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牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit3 Reading (II) 教案

1、Unit 3 A day outReading (II)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know how to use some useful expressions;2. use the expressions to talk about trips;3. know tips about going on a trip.II. Teaching contents1.New words and phrases: inviteto, jo

2、in, boring, arrive at/in, be made of, look as great as the one back home, for yourselves2. New structures: Mr. Wu invited me to join their school trip to the World Park.It took us about two hours to get there by bus.All of us couldnt wait to get off the bus.It is made of steel.Go and see for yoursel

3、ves!III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyLearn how to use some useful expressions.Learn to use the expressions to talk about trips.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Decide whether the following statements are true or falseT: In the last period, we learned something about Li

4、ndas trip to the World Park. Here are some descriptions of the school trip. Lets judge whether they are true or false.Linda and Kitty went to the World Park by themselves. Linda did not enjoy the day very much. It took the students half an hour to get to the park.The models in the park are small but

5、 wonderful.The model Eiffel Tower is made of wood.The model Golden Gate Bridge looked just like the real one in the USA. 2. Fill in the blanksT: After the trip, Kitty wrote a diary about it. Lets fill in the missing words.I was very happy that day because my teacher Mr Wu _ my cousin Linda to _ our

6、school trip. At first we felt _ because there was heavy _ on the way. Finally we _the World Park. When we saw the Eiffel Tower, we became _. In the World Park, there are models of over a hundred _ from all over the world. We also saw the song and dance_. We really enjoyed _ on that _day.After our tr

7、ip, Daniel _ the photos on his home page. Lindas parents can see the photos for _.【设计意图】回归文本,巩固课文内容和相关词汇。Step 2 Presentation1. Before the trip: explain “invite sb to do sth” and “invite sb to some place”(1) Introduce the word “invite”T: Lindas trip is very interesting, right? Do you want to know mor

8、e about her trip? Now lets look at the picture and guess what they were doing at the moment. (Kitty was introducing her cousin, Linda to her classmates and Mr Wu.) Then why did Linda go on a trip to the World Park? (Because Mr. Wu invited her to join their school trip.)(2) Explain how to use “invite

9、”T: invite sb to do sth; invite sb to some place. (3) Practise using “invite sb to do sth”Show some pictures and encourage students to make sentences like “Sandy invited me to ride a bike with her yesterday.”2. During the trip: on the way (1) Explain how to use “take”a. Introduce the word “take”.T:

10、Look! They were on the way. What was the weather like? (The sun was shining in a clear blue sky.) How long did the trip take?( The trip took two hours by bus.)b. Explain “It takes sb time to do sth” and “sb spend time doing sth/on sth”. Then correct the mistake in the sentence. (2) Explain “boring”

11、and “bored”a. Introduce “boring” and “bored”.T: Why did the trip take so much time? (Because the World Park was quite far away, and there was a lot of traffic.) What do you think of their trip by bus? (The trip was a little boring.) So what did Linda feel? (She felt bored.)b. Explain “boring” and “b

12、ored”.c. Choose the correct answer.The meeting was very _. He feels _.A. boring, boring B. bored, bored C. boring, bored D. bored, boring (C)3. During the trip: at the gate(1) Explain “arrive at”.a. Introduce “arrive at”.T: Finally, where did they arrive? (They arrived at the gate of the park.) b. E

13、xplain how to use “arrive/in”, “get to” and “reach”.c. Choose the correct answer. (2) Explain “cant wait to do sth”.a. Introduce “cant wait to do sth”.T: What did the students do after the bus stopped? ( They couldnt wait to get off the bus.)b. explain how to use “cant wait to do sth”. c. Make conve

14、rsation with “cant wait to do sth”. A: After school, when I get home, I What about you?B: 4. During the tripinside the park (1) Explain “be made of”, “be made from” and “be made in”.a. introduce the phrases T: Since the models are so wonderful, the students no more felt bored, right? How did they fe

15、el? (Excited.) When did they feel excited? (When they saw the model Eiffel Tower.) Whats it made of? (Its made of steel.) Whats the chair made of ? (Its made of wood.) What are the houses made of? (They are made of stone.)b. Explain “be made of”, “be made from” and “be made in”.c. Pair work:A: What

16、is this? B: It is . A: What is it made ? B: It is made . A: Where is it made? B: Its made in.(2) Explain “one” and “it”.a. Introduce “one”.T: Whats this? (Its the model Golden Gate Bridge.) How did Linda feel when seeing it? (She couldnt believe her eyes.) Why? (Because it looked as great as the one

17、 back home.) b. Explain “one” and “it”. c. Fill in the blanks with “one” and “it”. 5. After the trip(1) Introduce the phrases: explain “for oneself” and “by oneself”T: Lets enjoy some more pictures of their trip. They are on Daniels home page. If you are interested in them, you can go and see for yo

18、urself. Did anybody help Daniel put the photos on his home page? Nobody helped him. He did it by himself. (2) Explain “for oneself” and “by oneself”.【设计意图】利用图片导入问题,引领学生运用本课重点句型回答问题或者描述图片中的情景,过渡到句型学习和操练。Step 3 Practice1. Complete the sentences with proper phrases.2. Complete the conversation with pro

19、per phrases. 【设计意图】在语境中练习本课重点句型,巩固所学知识。Step 4 Consolidation1. RetellAccording to the given phrases, try to retell the whole article.2. Group workGet the students to discuss in groups about the trip. Each group talks about one part of the trip and get them to make an introduction. 【设计意图】让学生从语言点的学习上再次

20、回归文本,使其对文本内容再次整体感知。这时的复述和讨论要求学生由语言知识的输入转化为输出。Step 5 Conclusion1. Why is travelling good for us?(Travelling is not just for fun. It can broaden our horizon and help us know more about nature, history We can know more knowledge)2. If you go on a trip, what should you pay attention to? (Take care of yo

21、ur own things. Have healthy diets. Be polite. Dont drop litter carelessly. Pay attention to your own safety. Dont go out alone.)【设计意图】探讨旅游的意义,拓展学生思维。让学生讨论旅行中的注意事项,使其提高旅游的文明意识和安全意识。V. Homework1. Review the language points we have learned. 2. Write to your close friend to tell him/her about your pleasant trip to a place of interest.