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牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit4 Reading (I) 教案

1、Unit 4 Growing up Reading (I)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. have a better understanding of the article and learn about how small Spud Webb could succeed in getting into the NBA; 2. have a clear picture of the text framework and learn a

2、bout how to organize an article in order of time and express the ideas in different ways; 3. learn from Spud that we should not give up easily. II. Teaching contents1. Guess the meaning of some new words by context: score, leader, succeed, force, achievement 2. Get the main idea of the passage by sk

3、imming and some important information by scanning, detailed reading.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyHow to get the main idea of the article without reading it word by word.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Pre-readingT: OK, boys and girls. Do you like playing basketball? Look at

4、 the pictures. Do you know who the player is? S: Yao Ming.T: Why is Yao Ming so famous around the world?S: He plays basketball very well. T: He succeeded in getting into the NBA. He had great achievements. He scored 41 points in one game. People in the stands were excited and cheered for him. He has

5、 proved that we Chinese can also play basketball very well.What is special about Yao Ming?S: He is very tall. T: Can this short man succeed in getting into the NBA?S: Yes/ No. T: Look at this picture. Guess what the article is about. 【设计意图:Free talk 导入新课,快速引出生词。设计问题“Can this short man succeed in get

6、ting into the NBA?”和看图画预测环节,旨在激起学生的阅读兴趣。 】Step 2 While-reading1. Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right【设计意图:引导学生阅读时根据上下文猜测生词词义。 】2. SkimmingT: Lets read the article. Read quickly and answer questions. You dont need to read all of it. You can read the title, the first and last

7、paragraphs to get the main idea.T: Who is this article about?S: Spud Webb.T: What was his big dream when he was young?S: He wanted to play in the NBA.T: How tall is he?S: He is only 170 cm tall.T: Did he succeed in getting into the NBA?S: Yes. T: How do you know?S1: The title says: The shortest play

8、er in the NBA.S2: The last paragraph says: Spud proved that size and body type does not matterYou can do almost anything if you try your best.S3: Paragraph 5 says: He joined the Atlanta Hawks and became the shortest player in the NBA at that time.T: Is it easy for such a short man to get into the NB

9、A?S: No.【设计意图:引导学生阅读时先阅读标题、首段和尾段获取文章大意。渗透阅读策略指导。】3. Read for further informationT: Its not easy for Spud to get into the NBA since he is so short. The writer kept writing about this in the passage. Can you find out the sentences that show Spud was very short? S: He was much smaller than the other ki

10、ds at school.He was refused because he was too small.He often had to sit in the stands because of his height.No university would invite him because he was only 170 cm tall.The NBA was not interested in him because he all its players were more than 20 cm taller than he was. T: The writer used differe

11、nt ways to describe that Spud was short. 【设计意图:让学生找出文章中多次出现的描写 Spud 矮的语句,引导学生关注作者的写作方法,变换表达方式。 】4. Read through the lines(1) Find the important information.T: Though he was very short, Spud succeeded in getting into the NBA. Read the passage quickly. In which paragraph can you find the information?

12、T: Spud scored 20 points in his first game. In which paragraph? When did it happen?S: Paragraph 2. When he was attending junior high.T: And Spud was named Player of the Year. In which paragraph? When did it happen?S: Paragraph 3. In senior high.T: Spud got a scholarship from a university. In which p

13、aragraph? When did it happen?S: Paragraph 4. In a junior college.T: Spud became an NBA player in 1985. In which paragraph? When did it happen?T: Paragraph 5. About a year after he graduated from university.(2) How is the article organized?T: How is the article organized? Choose the best answer.S: It

14、 is organized in order of time.【设计意图:让学生在短文中寻找 Spud 的重要信息,引导学生关注文章的结构,了解文章是按照时间时序展开的。学生阅读时总是习惯于逐词逐句的去理解,一旦遇到生词或难句,阅读就无法继续,关注文章的结构,有助于他们从整体上把握语篇。 】(3) How could Spud succeed?T: How does Spud try his best in different stages? Read carefully and find the answers.S: (4) Simon wants to know more about Sp

15、ud. He is asking some questions. Complete their conversation with the information in the article. (5) Watch a video about the Slam Dunk ContestT: Spud succeeded in getting into the NBA. What was his proudest moment?S: T: Do you want to learn about the Slam Dunk Contest? Lets watch a video. T: What d

16、o you think of the contest? S: Its really amazing/wonderful/perfect/great. 【设计意图:很多学生不了解灌篮比赛,让学生观看视频,欣赏 Spud Webb 的精彩灌篮,可加深他们对的理解。 】(6) What does the article want to tell us? T: Read the last paragraph, and try to find out what the article wants to tell us.S: Through hard work, Spud proved that size

17、 and body does not matter.You can do almost everything if you never give up.Step 3 Post-readingT: Discuss in groups. What can we learn from Spud? S: T: Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.(世上无难事,只怕有心人。 )Dreams are of no value unless they are followed by action.(梦想只有付诸行动,才有意义。)Where theres a will, theres a way.(有志者事竟成。) 【设计意图:通过开放性问题,引导学生说出不同的想法和观点,升华主题。 】V. HomeworkWrite a diary about what you learned today.Today, I learned a lot about Spud Webb. I think we should remember the following if we want to be successful in our life .