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本文(牛津译林版四年级上英语Unit4 Story time教案)为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

牛津译林版四年级上英语Unit4 Story time教案

1、Unit 4 I can play basketballStory timeTeaching contents 教学内容Story timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 学生能够阅读理解故事内容;2. 学生能够在理解的基础上表演故事;3. 学生能够在表演的基础上,适当拓展改编故事为小短剧并进行表演。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 从整体上阅读故事并理解;2. 语音语调正确地朗读对话,表演故事。教学难点:学生能够阅读理解故事内容。Te

2、aching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting &Warm up 1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you tooT: Good. Today Im very happy. Are you happy too?S: Yes. T: Great!2. Play a game (Get to know each other)T: First, lets play a gameListen, read and judge. Look at th

3、e rules. Please say “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah” if you think it is true. Say “No, No, No” if you think it is false. Got it?S: Yes.T: Good. Here we go. Its about me. Ready? Go.I can run. I can sing. I can swim. I can dance. I can fly. I can speak English. I can play basketball. (老师带着学生边说边做动作:run, sing, swim,

4、dance, fly 等。)S: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. / No, No, No.【设计意图:让学生初步感知句型 I can ,带动学生在课堂开始时的学习热情,也为下一步学习进行铺垫】Step 2 PresentationT: Now, you know something about me. I can speak English. I can sing and dance. I can play basketball. Look, this is me. And I am working for the Super Kids Club. You know super kids

5、? Follow me. Super Kids Club.(PPT 出现 Super Kids Club)S: Super Kids Club. T: Im the coach at the Super Kids Club. Would you like to join this Super Kids Club?S: Yes.T: OK, I see you want to be super kids. But first, you need to finish some tasks. Can you play sports? We have Sports time today. Can yo

6、u read? We have Story time today. Can you act? We have Show time today. When you finish Sports time, Story time and Show time, you can be Super kids. Are you ready? (教师带领学生了解本课需要完成的任务,以及完成任务后获得的奖励。)S: Yes.T: OK. First, lets go to Sports time. Before that, this is the slogan of Super Kids Club. Follo

7、w me, I can! I try! Im super!(教师引导学生说出口号,并配上动作 )S: I can! I try! Im super!T: Lets go to Sports time. What sports are we going to play? Take a look.S: Basketball.T: Can you play basketball?(教师拿出小篮球及球框实物,鼓励学生亲自感受投篮乐趣)S1: Yes, I can. T: Show us, please.S1: Look! (学生拿起篮球,对准球框投篮)T: Cool! / Nice! / Great!

8、T: Can you play basketball?S2: No, I cant.T: Its OK. Have a try.T: Cool! / Nice! / Great!【设计意图:任务型教学与学生活动相结合,明确学习目标,同时加以篮球实物,直观教学,鼓励学生在玩中学,激发学习动力与学习兴趣。 】Step 3 Story time1. Sports timea. Ask and answerT: Can you play basketball? S: Yes, I can. /No, I cant.T: Now, I need you to ask and answer in pair

9、s. (两人一组,操练本课句型。)(反馈时,扩大操练密度,让学生拿着篮球,边玩边说句型)【设计意图:引导学生进一步掌握句型】2. Read the story (Story time) a. Look and talk T: OK. Now Im sure you can play basketball. I think we finish Sports time. Lets go to Story time. What story are we going to read? First, there are three boys. Who are they? (PPT 出示课文图片,教师带领

10、学生观察图片并展开讨论)S: Mike, Wang Bing and Liu Tao.T: Where are they?S: They are in the playground.T: What do they want to play?S: They want to play basketball.T: Good! Look at Liu Taos face. What do you think? Try to ask some questions.S1: Can Liu Tao play basketball?T: I wonder so.S2: Can Wang Bing play b

11、asketball?T: Yes, of course.S: Can Mike play basketball?T: I think so.【设计意图:引导学生通过课文图片,发现有用信息,整理课文要素。 】b. Watch and answer T: With these three questions, lets watch a funny cartoon. Here we go. (播放课文动画后核对答案)T: Now can you answer these questions? No.1, Can Wang Bing play basketball?S: Yes, he can. Wa

12、ng Bing can play basketball. (教师板书这个句子)T: No.2, Can Mike play basketball?S: Yes, he can.T: Mike can play basketball. And he can play very well. (板书)Can Liu Tao play basketball?S1 No, he cant.【设计意图:帮助学生整体感知课文。 】c. Watch and chooseT: What do you think? Lets watch again and choose.T: Can Liu Tao play b

