顾小结,There is a clock in my room.在我的房间里有一个时钟。,clock(时钟;钟) plant(植物) bottle(瓶子) water bottle(水瓶) bike(自行车;脚踏车) photo (照片;相片),26,Homework,1. Copy the words of “lets learn”.2. Do a survey about your friends.,课后作业,Thank You,