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牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit5 Reading (I) 教案

1、Unit 5 Art worldReading (I)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. have a better understanding of Tan Dun and his music styles.2. guess the meanings of the new words from the context;3. understand the difficulty sentences in the context;4. catc

2、h the main idea of the whole article;5. share their understanding of the title “Music without boundaries”. II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: boundary, medal, present, winner, composer, central, common, object, stone, musician, control, flow, successfully, traditional, bell, though, be f

3、amous for, dividing line2. New structure: Since he had no musical instruments then, he made music with common objects like stones and paper.As a composer, perhaps he is best known for winning an Oscar for his music in the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.As he likes the sounds of nature, Tan uses

4、 them a lot in his music. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Understand the new words in the context. 2. Make a further understanding of the whole article. IV. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Enjoy a piece of musicListen to the award music for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

5、made by Tan Dun. Introduce the background of Tans award music. 2. Guess the meaning of “composer” Questions: Who wrote the music? He writes music. He is a composer. 3. Present the following new words according to the pictures medal, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Questions: (1) What is the music for

6、? (2) What other amazing music does he write? (3) What is he best known for? 【设计意图:通过 2008 北京奥运会的图片及颁奖音乐,帮助学生初步了解谭盾和他的音乐,激发学生阅读的兴趣。】4. Predict the points that may be read in the article T: We will read an article about Tan Dun. But before that, lets predict what we may read about the famous composer

7、, shall we? You can choose from the following points, or you can add your own ideas. A. Music? B. Family? C. Education?D. Achievements? E. Teachers? F. Thoughts? G. 【设计意图:学会预测文章的内容是 9A 第三单元 Study skills 板块的要求。此处要求学生对文章内容进行预测,可以帮助他们理解人物传记类文体的特点。】Step 2 Fast readingRead through the article and answer

8、the following two questions. (Skimming) 1. What is the article about? T: Is your prediction right? A. Music? B. Family? C. Education?D. Achievements? E. Teachers? F. Thoughts? G. Answers: music, education, achievements, thoughts, interest in music2. In which paragraphs can we read about them? A. Mus

9、ic (Para.1, 4) C. Education (Para. 3) D. Achievements (Para. 5) F. Thoughts (Para. 6) G. music interest (Para. 2) 【设计意图:快速阅读,帮助学生整体、理解文章主要内容。】Step 3 Further reading1. Para. 1Read the first paragraph quickly and answer the question. T: How does the writer introduce Tan to us? S: By showing his music

10、that we know well. 2. Para. 2 Read this part and find the answers to the questions. (scanning) (1) When and where was Tan born? (2) How did he show an interest in music when he was young?the answer to Question 2: He loves the sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind because, to him, the best

11、 music comes from nature. Since he had no musical instruments then, he made music with common objects like stones and paper. Help students understand the words “rushing” and “blowing” by showing pictures and listening to the sounds of rushing water and blowing wind. 【设计意图:帮助学生领悟 rushing、blowing 的表达效

12、果。】 Understand the words “instruments” with pictures and the given context. 【设计意图:通过图片、情景理解生词意思。】 Understand the meanings of the words “common objects”. T: He made music with common objects. What are the common objects? Oh, they are stones, leaves and paper. They are usual things. Tan could make mus

13、ic with usual things such as stones and paper. 【设计意图:通过上下文情境用近义词理解生词意思。】3. Para. 3 T: Read this part and fill in the blanks. T: What is this part mainly about?S: It is about Tans education and Oscar award. 【设计意图:通过表格填空,理清小节框架,归纳段落大意。】4. Para. 4T: Tans music is quite different from other musicians. R

14、ead Para.4 and find out what is special. S: He uses the sounds of nature in his music. His amazing piece of music Water does not use any musical instruments. Instead, he makes over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow. T: How can he make over 50 sounds by controlling the speed

15、 of water? Lets enjoy the video. T: What does Tan Dun say about the sounds of nature in his music? 【设计意图:阅读传记类文章时抓住人物的原话对理解人物思想很有帮助,引导学生关注这一点。】S: He says that they are the sounds of nature and they create different pictures in different minds. T: What pictures do you have in your mind while you are

16、watching the video? T: In my mind, there are these beautiful pictures. (show pictures) Tan mixes common objects and musical instruments together to create a new type of music, that is, music without boundaries. T: In fact, Tans music without boundaries means more. Please read Paragraph 5. 【设计意图:通过观看

17、视频,学生可更好的理解文章中对 Water 乐曲演奏的描述,能更好的领悟“将平常物品和乐器结合演奏”的含义。初步了解 music without boundaries 的意思,为下文的 My music is to dream without boundaries 做好铺垫。】5. Para. 5T: What does this paragraph mainly tell us? Read the paragraph carefully and answer the question.S: Tans achievement. T: What is it? S: He helped build

18、 a bridge between the East and the West. T: Can you give us an example to prove it? S: He has brought Chinese and Western music together. The music for the Beijing Olympics uses traditional Chinese music and the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell in a western style. (Enjoy the music once again. Sing

19、after it and enjoy the sounds of the ancient bells.) T: Is Jessamine modern music or traditional music? S: Traditional music. T: It is not modern music. Tan successfully mixes Chinese traditional music and Western music together. So whats his thought of his music? S: His music is to dream without bo

20、undaries. T: Lets go on to read Para.6. 【设计意图:多数学生对传统音乐及中国古代编钟的乐声理解有困难,让他们听 2008 北京奥运会的颁奖音乐,跟唱其中的传统音乐茉莉花,听编钟的声音,帮助他们体会现代音乐和传统音乐融合的美妙。】6. Para. 6 T: Read this paragraph carefully. Answer the question:What does Tan Dun mean by saying that “My music is to dream without boundaries”? Give examples if nec

21、essary. Possible answer: He mixes different types of music together, such as the past and present, common objects and musical instruments, traditional Chinese music and modern Western music. For example, he has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together. The music for the Beijing uses t

22、raditional Chinese music and the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell, though it is in a Western style. Step 4 Further understanding Group workExpress your own opinions: What does Tan Dun bring to you? 【设计意图:9A 教材以学生的成长为主线,一系列主题帮助学生了解自我、改变自我。所以此处的任务设计旨在提高学生表达能力的同时,帮助他们联系自身、反思自我。】V. Homework 1. Read the article again and write down your own understanding of the title. 2. Try to say something about Tan Dun according to the profile card on page 68 and share what you have learned in class next time. 【设计意图:1. 鼓励学生在课后进行更多思考,并以作文的形式表达出来。2. 根据档案介绍谭盾,有助于引导学生在理清课文思路、充分理解课文的基础上进行背诵,避免死记硬背。】