13、asketball at first (首先)?S: No, he cant.T: Can Liu Tao play basketball at last (最后)?S: Yes, he can.T: Liu Tao cant play basketball at first. But he can play basketball at last. (板书)Now, you got the main idea of this story. Lets say it together.S: Wang Bing can play basketball. Mike can play basketbal

14、l. And he can play very well.Liu Tao cant play basketball at first. But he can play basketball at last.(通过板书这些句子,帮助学生掌握课文大意)【设计意图:引导学生关注课文中的细节信息。 】d. Listen and repeat (听录音,重复句子后跟读课文,鼓励学生模仿语音语调)【设计意图:通过精读课文句子,模仿语音语调,理解文中人物的心理与情感变化。 】e. Read aloud in roles (三人一组,分角色朗读课文内容)【设计意图:引导学生进一步理解掌握课文中的句子和词汇。

15、】Step 4 Consolidation1. Act the storyT: You really did a good job in this story time. Its Show time for you. Can you act the story? Prepare it into groups of three. Then come to the blackboard and act it out. (教师组织学生三人一组,表演课文。)【设计意图:表演课文是帮助学生复习、巩固课文的最佳方式,学生带着头饰,利用所学,将故事内容进行脱稿表演是对自身能力的又一次提高。 】2. Make

16、 a short play and act it outT: I know you can act the story very well. Now Ill give you a big challenge. Look here. Can you make a short play? This time, you need to work in groups of four. Make a short play with the story. I think one of you can be the narrator, and the other three can be actors. I

17、 also give you some tips. (四人一组,将课文改编成短剧的形式,旁白一人,演员三人,教师给出开头于结尾的提示,以供参考)T: Excellent, boys and girls. Wonderful jobs you did today. I can see you can play, you can read and you can act, Now you are Super kids!S: Yeah!【设计意图:将课文改编成短剧的形式,对学生提出更高要求,期待通过创新、合作,共同将这节课所学内容以自己的方式演绎出来,学生有话可说,有话想说,课堂气氛再次升至高点。

18、】Homework 家庭作业1. Listen and read the story. Try to recite it. 2. Act the story in groups.Teaching aids 教学准备 (含板书设计)教学准备:人物卡片、头饰、篮球、球框、多媒体课件。板书设计: Unit 4 I can play basketball .can play basketball.can play basketball well.cant play basketball at first. can play basketball at last.Wang BingMikeLiu Tao

19、说课一、整体情景创设在进入实际教学流程介绍前,我想先和老师们分享一下我对本节课的一个整体情境的创设Super Kids Club, 超级儿童俱乐部。学生们必须像游戏闯关一样完成三个任务时间段里的任务,即 Sports time, Story time, Show time,才能顺利成为俱乐部会员。二、教学流程与设计意图下面,我们来简要回顾一下实际教学环节中的活动设计:Pre-reading 阅读前在阅读前阶段,我设计了两个层次递进的活动。首先我利用和学生的信息差,设计了 listen and judge 这个游戏,学生通过听音判断了解我作为老师的个人信息,进而得知我是一位超级儿童俱乐部的教练;

20、进而萌发了想成为俱乐部的成员的意愿,之后了解了入选俱乐部的条件,即完成下面三个任务。下面自然进入第一个任务Sports time,在此,我通过自然交流了解到学生是否会打篮球,并安排现场投篮的展示。这样的设计意图着眼点在于:1 创设整体情境;2. 激发兴趣和积极性;3. 导入相关话题sports;4. 渗透句型教学 I can 为后文的学习做好铺垫。While-reading 阅读中阅读前的热身后,我们的学习进入重要的主体部分:阅读中阶段。本阶段中,我设计了以下 5 个前后相连的活动:1. Look and talk 学生看图了解故事背景,并激起对文本的猜测;2. Watch and answe

21、r 学生带着问题和预测观看卡通,了解故事整体信息;3. Watch and choose 了解大意后,学生再次观看卡通,进行细节信息的选择;以上三个设计的核心在于“阅读并理解故事” 。在理解后,为了更有效地加强语言的输入,我又设计了以下两个朗读活动。4. Listen and repeat 听录音跟读,强调模仿,重在培养正确的优美的语音语调;5. Read aloud in roles 分角色朗读,强调理解性整体性朗读,重在培养语感。以上五个个紧密联系的活动设计的目的是有效地进行语言输入。Post-reading 阅读后阅读后阶段,通常我们认为是语言输出阶段。考虑到四年级学生爱表演的年龄特征,所以首先我设计了两个层面的活动:1. Act the story 学生围绕课本表演;2. Make a short play and act it out 学生将课本对话改编成一个有头有尾的小剧本并表演。这样的设计可以巩固对文本的学习也为学生使用目标语进行综合性语言输出创设平台。