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本文(牛津译林版四年级上英语Unit3 Fun time & Cartoon time教案)为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

牛津译林版四年级上英语Unit3 Fun time & Cartoon time教案

1、Unit 3 How many?Fun time & Cartoon timeTeaching contents 教学内容Fun time & Cartoon TimeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说:sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:What do you have? I have . How many do you have? 3. 能正确地理解并朗读卡通内容,在图片和语言提示下表演故事。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日

2、常用语谈论拥有的物品及其数量。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 句型的教学。2. 绘声绘色地表演故事。教学难点:灵活地运用所学句型谈论物品及其数量。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Free talk & Revision1. Listen to the number songT: Hello, boys and girls. Do you like the song? Lets try to sing the song together. OK? (此处教师可以引

3、用网络资源 )S: OK.【设计意图:通过歌曲营造轻松愉悦的课堂气氛,紧扣单元话题复习数词,为后面的教学铺垫。 】T: Wow. Boys and girls, your sing beautifully. And whats the song about? Yes. Its about numbers. Can you say the numbers?T&S: One, two, three . twenty. (简单教学 1620 的英文数字)2. Review Story timeT: Look, there are some children here. Who are they? Y

4、es. They are Yang Ling, Helen, Mike and Liu Tao. They are talking about their toys. What do Mike and Helen have? Do you remember? Now you are Mike or Helen, please tell me what you have and how many? OK. Who wants to be Mike? S1, please.S1: I have thirteen toy cars.T: Is he right? Yes. Mike has thir

5、teen toy cars. What about Helen? Who wants to be Helen? S2, you please.S2: I have fifteen stickers.T: Is she right?S: Yes.Step 2 Do a survey (Fun Time)1. Introduce the flea marketT: Good. Why do Mike and Helen have toys cars and stickers? Because they want to go to an interesting place. Do you want

6、to know the place? Lets have a look. (播放跳蚤市场视频)T: Wow, there are so many people there. What are they doing? They are selling and buying things. Where are they? Are they in the supermarket?S: No.T: Look, they are in a Flea Market. Mike and Helen want to go there too. Would you like to go with them?S:

7、 Yes.2. SummaryT: Me too. And I have something for the market. They are in this bag. Do you want to know what I have? You may ask me like this. (PPT 呈现问答句型)S1: What do you have?T: I have some dolls.S2: How many dolls do you have?T: Look, I have four dolls.T: OK. If you want to know the things I have

8、, you can ask me: What do you have? And I can answer: I have . And if you want to know the amount, you can ask: How many . do you have? Dont forget to use the plural form. T: And I have something else in the bag? Can you ask me together?S: What do you have?T: I have some toy cars.S: How many toy car

9、s do you have?T: Lets count. One, . six. I have six toy cars. 3. Do a surveyT: Now lets finish a table before we go to the flea market. I need four of you to come here and give an example. (学生课前准备一些物品,这时可以带上讲台)T: Hello, S1. What do you have?S1: I have .T: How many . do you have?S1: I have fourT: OK.

10、 So I write four here. And now, you can ask him/her. And I will write down the numbers. (教师带领这几个学生示范,然后限定 2 分钟时间,让学生四人一组讨论并完成表格。最后可以请几组学生作报告)T: Good job. Boys and girls, I know you have so many things. Now, lets go to the flea market. 【设计意图:创设跳蚤市场这一情境,自然完成 Fun time 部分的教学。 】Step 3 Cartoon time1 Lead-

11、inT: Wow, who are they? S: Bobby and Sam.T: Yes. Look. They have two boxes today. What are the things in the boxes? Can you guess?S: Pencils? Rulers? Rubbers?T: Maybe. Lets open them and have a look. What are these?S: Theyre balls.T: Yes. A big ball and some small balls. Sam has a big ball. And Bobb

12、y has some small balls. And what are the small balls?S: Theyre table tennis balls.T: Now, please read after me: table tennis ball. Look. I have a table tennis ball. And I can play table tennis very well. What about you? 2. Watch Cartoon time to get a general ideaT: Now I know many of you can play ta

