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牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit7 Reading (I) 教案

1、Unit 7 International charities Reading (I)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. get a general idea of ORBIS.2. introduce ORBIS and how it works to others.3. know what they can do to help ORBIS. II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: i

2、nterviewer, blindness, medical, patient, afford, proud, reader, medicine, develop, treat, go to hospital, on board, carry on 2. New structures: The plane is also used as a training centre.Many of our patients cant afford to go to hospital.Im proud to help people see again and improve their skills.II

3、I. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyRetell the interview to others.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Pre-reading1. Look and sayT: Look at these logos of charities. Do you know the name of each logo?2. Ask and answerT: This is the logo of ORBIS. What does the logo look like? Why is the

4、re a plane in the logo? Why is it a special plane?【设计意图:从前一节课学习过的慈善标志入手,引出奥比斯。接着通过一系列关于图标的问题让学生对奥比斯有个大概的了解,同时也为接下来的学习做了铺垫。 】Step 2 While-reading1. Skimming(1) Read and answer.T: Look at the picture. Who is he? (Dr Ma). He is an ORBIS doctor. Look at this man. He is interviewing Dr Ma. He is an inter

5、viewer. Please read the interview quickly and find how many questions the interviewer asks.(2) Read and divide.T: Read the interview quickly and divide it into 4 parts. Tell me the main idea of each part.2. Scanning(1) Read the first part (Lines 16) T: What does the word “blindness” mean? How many p

6、eople are blind or have other eye problems? Can they be prevented or cured? Where are most of them from?(2) Read the second part (Lines 715)Introduce “Flying Eye Hospital” by asking “what does ORBIS use to visit poor areas?”.Let the students read and find the answer to the question why the plane is

7、used as an operation room and a training centre.Ask the students to retell the work of ORBIS.Answer the questions: Why is there a plane in the logo? Why is it a special plane?(3) Read the third part (Lines 1620)Read the interviewers question and Dr Mas answer to know the number 150.Read this part an

8、d fill the blanks with adjectives. Dr Ma is very _. Dr Mas work is very _. Dr Ma feels very _ of his work.(4) Read the fourth part (Lines 2126)Why can most eye problems and diseases be treated and cured?What is needed to carry on with ORBIS?What does Dr Ma hope?3. Read the interview loudlyLet the st

9、udents read the interview together and then in roles. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 【设计意图:根据本课是采访的特点,让学生快速浏览全文,找出采访者问的问题,在这些问题的提示下快速阅读,对文章进行分段,概括段落大意。接下来进行分段阅读。利用找关键词及问题引导等形式带领学生细读课文,帮助他们更深层次地理解课文。在理解的基础上让学生大声朗读和分角色朗读,可帮助他们更好地领悟文章的意义。 】Step 3 Post-reading1. Fill in the blanks2.

10、Have an interviewT: Work in pairs and talk about how ORBIS works. Suppose one is an interviewer, and the other is an ORBIS doctor, a local doctor or a patient.3. Have a discussion T: Work in groups of four and talk about what we can do to support ORBIS. The following suggestions may help you. (1) In

11、troduce ORBIS to more people. (2) Tell people that it is important to take good care of eyes.(3) Donate more money to ORBIS.4. SummaryGive a helping hand. Many hands make light work.【设计意图:提供一篇根据课文内容改编过的缺词填空,让学生口头完成,便于教师对学生学习情况的了解。接下来的采访环节可以了解学生对课文各个部分细节的掌握程度。最后的讨论可以发散学生的思维,让学生知道如何从自身做起。 】V. Homework1. Read the interview three times after the tape.2. Try to retell the interview.3. Finish B2 on Page 96.