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牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit8 Integrated skills 教案

1、Unit 8 Detective storiesIntegrated skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. use some new words to express some relative information about crimes;2. extract useful information by reading and listening;3. increase the awareness of protectin

2、g themselves.II. Teaching contents1. Complete a report based on the information from the interviews.2. Learn to share their opinions with their partners.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyLearn to extract information from the notes and recording and express their opinions.IV. T

3、eaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in(1) T: Free talkDo you like detective stories? Why? (2) T: Who is your favourite detective?(3) T: Do you want to be a detective when you grow up?What do you think is the most important quality to be a detective?(4) T: Today, I have a piece of good news for you. Detect

4、ive Lus assistants are wanted. Do you want to be a great detective like Holmes? Please have a try in this class. Lets see who can be the best detective. Ill give you a certificate at the end of the class. Here are the requirements.(5) T: You need to finish three tasks.【设计意图:创设招聘侦探助手的任务,将听说活动按难度要求逐级推

5、进。 】Step 2 PresentationTask One: Finish a report1. T: Detective Lu has got a new case. What type of crime is it? Its a kidnapping. A boy has been kidnapped. What should his family do? They must call the police for help.T: Since Detective Lu is too busy, he asks you to complete the report on kidnappi

6、ng for him. Are you ready for the challenge? To finish this report, we have to collect some information about the case first. If you are Holmes, what information do you need to learn about the case?【设计意图:通过预测,对接下来的阅读做好充分的准备。 】2. His family have provided some information. Read the notes carefully and

7、 try to remember as much information as you can.(1) Please answer the T/F questions first. Remember to pay attention to details.(2) T: A good detective should have a good memory. Now lets have a memory test. Try to fill in the blanks to finish the sentences.【设计意图:通过记忆力测试检查学生对细节的掌握,为接下来 report 的生成做好语

8、言输入的准备。 】3. T: Do you think we have enough information to finish the report? What can we do next? Its agood idea to make notes on suspects.【设计意图:由于 report 信息量大,为适当降低难度,将 report 分成案件介绍和嫌疑人信息两大部分进行处理。 】4. T: Lets have a prediction. If you have the chance to make notes on suspects, what useful question

9、s will you ask suspects? 5. T: Now open your books and read through the notes on suspects quickly.6. T: Listen to the record of the interviews on the suspects, and try to catch the useful information to finish Part A1. 7. Check the answers to Part A2Suspect 1: Make a short dialogue according to the

10、information you have got.Suspect 2: Say something about the second suspect.【设计意图:设计两种不同的形式进行听力答案的检测,也为 report 的生成打好基础。 】8. T: So far, we have collected much information about the case. Lets finish the report together first.9. T: Now, its your turn to report this kidnapping case to Detective Lu. Task

11、 Two: Express your opinion1. After reading your report, Detective Lu decided to listen to your opinions about the case.However, both of the suspects insisted that they were not guilty. What do you think is more likely to be the kidnapper? Try to express your opinion freely.2. You are well-organized

12、and careful. Congratulations! You have finished the second task excellently.Task Three: Share your advice1. T: Guan Fei was kidnapped. How did he feel at that moment? What about his family?What can we do to protect ourselves against crime?2. T: The Class 1, Grade 9 students are talking about it too.

13、 Close your books. Listen to them carefully and then answer my questions. While listening, youd better make some notes.(1) How many tips have the students given?(2) What should we do when we leave home?3. T: What about your advice? Now we are going to use this dialogue as a model. Can you help me fi

14、nd some useful expressions in the conversation?We should (not) Wed better (not) 4. Group discussion: What can we do to protect ourselves against crime?5. T: Boys and girls, you are kind and thoughtful. Congratulations! You have finished all the tasks perfectly.6. Here are the certificates. I believe some of you can become a great detective some day.V. Homework1. Try to find more ways on the Internet to protect ourselves.2. Write the article and finish the poster in groups.