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牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit2 Task 教案

1、Unit 2 TravellingTask I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. organize their ideas by using fact files; 2. write about their holidays.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: delicious, seafood, airport, relative, leave for, the next day,

2、 on the third day, the best part of the day 2. New structures: It took us to fly to I love watching the interesting On the third day, we visited We enjoyed this trip very much.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyDevelop students writing ability.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead

3、-inT: Do you still remember Kittys trip to Hong Kong? Lets have a look at her album. She went to Disneyland on the second day. What other places did she visit? 【设计意图:通过 Kitty 的相册,帮助学生回忆她的香港之旅,并发现更多信息。 】Step 2 Pre-writing1. Read Kittys fact fileT:Kitty plans to write about her trip to Hong Kong. She

4、organized her ideas by using a fact file. First she wrote down the main points. Then she wrote down the details. Look at her fact file.2. Complete Kittys article3. Structure of Kittys articleT: Lets read Kittys article and work out its structure. Underline key words and topic sentences because they

5、can be helpful. (1) Para. 1Introduction: when, where and who(2) Para. 2Para. 5Main body: whatthe places to go, the activities to do and the food to eat(3) Para. 6. Conclusion: howfeelings【设计意图:梳理范文,通过搜索关键词、主题句及细节内容确认段落大意及段落构成,帮助学生加深对范文的理解,了解范文结构。】4. Useful expressionsT: Read the article again and ci

6、rcle useful expressions. You can use the expressions in your own articles.【设计意图:充分利用教材,赏析范文的遣词造句,帮助学生收集后续写作所需的词汇和句型。】5. How to writeT: Lets write our own article. First of all, choose a holiday. Then think of when, where, who and how (the way of transportation). Now write an introduction about our t

7、rip to Suzhou.T: Now well move to the main body. What can we learn from Kittys article? (1) Think about three or four main points. (2) Write one or two sentences to support each point. (3) Organize the ideas in time order. (4) Use the simple past tense. (5) Use adjectives and adverbs to make your ar

8、ticle more interesting.Its time for practice. Think about main points and details. We can write three paragraphs about the trip to Nanjing. And remember to organize the ideas in proper order.T: Lets come to the last part, conclusion. We should write about the feelings in this part. Try to write a co

9、nclusion about your trip to Hainan Island.【设计意图:本部分是本节写作课教学的重、难点之一。通过对教材范文三个部分的详细分析,帮助学生拓展思维,理清思路,了解每个部分的写作侧重点和写作方法。每个部分的练习都是按照先收集要点和细节,后落笔成文的顺序来设计。多个针对性小练习,紧扣本课的中心任务,充分挖掘教材自身素材,提供了四种不同类型的旅游信息,包括爬山、观海、参观博物馆和欣赏园林。练习开阔了学生的写作视角,为后面的写作提供了素材和范例,为整体写作铺设了台阶,降低了写作难度。】6. Write good sentences(1) Complete sent

10、encesT: A complete sentence has a subject, has a verb and states a complete thought. We visited some museums.They were great fun.T: Look at the screen. How can we build a house? We should join subject bricks and verb bricks together to build a wall. 【设计意图:在平时的写作中,学生常常忽略句子的完整性,本环节通过强化指导,帮助学生纠正和巩固句式表达

11、。】(2) Different expressionsT: When we write, we can use different ways to express our thoughts and opinions. Please rewrite the two sentences. 【设计意图:通过训练多样的句式表达,提高学生遣词造句的能力。】Step 3 While-writing1. Enjoy a video and have a discussionT: Work in groups of three and discuss your holidays. Write down the

12、 information on when, where, who, what and how. 2. Make the fact fileT: Make your own fact file and share it with your partner.3. Write the first draftT: Write your first draft now. Remember your article should have a complete structure, clear and effective information and good sentences. You can us

13、e the outline on the screen as a model. 【设计意图:让学生按照所教导的步骤独立完成初稿,实现写作任务的整体输出。】Step 4 Post-writing1. ReviseT: Its important to make some revisions after you finish your draft. (1) We can move sentences or paragraphs to the right place, cut out unnecessary details and add new materials. Try to revise y

14、our writing by yourself.(2) Read your article carefully and look for mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization.【设计意图:通过修改示范初稿,指导学生不断改善自己的习作。】2. Rewrite【设计意图:通过示范写作,让学生完整感受应如何完成一篇文章,将过程取向写作教学模式和本课写作内容进行有机结合。不同的写作步骤各有侧重,层次清晰,环环相扣,很好实现了从输入到输出的跨越。】3. AssessT: Work in pairs and assess

15、 your partners article according to the assessment table. 【设计意图:设计量化评价表,让学生在多层评价中进一步发现问题,并享受成功,本环节可为提高学生的写作能力起到积极的推动作用。】5. SummaryT: Im sure now you have a better understanding about how to write about your holidays. Lets review what we have learnt in this class.【设计意图:课堂总结,巩固已学知识。】V. Homework1. Talk about your holidays with your friends.2. Choose one of your holidays. Make a fact file and write another article.