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牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit7 Grammar 教案

1、Unit 7 SeasonsGrammarI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. talk about seasons with their own words. 2. know about different structures of different sentences. 3. learn to make up sentences with different structures. II. Teaching contents1. Ne

2、w words and phrases: cloud, kick, fever, cough, awful, from morning till night, kick the ball, have a high fever, cough a lot, an awful day2. New structures: The clouds became dark.Luckily, it didnt rain.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyGrasp different structures of sentences

3、.Change sentences to different kinds of sentences with different structures.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inShow a beautiful painting of a landscape in spring and ask students to describe the picture. 【设计意图】导入新课,快速进入英语语境。Step 2 Presentation of “S + V”, “S + V + P” and “S + V + O”1. Present the

4、sentence structure “S + V” (1) Show a picture of spring and encourage students to try to fill in the blanks to complete the sentences according to the picture of spring. (2) Explain the structure of each sentence like “S+V”. (3) Work in pairs to find out sentences in the poem or change the sentences

5、 to those with the structure like “S+V”.2. Present the sentence structure(1) Show a picture of summer. Lead the students to talking about their feelings about summer according to the picture of summer. (2) Explain the structure of each sentence like “S+V+P”. (3) Work in pairs to change as many sente

6、nces to the sentences with the structure of “S+V+P” as possible.3. Present the sentence structure “S + V + O” (1) Show two pictures of autumn. Let students think about the question “What can you think of?” Then fill in the blanks to complete sentences to describe autumn. (2) Explain the structure of

7、 each sentence like “S+V+O”.(3) Go to the poem again and get students to make up the sentences with the same structure of “S+V+O”.4. Summary (1) Work out the ruleAn intransitive verb does not take an object, but can have a prepositional phrase after it.A transitive verb takes an object.A linking ver

8、b ( such as: be, become, feel, get, look, seem, sound, stay, smell, taste, turn) links the subject and the adjective phrases or noun phrase that describes it. (2) Practice T: Pay attention to the underlined verbs. Which are transitive verbs? Which are intransitive verbs? And which are linking verbs?

9、5. PracticeFinish the exercises on P85 of the text book. 【设计意图】首先引导学生对所展示的图片中的春天的景象进行描述,帮助学生了解并理解“主+谓”的句子结构。让学生在 reading 课文中找出类似“主+谓”结构的句子,并通过合作和讨论的形式,让学生把课文中的句子改写成“主+谓”结构,达到“现学会用”的目的。然后引导学生对所展示的图片中的夏天的景象进行描述,帮助学生了解并理解“主+系动词+表”的句子结构。让学生在 reading 课文中找出类似“主+系动词+ 表”结构的句子,并通过合作和讨论的形式,让学生把课文中的句子改写成“主+系动词

10、+表”结构,达到“现学会用”的目的。之后引导学生对所展示的图片中的秋天的景象进行描述,帮助学生了解并理解“主+谓+ 宾”的句子结构。让学生在 reading 课文中找出类似“主+谓+宾”结构的句子,并通过合作和讨论的形式,让学生把课文中的句子改写成“主+谓+宾”结构,达到“现学会用”的目的。最后在课堂完成课本练习,巩固所学知识并及时反馈,帮助学生理解和掌握“主+谓” 、 “主+系动词+表”和“主+谓+宾”三种句子结构。Step 3 Presentation of “S + V+DO+IO” and “S+V+DO+OC”1. Present the sentence structure “S

11、+ V+DO+IO”(1) Show some photos and ask students complete the sentences. (2) Explain the structure of the sentence like “S+V+DO+IO”(3) Give more examples and explanations.2. Present the sentence structure “S+V+DO+OC”(1) Show some photos and ask students complete the sentences. (2) Pratice: Whats the

12、function of the underline words in each sentence ?(3) Explain the structure of the sentence like “S+V+DO+OC”. Give more examples and explanations.3. Read the sentences from Amys diary entries on P86【设计意图】通过看图说话的形式,引导学生表达出“主+谓+直接宾语+间接宾语”和“主+谓+直接宾语+宾语补足语”的句子,并对类似结构进行讲解和操练,帮助学生理解、区别和掌握此类型的句子结构。在课堂完成课本练习,巩固所学知识并及时反馈,帮助学生理解和掌握“主+谓+直接宾语+间接宾语”和“主+谓+直接宾语+宾语补足语 ”的句子结构。V. Homework1. Finish the exercise B on P86.2. Write down some sentences with different structures in your own exercise books.