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牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit7 Reading (I) 教案

1、Unit 7 SeasonsReading (I)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should:1. Learn to read and feel the beauty of the poem.2. Learn to tell the rhythm.3. Learn to improve the ability of appreciating a poem.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: shower, upon,

2、as, temperature, drop, butterfly, memory, stream, shade, pile, harvest, crop, be full of, forget to grow, fly, brown, fall into piles upon the ground, harvest crop2. Sentences: What a perfect time to fly a kite!Farmers work to harvest crops, as the days are shorter and temperature drops.III. Focus o

3、f the lesson and predicted area of difficultyUnderstand the words related to the weather in four seasons.Understand the rhymes and the rhyme styles.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Discuss: What is a poem? 2. Give explanations of what a poem is by using a poem as an example.【设计意图】用诗歌导入,生动形象,引

4、发学生阅读诗歌的兴趣。Step 2 Presentation1. First reading(1) Read the poem by themselves, find its theme and feel its tone. (2) Answer the following questions. Is it telling a story? What is it about?Who is speaking in the poem?How do you feel after reading it? Sad? Cheerful/light? Excited? Stressed (压抑)?2. Se

5、cond reading(1) Ask students to read the poem by following the tape and try to find out the new words that stop them from understanding the poem.(2) Explain the new words with pictures. 3. Third reading(1) Explain what poem is by quoting Allan Poe. (2) Get students to read the poem again and try to

6、learn the rhymes and the feet of it. Then go through each part of the poem and figure out the rhymes and the feet of the poem. a. Find the rhymes. rhymes with b. Find the rhyme style: aabb, abab, aaba, abaa4. Detail reading(1) About wintera. Ask students two questions lead to the season part.What ca

7、n you think of when winter comes?What do you like to do in winter?b. Get students to close their eyes and draw a picture of winter in their mind while listening.(2) About springa. Encourage students to read the spring part aloud and catch the key word that the writer uses to describe spring.b. Requi

8、re students to further read spring part to get detailed information in it.c. Make students tell the feelings of spring after reading it.(3) About summera. Organize a group discussion for students to share their own summer stories.b. Ask students to read the summer part and find out the key word that

9、 the writer uses to describe summer.c. Give students some more time to read it carefully again and find out what the writer writes about in his sweet summer. d. Draw a conclusion and make a comparison between the writers and students summer.(4) About autumna. Manage a discussion - What is autumn lik

10、e in your mind? Students discuss in groupsand share their thoughts.b. Ask them to read the autumn part and discover what the writers autumn is like.c. Get students to fill in the form after reading this part again to get the detailed information.d. Encourage students to express their understanding o

11、f the last two lines in the autumn part and evaluate their answers in time.【设计意图】引导学生感受诗歌中优美的韵律,找出韵脚。享受审美情趣,提高审美能力。最后带领学生分步阅读小诗中的每个段落,通过设置问题启发学生思考,联想,引导学生逐步掌握每个段落的细节,体会作者诗歌中传神的字词和诗中所反映的意境,感悟诗人写诗时的心情,领悟诗人的意图,达到欣赏的目的。Step 3 Practice1. A reading competitionOrganize a reading competition and each group

12、should recommend a student to read the poem with emotion after practicing in groups. And other group members give evaluation and choose the best voice of the class.2. Get students to read the poem by heart and tell which line or which part they like best and why they like it.3. Give a summaryT: Wish

13、ing you each season filled with joy and fun!【设计意图】鼓励学生有感情地朗读诗歌,通过朗读加深对诗歌内容和意境的体会,并结合作者的描述和感情畅谈个人对四季的偏爱,引导学生珍惜时光、热爱生活。V. Homework1. Read the poem with emotion after class and translate the poem into Chinese. (Try to make your translation beautiful and poetic.)2. Choose your best season in the poem to write a short passage.