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牛津译林版六年级上英语Unit1 Cartoon time教案

1、Unit 1 The kings new clothesCartoon timeTeaching contents 教学内容Cartoon timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说 each, sentence, quick, next, turn, have to, think, hard。2. 能根据上下文与图片猜测新单词含义。3. 能正确地理解并朗读卡通故事。4. 能表演故事并续编故事。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点

2、:能正确地理解并朗读故事内容,并能表演故事。教学难点:能正确运用过去时态续编故事。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Free talk &Warm-up T: Hello, boys and girls. Do you like reading? I like reading stories or fairy tales. What fairy tales do you know?The kings new clothes, Beauty and Beast, The Ugly Duckling, The hare and the tortoise, T: Can

3、you tell a story and let us guess what story youre talking about.tell a story 讲故事(让学生讲故事,其余人猜故事名)【设计意图:本单元聚集了很多童话故事, 丑小鸭和龟兔赛跑是补充阅读的部分,在这里让学生说一说、练一练,巩固一般过去时态,并检查自学阅读情况。 】Step 2 Presentation1. T: Look! Who are in the picture?(呈现第一幅图)Miss Fox, Bobby, Sam, Billy and WillyT: Where are they?S: Theyre in c

4、lass.T: Theyre playing a game. What are they playing? Lets listen.(听录音回答) They are telling a story.telling a story(练习 telling 的读音)【设计意图:通过观察第一幅图了解故事基本要素:人物、地点;通过听力了解另一项故事基本要素:发生的事情。 】2. T: How to play this game?(出示第二到第五幅图)T: Read the dialogue and look at the pictures. Then find out the sentence abou

5、t how to play this game. (学生快速阅读,找出如何玩这个游戏的句子)Each student says one sentence.T: Can you guess the meaning of this sentence?each 每个,sentence 句子T: Whos the first? S: Miss Fox.T: We can say “Miss Fox starts.”(学生跟读)T: Then whose turn is it?turn 轮到S: Its Sams turn. T: He says the next sentence. the next

6、sentenceS: Then its Willys turn. He says the next sentence.S: Then its Billys turn. He says the next sentence. Finally, its Bobbys turn. He says the next sentence.T: Bobby says the last sentence. Look! Why can we see “” here?S: Hes thinking.T: Hes thinking hard. Do you think hard when you do your ho

7、mework? Do you work hard at school? Thinking hard makes you clever and working hard makes you be a good student.【设计意图:通过图文结合进行阅读解决语篇中的难点“Each student says one sentence.”和 Its XXXs turn.和 the next sentence。 】3. T: Bobby tells a story. Whats the story about? Lets watch the cartoon.(播放卡通)T: Whats the s

8、tory?S: Long long ago, there was a mountain. There was a house on the mountain. An old man and a little boy lived in the house. The old man told the boy a story. Long long ago, there was a mountain.T: Is it the end of the story?S: No.T: They have to start the story again.have to 不得不,必须T: Can you use

9、 “have to” to complete the sentences?T: They have to tell the story from Miss Fox to Bobby again!【设计意图:通过看卡通,了解这些人物说了一个什么故事。由于这个故事与学生听过的“从前有座山,山上有座庙”的故事异曲同工,所以完全可以看完一遍卡通后凭借母语经验试着复述出来,然后引出“They have to start the story again.”】4. T: Lets follow the record. Read and imitate. Pay attention to the tones.

10、(一句一句播放录音,学生跟读,解决 quick 的意思)T: Can you act the story? Be a dubber or be an actor? You can choose one.(准备表演)【设计意图:在朗读中学习 quick 的含义,让学生猜一猜、说一说,然后学生进行表演准备。在表演时难度层层递增,由配音到上台表演,满足各个层次学生的表演需要。 】Step 3 Consolidation and practiceT: The story does not end. It starts again. Now its Miss Foxs turn again. What

11、will she say? What will other people say? Can you imagine?(先设想每个角色说什么,然后进行表演准备工作,最后开始表演和观演) 【设计意图:学生想象那些卡通人物这回会编一个什么样的故事呢?通过课堂中的集思广益,给学生一些思路,然后小组合作讨论,重新编一个新故事,发挥学生的主观能动性与创造力。 】Homework 家庭作业1. 跟录音朗读 Cartoon time,并背诵。2. 抄写新词汇与句子。Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:PPT板书设计: Unit 1 The kings new clothesTellin

12、g a story: Each student says one sentence.Miss Fox Long long ago, there was Sam There was on the Willy An and a lived in Billy told Bobby 说课本课是本单元的第 4 课时,学生对一般过去时态已经比较熟悉了,大部分学生应该能够运用一般过去时态来描述过去发生的事情,而且在前几个课时,学生学习了皇帝的新装和美女与野兽 ,也布置了请学生自读经典故事的作业,所以本课一开始在 Free talk 中就请学生发挥想象来说说自己知道的故事,让其他学生猜猜这是什么故事。有趣的开

13、场让学生不但运用语言描述了故事,更激发了学生的一种人文情感。对于 Cartoon time 的处理是分成了两条线,一条是 Sam 他们如何讲故事的,把流程弄清楚;一条就是故事的内容。在分析文本时,通过看图与听句子,找出关键句 Each student says one sentence.然后看图分析谁先说谁后说,其中的turn 是如何的?在处理那个故事时,让学生看卡通,结合母语经验来复述,解决句子中个别新词汇。在跟读后让学生演一演、练一练,由配音到表演,层层递进,给学生根据自己实际掌握情况来进行反馈的机会。最后,学生进行想象,重新创编故事,先集思广益,然后分组讨论,最后进行表演欣赏,让学生的想象与语言都能得到展现与认可,让他们体验成功的喜悦。特别分享:留给学生更多表演的空间与机会。提供学生多种表演的形式,难度分层,让所有学生参与到语言运用中来。在分配比较难的任务时,给学生一些集体思考的机会以便他们拓宽思路,然后再放手。