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本文(牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit1 Welcome to the unit 教案)为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit1 Welcome to the unit 教案

1、Unit 1 Know yourselfComic strip and Welcome to the unit I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. use the right words to describe peoples personalities;2. talk about their own personalities and the job they like or dislike;3. learn to cooperate w

2、ith others and respond to the teachers instructions actively.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: eat up, creative, curious, energetic, modest, organized, order, keep in order, show off, grammar, come up with, neither, nor, accountant2. New structure: Neither my parents nor I think I can m

3、ake a good accountant.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Talk about peoples personalities;2. Talk about jobs and personalities.IV. Teaching proceduresA Comic stripStep 1 Lead inFree talk. T: Today well learn Unit 1 Know yourself. People often say what matters most is how you

4、 see yourself. Do you know yourself well? Are you a(n) friendly/confident/honest person? 【设计意图:通过认识自己的问题导入新课,使学生迅速进入本课话题。 】Step 2 Presentation1. Show the pictures of Eddie and Hobo. T: Do you remember our friend, Eddie? What do you think of him? S: He is lazy./ He loves eating T: Lets watch a video

5、and answer the question:What does Eddie think of himself?S: He thinks he is generous.T: Watch the video again and answer the following questions: What makes generous people feel good?What happens to Eddies breakfast in the end?Check the answers. T: Does Eddie know himself well? 2. Role-play.T: Now,

6、lets act out the short play. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.【设计意图:让学生观看动画片段,讨论 Eddie 的自我认识程度,参与角色扮演,使其身临其境体会人物个性,激发学习热情。 】B Welcome to the unitStep 1 Lead inShow some pictures of cartoon characters.T: Do you know them? What do you think of them? Step 2 Presentation1. Listen

7、 to the self-introduction of some cartoon characters, and learn the new words and phrases. (1) T: First, lets listen to what Pleasant Sheep say and fill in the blanks. Pleasant Sheep: I am Pleasant Sheep. I am clever, friendly and humorous. I like playing sports with my friends. I spend a lot of tim

8、e exercising every day. Yeah, I am full of energy.full of energyenergetic /en(r)detk/(2) T: Listen to what Big Big Wolf say and fill in the blanks.Big Big Wolf: I am the cleverest wolf in the world. I want to know about everything so that I can think of different new ideas to catch sheep. Ill eat up

9、 all the sheep. Do you think I can?want to know about everythingcurious /kjris/come up with different new ideascreative /krietv/think ofcome up with(3) T: Lets listen to the following tape script carefully. Slow Sheep: I have more inventions than Big Big wolf. But I never tell others about it. Ill t

10、rymy best to beat him and protect my children.Question 1: Who is he/she? (He is Slow Sheep.)Question 2: What do you think of him? (He is clever, creative. And he never tells others about his abilities.)never tell others about his abilities; never show offmodest /mdst/ (4) T: Finally, lets listen to

11、Red Wolfs self-introduction. Red Wolf: I love my husband and son very much. So, I always keep everything in good order at home. Question: Is she a good housewife? Why or why not?(Yes. Because she loves her husband and son and she always keeps everything in good order.)keep everything in good orderor

12、ganized /(r)nazd/2. T: Read the new words according to the phonetic symbol. If you have questions, you can ask your partners or me for help.T: We have learned some new words about personalities. And I think some of you are creative, some are modest, and some are careful. Do you know other words abou

13、t personalities? Who would like to write them down on the blackboard. Be active please.【设计意图:通过学生熟悉的卡通人物的自我介绍,引出生词和词组,使学生在自然状态下带着兴趣进入学习,并通过肯定学生的方式,复习更多描写人物性格的单词,为下面的活动做好铺垫。 】Step 3 Practice1. Finish the exercises on Page7. 2. Talk about people around you with the words of personalities. Model: My yo

14、unger brother is very energetic. He often plays basketball for a whole afternoonwithout a rest.3. Listen to the conversation of part B and fill in the blanks. Millie is _ and she doesnt get angry easily. She thinks she can be a good _ or a good _. Paul is _ sometimes. His parents dont think he can b

15、e a good _. Sandy often has _ ideas. She likes _ jobs. David is _ and he loves talking with people. 4. Ask four students to read the conversation.5. Discussion: What job do you think is suitable for Sandy or David? 6. Talk about jobs and personalities.Useful words and expressions:Doctorcareful, frie

16、ndly, helpful Inventorcreative, clever, hard-workingPolicemanbrave, friendly, energetic7. Group work. Talk about the personalities and jobs in groups. Use the conversation on Page 7 as a model. 【设计意图:从课本练习过渡至谈论身边的人物,学生合作学习解决难点,教师通过适时点拨,使其积极主动学习,发挥语言的语用功能。 】Step 4 SummaryDiscussion: What have we lear

17、ned in this class? 【设计意图:让学生讨论总结所学内容,使其主动回顾本课重点,对学习内容了然于胸】Step 5 ProductionShow time. Make a report about yourself. Try to use as many new words and structures as you can.Model: I am active, outgoing and energetic. I always play football for hours. My friend Amy is modest and creative, but she is a

18、little careless. Neither she nor I can be a good teacher. I think she can be an artist and I can be a player in the future.T: You all do a good job in class. We know that it is important to know ourselves. But sometimes its difficult. Lets try together.【设计意图:让学生尽量使用本课学习内容编写关于自我个性的报告,使其能初步认识自己,并对自己适合的职业做猜想。 】V. Homework1. Remember the new words, phrases and structures. 2. Write a short article about yourself and your ideal jobs.