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本文(牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit8 Welcome to the unit 教案)为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit8 Welcome to the unit 教案

1、Unit 8 Detective storiesComic strip and Welcome to the unitI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. understand clues about a crime;2. find out which suspect is most likely to be guilty through reading the four notes.II. Teaching contents1. New

2、words and phrases: detective, serious, murder, suspect, of medium height, guilty. 2. New structure: A detective is someone who looks for clues to something important.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Vocabulary about describing a person.2. Learn to use various kinds of word

3、s to describe a man.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in(1) T: Do you remember the horror film called Murder in a Country House? Can you tell me its main idea?(2) T: If someone was killed by others, that is a murder. The person who killed the doctor is the murderer while the doctor is the victim. I

4、f someone is likely to be the murderer, he is a suspect. The person whose job is to find out the murderer is a detective.Free talk:1. Do you know any famous detectives?2. What does a detective usually do?3. What qualities should a detective have?Step 2 PresentationT: Detectives are good at solving m

5、ysteries. Do you want to have a try? Here are two mysteries for you to solve. Are you ready?【设计意图:通过游戏难度递增的方式让学生对接下来即将要完成的任务充满期待,使其学习兴趣和课堂参与热情大增。 】Mystery A (Low level)(1) T: Please watch a video and find out what Eddie is looking for.(2) T: Can you help finish a report about Mystery A?Eddie is _ li

6、ke a _ because he wants to look for _ to something important. Is it a _? No. In fact, his food has _. However, he thinks its much _.(3) T: Well done! Boys and girls, congratulations! Welcome to Mystery B! Perhaps its a little difficult for you. Dont worry. As a team, we will help each other.Mystery

7、B (High level): Who is the murderer?Detective Lu has sent you an email. Follow his instructions in the email step by step.Task 1: PredictionDetective Lu: Boys and girls, I am very excited to hear that you are interested in detectives. If we want to find out who the murderer is, what information do y

8、ou want to know about the murder? (T: The time, the place, the victim and the notes of the suspects and so on.)T: Lets read the polices report and fill in the form.Crime A murderTime& Date Last Saturday night at 8 p.m.Place In Sun TownVictim A young manSuspects Four suspects【设计意图:让学生阅读前了解背景知识,使其对即将进

9、行的文本阅读做好充分准备。 】Task 2: Notes on the suspectsDetective Lu: Here are the notes on the suspects. As a good detective, you must be careful enough to pay attention to details and try to remember all the details. Lets look through the notes one by one.Suspect One: Read and say something about himSuspect T

10、wo: Fill in the blanksWantedThis man is _. He is a _. He lives in _. He is _, _ and _. Last Saturday, he was in _.Suspect Three: Pair-workT: Make a short dialogue by using the information.Suspect Four: Remember as much as possible and checkDetective Lu: Now, we have read through the notes of all the

11、 suspects. Who is most likely to be the murderer? Its a good idea to compare their information before we have a discussion. T: We can take their job as an example.T: Can you compare the other information and express your ideas?【设计意图:通过设计不同形式的活动处理文本信息,由分到总的阅读为接下来的讨论环节的大量输出做好铺垫。 】Task 3: Discussion De

12、tective Lu: Boys and girls, its time for you to share your ideas about the murder in groups.T: Listen! Daniel and Sandy are also talking about it. Lets listen to them carefully and then we are going to talk about it in this way.T: Now lets listen carefully and answer the following questions.What is

13、Sandys opinion? Why?How about Daniels? Why?Detective Lu: Boys and girls, how about your own opinions? T: Lets have a group discussion. Discuss who is most likely to be the murderer and the reasons.T: You can use these expressions to help you.What do you think ?I guess He might be Perhaps I (dont) th

14、ink so.I (dont) agree with you.Task 4: Do a survey and report.ReportAll the suspects say that they are not guilty. However, we think _ is not telling the truth. He is the most likely to be the murderer because _.Detective Lu: Boys and girls, there is no right or wrong answers here now. In order to f

15、ind out the truth, we have to find more clues to solve the crime. However, your ideas are of great help to us. Thanks a lot. If you want to know more about detectives, you can email me at Detective Lu126. com.V. Homework1. Write an email about the murder to Detective Lu and share your ideas.2. Preview the new lesson.