13、ble tennis. What about Bobby? Can Bobby play table tennis? Lets watch the cartoon. OK? (PPT 播放动画)T: OK. Boys and girls, can Bobby play table tennis? S: No.【设计意图:帮助学生整体感知课文,整理课文要素。 】3. Read Cartoon time for detailsT: Yes. Youre right. But how do you know that? What does Bobby say? Please open your bo

14、oks and turn to page 21. Read the story by yourself and try to find the answer and underline the sentence. T: Have you found the answer? S1: No, but I can do this. 【设计意图:引导学生自读领会课文中关键句,培养学生联系上下文理解的能力和自学能力。 】4. Note the intonationT: Bobby can do this. Can you? S: No. T: I cant do it either. But Bobby

15、 can. So he is proud. Can you read this sentence in a proud way?S1: No, but I can do this.T: Good. Lets listen to Bobby and follow him.S: No, but I can do this.【设计意图:通过精读课文句子,模仿语音语调,理解文中人物的心理与情感变化。 】T: Very good. Bobby can play with so many balls. Do you know how many balls? Lets count together.T&S:

16、 112.T: OK. Lets read the story. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. (提醒学生注意模仿语音语调,这是演绎好 Cartoon time 的关键)Step 4 Consolidation1. Act Cartoon time(师生先示范卡通部分对话,然后让学生自己扮演)【设计意图:表演卡通部分可以帮助学生复习、巩固,学生带着头饰,将卡通板块内容进行脱稿表演是提高学生语言能力和学习兴趣的最佳方式。 】2. At the flea marketT: Wow, boys and girls. Bobby

17、 and Sam are in the flea market. Who is coming?Hello, I am the reporter from Kids-TV. (老师扮演小记者示范)S: Hello. T: Hello, boy. Whats your name?S1: Im T: What do you have for the flea market?S1: I have some balls.T: How many balls do you have?S1: Three.(教师随机与学生用本课句型问答)T: Now, do you want to be a reporter?

18、 Its your turn. Four students a group, one is the reporter. And the others are the sellers. Practice now. T: Which group wants to try? (请几组学生表演)T: At this lesson, youve done a very good job. Big hands for yourselves. 【设计意图:将跳蚤市场的场景贯穿始终,对学生提出更高要求,通过小组合作共同将这节课所学内容以灵活的方式演绎出来,学生有话可说,有话想说,课堂气氛再次升至高点。 】St

19、ep 5 Homework1. Read and act Cartoon time for your parents.2. Talk with your friends, classmates or family members about their things.Teaching aids 教学准备 (含板书设计)教学准备:人物卡片和头饰、袋子、洋娃娃、乒乓球等物品、多媒体课件。板书设计: Unit 3 How many?说课在本节课的导入环节,以数字相关歌曲活跃课堂气氛,唤起学生与本课学习内容相关的旧知。通过对歌词内容的复述,自然新授 1620 的英文数字。再由复习课文,引出本节课创设的

20、“跳蚤市场”这一情境。学生通过观看视频,了解什么是“跳蚤市场” ,教师 Fun time 中的物品,呈现调查所需要用的句型,同时带领学生再一次巩固句型的使用。小组合作,完成 Fun time 的调查任务,学生之间互助学习,共同进步。在卡通板块的学习过程中,依然借助“跳蚤市场”这一情境,引出新词table tennis。教师以 play table tennis,引起学生的兴趣,再请学生通过看动画了解Sam能否 play table tennis,理解故事大意并回答该问题。在朗读的训练中,教师要注意指导学生使用正确的语音和语调,并能够揣测说话人的语气与心情,为接下来的表演环节打好语言基础。巩固环节,设计了记者调查访问“跳蚤市场”这一活动。这一设计综合运用了本课的语言知识,训练了学生听说的能力,并重点解决本课的教学难点。这一环节的教学过程中,教师要给予学生充分的时间和及时的指导。What do you have?I have How many . do you have? I have 16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty